Stay/get back in shape...Vol: Motivation

Originally Posted by ItsGettinHot

Originally Posted by StephonUrkel

i think sum ppl n this thread are concentrating too heavily on their diet....

its obviously very important, most important when it comes to toning up your body but if ur still 20-30% body fat and only hittin the gym 2-3 days a week u might as well be enjoying urself with respect to the foods u enjoy... no use counting calories/protein/fat intake if ur not gunna make a 100% commitment

jus my 2 cents, we all have dif body types and metabolisms so every case is different, find what works for you... even the best advice may not be ideal for ur particular body
You're saying that half
ing your workout and commiting to your diet < half
ing your workout AND diet?

Can't say I agree with you there.

if you're obese.
Originally Posted by DaBuddhaWitJays

I'm getting my gym membership in a few days. ( If anyone is wondering, Costco is selling 2-year prepaid membership for 300, which is fairly cheap considering most people are paying 30+ a month, the deal expires next month)

I'm new to this, so anyone know where I how set-up a workout routine to follow? perhaps?

I'm close to 160, at 5'9". Goals are to lose a bit of weight, and gain muscle. Mostly build muscle though. But I don't want to be huge, just "defined".

Any help is appreciated!
This is the routine that I am currently doing:

I am mid way through my first cycle and am liking the results, I did tweak it a little though I lift heavy on M and F
no im saying half @** eating + good working out is alot more beneficial and alot easier than contriving some crazy diet and then not really working out hard...

for me anyway... i <3 good food... im 6'0 194 with about 7-8% body fat... ive found if i jus dont drink soda and eat ice cream i can eat most everythingelse i want in a given moment
at y'all eating tuna without mayo.
at the thought of that. My mom had some some really healthy mayonaise that had like fish oil and omega 3 in it,need to ask her where she copped it. I usually just put some mayo in the tuna can and eat it, but lately i've been eating tuna, mayo, and honey mustard, ona toasted wheat bagle with a slice of cheese on it. That is
Originally Posted by TrueshotAura

Originally Posted by ItsGettinHot

Originally Posted by StephonUrkel

i think sum ppl n this thread are concentrating too heavily on their diet....

its obviously very important, most important when it comes to toning up your body but if ur still 20-30% body fat and only hittin the gym 2-3 days a week u might as well be enjoying urself with respect to the foods u enjoy... no use counting calories/protein/fat intake if ur not gunna make a 100% commitment

jus my 2 cents, we all have dif body types and metabolisms so every case is different, find what works for you... even the best advice may not be ideal for ur particular body
You're saying that half
ing your workout and commiting to your diet < half
ing your workout AND diet?

Can't say I agree with you there.

if you're obese.
I would have to disagree with you sir, I am not obese (weighed 146/147) and when I started training to gain muscle I did not care about nutritionand saw little to no results. Since I started monitoring nutrition I have witnessed increases in weight and strength.
Originally Posted by picknroll24

Originally Posted by TrueshotAura

Originally Posted by ItsGettinHot

Originally Posted by StephonUrkel

i think sum ppl n this thread are concentrating too heavily on their diet....

its obviously very important, most important when it comes to toning up your body but if ur still 20-30% body fat and only hittin the gym 2-3 days a week u might as well be enjoying urself with respect to the foods u enjoy... no use counting calories/protein/fat intake if ur not gunna make a 100% commitment

jus my 2 cents, we all have dif body types and metabolisms so every case is different, find what works for you... even the best advice may not be ideal for ur particular body
You're saying that half
ing your workout and commiting to your diet < half
ing your workout AND diet?

Can't say I agree with you there.

if you're obese.
I would have to disagree with you sir, I am not obese (weighed 146/147) and when I started training to gain muscle I did not care about nutrition and saw little to no results. Since I started monitoring nutrition I have witnessed increases in weight and strength.
u prolly jus had a really unhealthy diet to begin with low n protein
and you guys shouldn't go out and start eating like 20 cans of tuna a day. You have to gradually eat it so your body can get accustomed to it.. I'm onmy phone so I cant post the actual article but google tuna and mercury levels. The article is on
Originally Posted by Yan Can Cook

how much is everyones protein intake?
About 130-150g more or less. I'm 151 lbs.

Your eating habit is the most important part, no way around it. There's no way around it.
do you guys take in the same amount of carbs on your rest days as workout days?

and lets say you eat outside your diet when will you start seeing the results..... immediately afterward or a day later
Originally Posted by StephonUrkel

i think sum ppl n this thread are concentrating too heavily on their diet....

its obviously very important, most important when it comes to toning up your body but if ur still 20-30% body fat and only hittin the gym 2-3 days a week u might as well be enjoying urself with respect to the foods u enjoy... no use counting calories/protein/fat intake if ur not gunna make a 100% commitment

jus my 2 cents, we all have dif body types and metabolisms so every case is different, find what works for you... even the best advice may not be ideal for ur particular body

people don't focus enough on diet

do you really need to eat fried foods, red meat, etc.?

have some respect for your body.
How many minutes of cardio is recommended for someone trying to slim down? How much should I do in a week.
I usually do 20 minutes of cardio, 20 minutes of elliptical and 10 minutes on the bike (resting)
My goal is trying to cut at least 15 pounds by August.
Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

Originally Posted by StephonUrkel

i think sum ppl n this thread are concentrating too heavily on their diet....

its obviously very important, most important when it comes to toning up your body but if ur still 20-30% body fat and only hittin the gym 2-3 days a week u might as well be enjoying urself with respect to the foods u enjoy... no use counting calories/protein/fat intake if ur not gunna make a 100% commitment

jus my 2 cents, we all have dif body types and metabolisms so every case is different, find what works for you... even the best advice may not be ideal for ur particular body

people don't focus enough on diet

do you really need to eat fried foods, red meat, etc.?

have some respect for your body.

I do... whats a life without steak? theres a fine line between healthy eating and eating for physical prowess... balanced diets > protein loaded super dietsto get u lookin like randy orton...

yes i have some unwanted fat/ mass on my body but its not like u cant still achieve close to the same results eating whatever the hell u want...

edit: sry for obnoxious photo but dont have too many pics w/o a shirt on
Originally Posted by StephonUrkel

Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

Originally Posted by StephonUrkel

i think sum ppl n this thread are concentrating too heavily on their diet....

its obviously very important, most important when it comes to toning up your body but if ur still 20-30% body fat and only hittin the gym 2-3 days a week u might as well be enjoying urself with respect to the foods u enjoy... no use counting calories/protein/fat intake if ur not gunna make a 100% commitment

jus my 2 cents, we all have dif body types and metabolisms so every case is different, find what works for you... even the best advice may not be ideal for ur particular body

people don't focus enough on diet

do you really need to eat fried foods, red meat, etc.?

have some respect for your body.

I do... whats a life without steak? theres a fine line between healthy eating and eating for physical prowess... balanced diets > protein loaded super diets to get u lookin like randy orton...

yes i have some unwanted fat/ mass on my body but its not like u cant still achieve close to the same results eating whatever the hell u want...

edit: sry for obnoxious photo but dont have too many pics w/o a shirt on
true, but i'm speaking as much from a health standpoint as i am from a muscle-building one.

lean cuts of beef will get you a ton of protein, but they are bad for your overall health in a number of ways.
Originally Posted by Da Infamous Jay

How many minutes of cardio is recommended for someone trying to slim down? How much should I do in a week.
I usually do 20 minutes of cardio, 20 minutes of elliptical and 10 minutes on the bike (resting)
My goal is trying to cut at least 15 pounds by August.
Minutes don't really matter, the part that matter is the intensity. IE running for 30 mins vs. walking for an hour. Keep in mind that 3,500cals is needed to burn 1 lb of fat off and go from there.

I'm not sure how hard you go on the elip and bike, but using my speeds as an example, I burn off about 400 cals combining both...I do 15 mins on the bikeand 30 mins on the elip. And this is pretty weak because I can do 500 cals on the treadmill in 30 mins flat. Which brings me back to the first part ofintensity...30 mins on the treadmill for 500 cals vs. 45 mins of elip/bike for 400 cals...more time is needed and less cals burned.

K2 pointed out a great point of eyeballing proportion. I can do it pretty well now, but for those who are trying to cut and is starting out..this may beuseful.



Originally Posted by MF Doomer


how much you weigh? that's a lot of protein there.
I'm 205 pounds.

I'm naturally the fatter bodytype (I forget the name, mesomorph I think), so my body is really sensitive to carbs. I try to keep carbs as controlled aspossible while still keeping calories right where I need them without adding too much unnecessary fat. Besides, a good 100 grams comes from shakes and whatnotso it doesn't feel like i'm consuming THAT much protein.
Originally Posted by MILLION DOLLAR STACKS

yall finna make me try to get big i'm 5'10 170

All talk

Just got back from the super market. Gotta order my stack tonight
for now I'll have to mix up calisthenics with cables/machines along with cardio butthat should fit the bill for now. What constitutes a balanced breakfast for a weight lifter? I know your body is starving when you wake up..carbs,protein..fiber and other minerals as well?
I bought a bunch of low fat yogart, grits, eggs(scrambled?), and I have whole wheat bread and fruit here as well.
Originally Posted by sloanboy

do you guys take in the same amount of carbs on your rest days as workout days?

and lets say you eat outside your diet when will you start seeing the results..... immediately afterward or a day later
Not really. Generally, my rule for my body is if I'm not going to use it... don't eat it.

The exception is when I'm feeling extra tired or what they call "flat" at the gym.

I mentioned that I'm very aware of my carb intake, and take as little as possible to fuel daily activities and workouts. This is the idea, but there aredays where my body feels "flat" This has everything to do with the glycogen stores in your muscles and are the result of a lack of carbs in yoursystem. Whenever I feel like this, I'd be sure load up (responsibly) on carbs that day, to ensure a proper pump the next workout session. That way Iwon't feel flat and sapped of energy when working out.
Originally Posted by StephonUrkel

Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

Originally Posted by StephonUrkel

i think sum ppl n this thread are concentrating too heavily on their diet....

its obviously very important, most important when it comes to toning up your body but if ur still 20-30% body fat and only hittin the gym 2-3 days a week u might as well be enjoying urself with respect to the foods u enjoy... no use counting calories/protein/fat intake if ur not gunna make a 100% commitment

jus my 2 cents, we all have dif body types and metabolisms so every case is different, find what works for you... even the best advice may not be ideal for ur particular body

people don't focus enough on diet

do you really need to eat fried foods, red meat, etc.?

have some respect for your body.

I do... whats a life without steak? theres a fine line between healthy eating and eating for physical prowess... balanced diets > protein loaded super diets to get u lookin like randy orton...

yes i have some unwanted fat/ mass on my body but its not like u cant still achieve close to the same results eating whatever the hell u want...

edit: sry for obnoxious photo but dont have too many pics w/o a shirt on

You are NOT 6'0 194 with 7-8% body fat. 194 my %@%.

A decent workout plan + good eating habits > Good workouts + bad eating.
Originally Posted by Durden7

You are NOT 6'0 194 with 7-8% body fat. 194 my %@%.

A decent workout plan + good eating habits > Good workouts + bad eating.

how u gunna tell me what i weigh fam? ill b back with tagged pics onthe scale....

EDIT: my apologies... 192 today after only having a 3 egg omlette ALL day
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