Stay/get back in shape...Vol: Motivation

Boba is horrible for you, calorie wise. Go look it up. I cut down on that stuff, I'll have a milk tea or Thai iced tea every now and then, but not on theregular like before.
I'll get it w/o the boba then.
Probably make it icee or regular teatype of drink. I have to get calamari though.
Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

for bi's i think straight bar curls
I do this, but i do negative. I have another person help me get it up, usually 10lbs more than what i can lift on my own. Negative rocks!
i need help...

i was on a pretty good exercise plan losing good weight steadily, but i dislocated my knee and now im ganing like CRAZY how can i lose it again.
Originally Posted by 2o6

i need help...

i was on a pretty good exercise plan losing good weight steadily, but i dislocated my knee and now im ganing like CRAZY how can i lose it again.

Originally Posted by StephonUrkel

Originally Posted by 2o6

i need help...

i was on a pretty good exercise plan losing good weight steadily, but i dislocated my knee and now im ganing like CRAZY how can i lose it again.


theres a pool at my school... any specific swims to help?

anything else that isnt hard on the knees?
Of course, I'm not trying to resemble Arnold circa the 70's, but I like what I got.

Well, this is me last year.

Took a quick iphone shot few days ago. Some days I feel I am more defined and some days I feel ugh.

I would do hundreds of crunches when I was younger. I need to relearn that habit.
I'm pretty happy with my strength, though I'll admit I think I hit a plateau.
Still, somedays my pump looks pretty nice.
just got back in from the gym... after taking 2 weeks off it felt as though i havent been in the gym in years.

worked on the shoulders, back, abs, cardio (running, bicycle, and eliptical). feel good but i know tomorrow i will feel the pain

Oh and Tuna with honey mustard (or mayo) on wheat bread with a banana

Dont forget Water or if you not feeling water buy those Crystal Light Singles and mix it in the Water (no sugar, calories, and tastes
Originally Posted by 2o6

Originally Posted by StephonUrkel

Originally Posted by 2o6

i need help...

i was on a pretty good exercise plan losing good weight steadily, but i dislocated my knee and now im ganing like CRAZY how can i lose it again.


theres a pool at my school... any specific swims to help?

anything else that isnt hard on the knees?
theres a miriad of things u can do, but it all depends on how far along ur knee is... the breast stroke is good for, u guessed it ur chest

normal laps r an excellent way to burn calories fast (freestyle that is)

but if ur knee is immobile try getting ur feet on the side out of the water and mock back stroking
Originally Posted by keepzdasneakz

I'll get it w/o the boba then.
Probably make it icee or regular tea type of drink. I have to get calamari though.
I love calamari and I'll admit it...I haven't ate it since I started working out last August.
Just don't make it a habit. Anormal meal once in a while won't hurt you as long as you exercise on the regular.
I did back/shoulders tonight, being that I only have access to cables I think I was able to make it work, what do you think?

I did 4x10 each, partial reps till failure on the last set.

Seated Cable Rows: Main - Middle Back
Other - Biceps, Lower Back, Lats

Upright Cable Row : Main - Traps
Other - Shoulders

Straight-Arm Pulldown: Main - Lats
Other - None

Front Cable Raise: Main - Shoulders
Other - None

Seated One-arm Cable Pulley Rows: Main - Lats
Other - Middle Back, Traps

I should take a picture of my apartment gym, its pitiful.
I should take a picture of my apartment gym, its pitiful.
Most of them are. My old apartment had 5 treadmills and a multi station for lifting. 4 of the threadmills don't work and several of thecables on the multi station were broken.
Is that in the running an apartment complex for dummies book? That's exactly what I have lol. Granted, the station is actually in great shape.
Anything good for Delts?I feel like my routine is well starting to be too mundane, any thoughts. I usually do dumbell press,arnold press,upright row,lateralraise, and front raise.
I need a good protein

since there are so many to choose from...... Im just going to pick the one suggested the most
Originally Posted by wj4

I should take a picture of my apartment gym, its pitiful.
Most of them are. My old apartment had 5 treadmills and a multi station for lifting. 4 of the threadmills don't work and several of the cables on the multi station were broken.

Lol my apt. gym sucks too the treadmill feels like its goin too fall apart when you run
Originally Posted by AirPhilippines

Anything good for Delts?I feel like my routine is well starting to be too mundane, any thoughts. I usually do dumbell press,arnold press,upright row,lateral raise, and front raise.

stop that. your shoulders will thank you in 20 yrs.

also i like to do barbell military press at the beginning of my lift. also behind-the-neck military.
upright rows place way too much stress on your shoulders and are bound to cause damage in the long run. DO NOT do them. seriously.

"As you raise the bar off the floor up to chest level you are abducting the shoulder, which in and of itself is just fine. By maintaining a closed gripwith palms (and thumbs) facing you, you have created internal shoulder rotation. As the bar is raised your shoulders are abducted and internally rotated, andthat is a pinching combination.

Defenders of the Upright Row will report that they have been doing this exercise for months or years and have never injured themselves while doing it. It isimportant to understand that rotator cuff injuries are most often cumulative; they happen over time with repetition. As the soft tissue structures within theshoulder are pinched, they become chronically inflamed. Thus one can do a contraindicated exercise and not feel pain immediately afterward. Therefore it issometimes difficult to associate the injury with the exercise that may have been the cause. That is why I recommend that you drop the Upright Row from yourprogram."
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