Stay/get back in shape...Vol: Motivation

Originally Posted by Al Audi

Originally Posted by MR MONDAY NIIGHT

Failed the drug test for my 2nd job

Now i have more time to hit the gym
c'mon man

let the gym be your anti-drug
trees > gym

however ive found the more i work out the less i smoke, and were talkin drastically... maybe smoking was jus sumthing i did when bored and now working out hasfilled that void? i must say i do feel exponetially better these last few weeks... workin out all week, ocassional session on the weekend FTW
Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by Al Audi

Originally Posted by Shaky3

How many reps do you guys mean when you say less reps? 8? 6?

Music definitely helps while working out btw.

depends on the weight

"imma shoot for _____ on this one"

heard it today in the gym...when i was spotting somebody


as joe cam said if your going REAL heavy

lets try for 3......

Yeah, the problem with 3 reps is that it doesnt really promote muscle mass. Its more of a strength building rep scheme.

Rarely do I go below 4.
that's what i was talking about tho.....strength building.

8-12 is more mass building

46 pages
Originally Posted by jthagreat

Compound Exercise Overload
i think ima try this within the next couple of days. 20 second rests for 45 mins is gonna be killer tho...

another question. Through looking at pics (and tryin to find the answer myself) it appears that the traps extend down some to what I consider the upper part of the back, correct? Outside of shrugs what else do yall do? When i originally was workin the muscle (or the part of the back i was intending on working) i did upright rows. I hate upright rows cause for whatever reason i always got pain in my wrists (also just read Camel say its no good for the shoulders)So what excercises do yall do for them outside of shrugs?

I hear deadlifts and rack pulls help build trap mass, not sure though since mine are never sore after doing them

shrugs work fine for me though, ive never had a problem building up my traps. try going heavy, use straps if you need em.
Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by Al Audi

Originally Posted by Shaky3

How many reps do you guys mean when you say less reps? 8? 6?

Music definitely helps while working out btw.

depends on the weight

"imma shoot for _____ on this one"

heard it today in the gym...when i was spotting somebody


as joe cam said if your going REAL heavy

lets try for 3......

Yeah, the problem with 3 reps is that it doesnt really promote muscle mass. Its more of a strength building rep scheme.

Rarely do I go below 4.
that's what i was talking about tho.....strength building.

8-12 is more mass building

46 pages

Oh alright, I misunderstood. I thought you were talking about mass building.

Agreed though.
sounds like macro ratios to you get 40% of your calories from X, 40% from Y, and 20% from Z.

X Y & Z are protein, carbs, and fat, in no particular order.
Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

Originally Posted by jthagreat

Compound Exercise Overload
i think ima try this within the next couple of days. 20 second rests for 45 mins is gonna be killer tho...

another question. Through looking at pics (and tryin to find the answer myself) it appears that the traps extend down some to what I consider the upper part of the back, correct? Outside of shrugs what else do yall do? When i originally was workin the muscle (or the part of the back i was intending on working) i did upright rows. I hate upright rows cause for whatever reason i always got pain in my wrists (also just read Camel say its no good for the shoulders)So what excercises do yall do for them outside of shrugs?
I hear deadlifts and rack pulls help build trap mass, not sure though since mine are never sore after doing them

shrugs work fine for me though, ive never had a problem building up my traps. try going heavy, use straps if you need em.

not sure what rack pulls are (will look it up hear in a sec) but im stayin away from deadlifts due to a knee injury (i know that was a huge debate earlier)

Ill keep doin shrugs, i gues i did realize that was an exercise for that part of my back (traps)

but gotcha.
Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

sounds like macro ratios to you get 40% of your calories from X, 40% from Y, and 20% from Z.

X Y & Z are protein, carbs, and fat, in no particular order.

Yeah, thats what it is.

40/40/20 is normally carbs,protein, then fat. Theres very few people who benefit from a different order
Originally Posted by richKarlmarx

how on EARTH did this get to 46 pages??
People want to get healthy

Usually how long do you guys feel the soreness after an intense exercise? I can still feel
some aches in my biceps and back from saturday.
When I was doing it for a long time I actually didn't feel too bad the next day usually but now im just starting back up i get sore as hell for severaldays.
i like squats best, its works alot of important muscles.

people bench to sound hardcore, they dont know the positive to squating
Originally Posted by Mangudai954

When I was doing it for a long time I actually didn't feel too bad the next day usually but now im just starting back up i get sore as hell for several days.

your muscles are getting use to the workout you need to switch it up. of course when you stopped your muscles would get sore like you just started doing shouldnt have the same work out pattern for more then 3weeks, look online for better workouts
Squats are cool... after you do them.

Bending down with all that weight is so stupid to me... im like %$ am i doing right now?!


My favorite is back day.... rows, pullups/downs... are great.
i go with my friend it helps. once your there its easy and when you see other bigger/fitter people at the gym you get motivated
These 2 summer school classes have been killing me..
Haven't beento the gym in a good 5-6 days.. I feel like such a lard asss.

My roommate just copped that pull up bar that you hang on the top of door frames.. Hopefully I can put it to some use.
Originally Posted by lilpro4u

My roommate just copped that pull up bar that you hang on the top of door frames.. Hopefully I can put it to some use.
I'd definitely recommend it. There's nothing like being able to finally do a series of pull-ups without cheating.
I just started incorporating a fitness ball in my routine, and man, it makes the workout so much tougher.

Has anybody read, The New Rules of Lifting?
went way hard on the bench today... i realized today that theres no reason i shouldnt look like LL or King Leonidus... i mean prior to like 3 weeks ago i hadntbeen doin ****ttttttt n im still way more swoll than alotta dudes who been goin to the gym religiously for sum time... put up 225 6 times... jus hopped out theshower n i feel like ironman or some *%++ hahah im officially addicted... cant wait for it to be 2maro... back day, its my favorite cuz its one area of my bodythat doesnt naturally look like what i want it to... i can actually see the v forming by the day(s)...

/end blog
anybody take gaspari size on or superpump250?

i've been hearing good things...

i use to take no-explode...but i cant anymore...

anybody ??

i think im gonna try them...
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