Stay/get back in shape...Vol: Motivation

wowwww.... jus looked at the transformation thread on the bodybuilding board... its official... time to go hard... complacency FTL

ive been blessed with great genetics that allow for me to look ripped without working out, but when i work out for even a lil (2 months) or so i get swollquickkk
damn dude your homeboys looks like douchebags

may i ask you how tall you are though? its for comparing purposes
Originally Posted by StephonUrkel

ive been blessed with great genetics that allow for me to look ripped without working out, but when i work out for even a lil (2 months) or so i get swoll quickkk

same here..
Maybe the only good thing to come out of losing the girl of my dreams is I may be in the best shape of my life
Hey, you're supposed to play video games AFTER your workout, that's your reward.

Whenever I need a little motivation, I just watch the two training montages from Rocky IV. Works every time.
Worked out on Sunday, dont think I stretched enough or maybe my muscles are just that sore. I really gotta get some weights somehow.

Let keep this thread going
after checking out that thread its official, i'm def back in the weight room...i lifted yestrday but ima stick w/ it and continue lifting.....I have realgood genetics so my shape is good and def want it back to how it was 05-06...
if you have trouble getting yourself to the gym, get with a buddy. it helps when you train with somebody else. plus you dont want to leave your friend hanging,so you'll be more inclined to go.

for me, the gym is automatic now. part of my daily routine, and it really bugs me when i can't go.
how can you guys seriously play xbox all day, i understand for a couple hours but damn, one bad game of COD4 and im done for atleast 3 hours
no lie I was in the army for 4 years and never got in shape got fatter while I was there. You hear about how people in the military drink alcohol like wateryea that was me. I lost 30 pounds in the last 3 months. You can get laid no matter what you look like in military towns just by being in the military. When Imoved back to new york wasnt as easy. So eya girls is the biggest motivation ever
Originally Posted by Rompe Toto

no lie I was in the army for 4 years and never got in shape got fatter while I was there. You hear about how people in the military drink alcohol like water yea that was me. I lost 30 pounds in the last 3 months. You can get laid no matter what you look like in military towns just by being in the military. When I moved back to new york wasnt as easy. So eya girls is the biggest motivation ever
ive heard many stories

seems to be true.
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