Stay/get back in shape...Vol: Motivation

Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

The fat to fit/frail to fit PYP on can help motivate you.
I really really really need to get on point with my diet though
man i just looked at the frail to fit PYP and
, wow that wasall the motivation i need
Yep lmao, wj4 is right though. You dunno how hard that was for me, imma big dude. Iceman I don't have updated pics right now. I can't front on theMay/June right now the diet is real good but I'm liftin for mass. I'm always tryna be as massive an cut as possible. Wj4 I don'tremember my exact body fat at the time but it was single digit. Thing I hate about cutting is I felt so skinny but when the shirt was off I was like :smile:. Somelike the underwear model look an some like the Hulk lookn I'm just tryna find that good in between while keeping it natural.
i actually just started goin about 2 weeks ago and i def feel a change in energy. i feel more motivated to go and keep workin out. the hardest part is takinthat first step and makin it thru the first week. and if your committed enough you will continue to go
the hardest workouts are the first 3 if you havent done anything for awhile. Start with some cardio to get your body used to exercise again and after thosefirst 3 add light weight training. If you can do 3 workouts, you can do it regularly. Telling yourself to just start with 3 little workouts makes getting inshape less daunting.
couple reasons i lift :

1. its healthy
2. for me its all about getting the 'perfect body' . for different people it means different things , but for me i have a certain body type im tryingto reach and until i reach it (will never actually happen , since no one ever views themselves as perfect) i wont stop . i even have someone in particularwho's body type i aspire to become and use him for motivation
3. the reason i want the perfect body is partly for athletic reasons (i love playing sports) but mostly for women . for me , i realized a long time ago that interms of physical attraction , there are so few things that attract women to us physically that us as men are in COMPLETE CONTROL of (hygiene , body type ,style of dress , etc etc) why the hell wouldnt you put the work in to manipulate and shape these few qualities as to attract the most amount and the bestquality of women ?
4. getting your body in shape = more confidence , period

like al audi said (i believe ?) it becomes addicting when you can see results in the mirror . it makes you wanna put the work in that much more . one otherthing i can compare it to (for the black ppl in this thread
) is the first time you start getting waves . when you first start out and are brushing for madlong and dont yet see results u can start to get a lil discouraged , but maaan once u get that cut and you first start to see the 360s coming in , you startgoing like a MADMAN with the brush in front of the mirror
Go the gym a few times and you won't stop. Just make sure to eat proper.

BTW do you guys drink protein shakes on off days? I'm trying to bulk up, and I don't know how I can fit these calories in.
Originally Posted by Shaky3

Go the gym a few times and you won't stop. Just make sure to eat proper.

BTW do you guys drink protein shakes on off days? I'm trying to bulk up, and I don't know how I can fit these calories in.
I drink regular muscle milk when I hit up the gym and muscle milk light when I have a day off from working out. Your muscles are still recoveringand you need that protein to rebuild em.
Originally Posted by Shaky3

Go the gym a few times and you won't stop. Just make sure to eat proper.

BTW do you guys drink protein shakes on off days? I'm trying to bulk up, and I don't know how I can fit these calories in.
I drink whey protein every day, the first thing I do right after I wake up.
I thought muscle milk was one of the worst protein shakes to drink because of their sugar content??? Could be wrong though.
i'm using females as my inspiration
.....i still pull 'em but when i was in shape it was so much easier....cause i had the chest and arms theyliked lol...
Originally Posted by LifeLessons

i'm using females as my inspiration
.....i still pull 'em but when i was in shape it was so much easier....cause i had the chest and arms they liked lol...

word, chicks used to "inadvertently" try to touch mychest/#*#/junk.
Originally Posted by vrp32tl

I thought muscle milk was one of the worst protein shakes to drink because of their sugar content??? Could be wrong though.
It has a catchy name. I guess it's cool for some super lightweight dude trying to gain weight. I looked at the stats and it's around 300cals per a small amount of protein. They sell a big bucket at the gym for $20. Quality stuff costs more than that.
Originally Posted by wj4

Originally Posted by vrp32tl

I thought muscle milk was one of the worst protein shakes to drink because of their sugar content??? Could be wrong though.
It has a catchy name. I guess it's cool for some super lightweight dude trying to gain weight. I looked at the stats and it's around 300 cals per a small amount of protein. They sell a big bucket at the gym for $20. Quality stuff costs more than that.

Yeah, that's what I thought. Muscle Milk has a high calorie count and lots of sugar compared to something like a Gold Standard Whey Protein.

I think the biggest thing folks need to understand is its not going to happen over night. Some people completely change their shopping list and throweverything out, which to me is crazy. Especially if you've never dieted or have eatin healthy in the past. This is too much of a change for some people andthey automatically get turned off by it. You have to start off slow with the eating habits. Just try eating 5 - 7 small meals first. Once you get that down youcan start looking at what foods are better to eat during your snack times.
Yea man I can't find dedication to save my life

Does anyone know where I can find that cream you put on your body and it makes you sweat like crazy?
Me I have no choice but to go
Those mother %+#%*** at LA fitness take almost $200 out of my account every month, best believe I'm going to be there
My Saturday night, never lifting while intoxicated again, first time in 4months and the armscan't be any more sore/swole.....I'm getting big in the waist, time to get my 300 daily abs in
lmao. Worst form ever from both of yall, but props for getting 30 reps. How much weight was that anyway? Looked like 50lbs, but I wasn't sure.
Originally Posted by PanaRicanRetro

lmao. Worst form ever from both of yall, but props for getting 30 reps. How much weight was that anyway? Looked like 50lbs, but I wasn't sure.
Lol, both are me.....and yep, when you lift too much, that will occur....I rememberthem saying something like 80lbs + the bar.....but that doesn't even look like I said, I was smashed off that wray and neph
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