Stay/get back in shape...Vol: Motivation

Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by Chicagos Finest 23

Never said what a real weight lifitng routine is

You saying weight lifting> cardio

Show me proof that you burn more fat weight lifting than running/swimming.

Weight lifting is not the best fat burner.

That's why I said focus on cardio.

Once he looses the fat and is ready to bulk(Gain healthy weigh/muscle mass) he can focus on a real weight lifting routine.

In terms of his goals and what he wants to achieve, he will get to them much faster with a greater focus on resistance training than he will with aerobic activiy.

I need to show you proof that weight lifting will burn more fat?? Resistance training will keep your metabolism raised for at least 24 hours post exercise while aerobic activity is constrained to raising the metabolism during the amount of time youre aerobically active.

i did nothing but cardio the first few months i was in the gym, lost some weight, sure, but once i started lifting, it flew off me.

definitely raises your metabolism, i remember a trainer even telling me that you'll burn fat in your sleep if you lift regularly.
Originally Posted by krazy88s

Someone set this straight for me. (I know its repititive). In order to lose weight I have to burn more calories than I consume. I eat about 2,000 cals a day, so I have to burn about 2,500 cals? I ask because IMO burning that much cals is hard for me (I do eat right). But I just dont have the time to workout that long. Is there another way around it?

Calculate your BMR, that is how much calories you burn even if you stay in bed the whole day. Most people should be burning on average 1800-2000 calories a daywithout doing anything.
So eating less than 2000 calories will make you lose weight eventually. Include some exercises that burns calories to help out. 3500 calories equals 1 pound soyou can count from there. .
Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by jphonix

Originally Posted by Durden7

Training the body parts once a week wont cut it if the goal is to lose weight.

yes it will...

i lost 60+ pounds that way. at least half of that weight i didn't even do cardio to lose it (without counting some of the lifting as cardio, which it can be). just worked out different body parts once a week and had a decent diet.

i just do legs on mondays, chest on tuesdays, and then back, shoulders, and arms whatever days during the rest of the week.

worked for me.
So youre claiming that simply doing one body part a day was the contributing factor to your weight loss? No, It didnt.

ANY excercise for an untrained individual with the addition of changes in eating habits will produce weight loss. Try losing 20 or 60 lbs now with that same setup.
well, i got a trainer to help me learn the ropes of lifting. he emphasized 2 things, doing each body part once a week, and not sleeping on doinglegs (so now i do legs every monday and just get it out the way, it's funny, these HUGE dudes at my gym with twig legs)...

my trainer was big, and cut up (used to be mammothly fat), and he only worked out each body part once a week. but he focused on that body part and KILLED iteach time. and that's what i do, i go super hard on each body part once a week. sometimes i'm in the gym 2 - 3 hours.

i'm not claiming to be an expert, or claiming to be right even, but i know plenty of super fit people who only work out each body part once a week. i losta ton of weight doing that myself.

i think i am about to to start doing a total upper body workout on sundays tho, instead of just doing cardio. like, 2 exercises for each body part, just toround off everything.
Originally Posted by TD The God

I remember someone posting someone who wrapped their stomach in saran wrap in order to lose some water weight around their mid section.....due to my laziness, I need to lose some quick....I have 10 days to do it in....someone help.....I'm also in the gym everyday
yo this is just for cutting weight for wrestling and#+$#, its not gonna make you any leaner just make you weigh less while you are dehydrated.

i dont know how much weight you can lose in 19 days but just cut to like 2500 calories a day and do some hard lifting.

also carb cycling is good, im finally cutting and i just started it a few days ago.
Originally Posted by jphonix

Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by jphonix

Originally Posted by Durden7

Training the body parts once a week wont cut it if the goal is to lose weight.

yes it will...

i lost 60+ pounds that way. at least half of that weight i didn't even do cardio to lose it (without counting some of the lifting as cardio, which it can be). just worked out different body parts once a week and had a decent diet.

i just do legs on mondays, chest on tuesdays, and then back, shoulders, and arms whatever days during the rest of the week.

worked for me.
So youre claiming that simply doing one body part a day was the contributing factor to your weight loss? No, It didnt.

ANY excercise for an untrained individual with the addition of changes in eating habits will produce weight loss. Try losing 20 or 60 lbs now with that same setup.
well, i got a trainer to help me learn the ropes of lifting. he emphasized 2 things, doing each body part once a week, and not sleeping on doing legs (so now i do legs every monday and just get it out the way, it's funny, these HUGE dudes at my gym with twig legs)...

my trainer was big, and cut up (used to be mammothly fat), and he only worked out each body part once a week. but he focused on that body part and KILLED it each time. and that's what i do, i go super hard on each body part once a week. sometimes i'm in the gym 2 - 3 hours.

i'm not claiming to be an expert, or claiming to be right even, but i know plenty of super fit people who only work out each body part once a week. i lost a ton of weight doing that myself.

i think i am about to to start doing a total upper body workout on sundays tho, instead of just doing cardio. like, 2 exercises for each body part, just to round off everything.

Im not saying its wrong to do each body part once a week, because it isnt but there are other more effecient ways to work out.

A week between body parts is a lot. Youll certainly be rest by then, but youll also be rested days before that 7th day.

The problem with one body part per day is that at some point in your workout youre getting diminishing returns. After an hour of lifting one bodypart, yourenot overloading the muscles anymore and simply not helping produce any more mass.
I took a nice long gaze in the mirror today before I left for the gym.

You'd be amazed what changing your diet will do when you're trying to shed that last layer on top of the stomach.

Diet > Crunches

Disclaimer: this doesn't mean you can start skipping abs
This past year ive been hitting the gym (mainly cardio) and keeping super active (hoops, ultimate fris, soccer) and I used to fluctuate from 185-190 pounds atthe start of the 08-09 school year. In addition to this I changed my diet up so it was all organic foods that i cooked, no soda (for almost 2 years), and NOfast food (once in a while id treat myself) and i saw results. In addition i also bought a iron gym for just when im bored around the crib ill work on it a bitand thats about it...

Now i'm at 160-165 so i lost a good 20 lbs and i feel lean but i have a good amount of fat on me since i DONT lift regularly. I'm thinking about gettina personal trainer so i can find a good routine at the gym but what do you guys think of just doing pushups and using the irongym daily since I don'tregularly visit the gym to workout. I really want to workout my upper body since i have slight man boobs...

thanks fellas
Now i'm at 160-165 so i lost a good 20 lbs and i feel lean but i have a good amount of fat on me since i DONT lift regularly. I'm thinking about gettin a personal trainer so i can find a good routine at the gym but what do you guys think of just doing pushups and using the irongym daily since I don't regularly visit the gym to workout. I really want to workout my upper body since i have slight man boobs...
Ask your gym for a certified personal trainer so you don't get sucked into training with someone who JUST started and may or may not know whatthey're doing. You want a referral from someone in the gym who's either seen the trainer in action or has trained with that trainer themselves. Irecommend hiring a trainer, even if it's just for like 4 or 5 sessions to learn some basic exercises and how to build around them.
Whats the deal with cereal - is it ok for the diet concious?

Im getting sick of oats and egg whites.. my cereal has around 27g carbs and 11.5g protein per cup with milk.
Originally Posted by I3

Whats the deal with cereal - is it ok for the diet concious?

Im getting sick of oats and egg whites.. my cereal has around 27g carbs and 11.5g protein per cup with milk.
I consider myself to be quite a conscious eater and I eat a bowl of cereal daily. Not the 'good' stuff too, 'good' meaninghealthy, lol. I like Cookie Crisp and such. I use it with skim milk, can't be more than 300 cals for the bowl. Coupled with a banana and a scoop of wheyprotein, it should still be below the 500 cal mark.
If you want a different variety Whole Foods has some great stuff. Albeit, some of it is expensive but other stuff cost as much as the "generic"versions but no preservatives or may use whole wheat instead etc.
Originally Posted by I3

Whats the deal with cereal - is it ok for the diet concious?

Im getting sick of oats and egg whites.. my cereal has around 27g carbs and 11.5g protein per cup with milk.

get some brown rice or something though. whole, low GI grains are good.
oh you didn't say anything bout breakfast.

i usually eat 5 or so eggs + 2/3 cup steel cut oats + a small amount of lean non-red meat or fish.

are you trying to gain, lose, or maintain weight?
Havent eaten fastfood, red meat, pork or even had a sip of soda for 3 years now. Im in ok shape. Played sports my entire life, football, baseball andbasketball nightly.

And tomorrow I start p90x. Cannot wait.
Originally Posted by tml09

Originally Posted by SNEAKERKING757

Can anyone recommend me a good tasting protein bar?

I just want something with a good amount of protein that I won't have to force down.


It sticks to your teeth though, and be sure to wear an apron when you eat it

It's a little heavy on the sat fat though, but it tastes amazing. Not really an everyday bar, but it tastes the best.

I remember hearing that those tasted great somewhere. I think I'll give them a try.

Thanks to everyone that made suggestions.
Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

oh you didn't say anything bout breakfast.

i usually eat 5 or so eggs + 2/3 cup steel cut oats + a small amount of lean non-red meat or fish.

are you trying to gain, lose, or maintain weight?

You always have such insight on everything in this thread

Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

oh you didn't say anything bout breakfast.

i usually eat 5 or so eggs + 2/3 cup steel cut oats + a small amount of lean non-red meat or fish.

are you trying to gain, lose, or maintain weight?

Yeah sorry.. I was meaning breakfast.

Im trying to maintain/gain a little weight while shedding some bodyfat (currently 14%). Im getting sick of oats and egg whites.. and decided to go back to mybeautiful cereal.. (muesli or kelloggs nutrigrain) but they are packed with carbs..

Also im struggling to fill up my calorie quota (1800-2400)

1 cup oatmeal + milk + banana

Protein shake (postworkout)

6 eggwhites + 1oz cheddar cheese (sometimes add tuna)
or can Tuna

Beef Jerky
Fruit (P90x diet makes for 1 piece of fruit per day lol.. thats tough)

Chicken breast or grilled fish
1 cup vegetables
no brown rice?

Protein shake

Have you any tips where I can afford to eat more? I want to eat more, but more proper foods. Im trying to go 50% protein, 30% carbs, 20% fats according tothe P90x diet.
i was at 189 in the beginning of spring semester. and because of just being single, i needed a change. i play college tennis, but i had a really bad eatingdiet and never lifted weights. i slimmed down to 175, and added a lot more muscle. i was working out basically around 5-6 times a week and doing cardio and absabout 3-4 of those days.

now durin the summer my workout regime really slowed down, as now i go around 2 times a week. i actually lost weight and im around 170 because im still eatingrather healthy. however im not playin tennis so iono how my abs are still decent. i still feel lean and my muscles havent shrunk too much but i do feelskinnier.

how long does it take for ur muscles to lose it shape if u stop working out? not that i plan on stopping but im just trying to keep things in perspetive.
Is it better to go to sleep hungry with stomach growling or drink a quick 1 scoop protein shake (water) ?
I'm trying to loose weight btw.
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