Stay/get back in shape...Vol: Motivation

Originally Posted by I3

Originally Posted by wj4

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by djkaos23

.i need a run down of good carbs vs bad carbs. anyone can help
Look into complex carbs as Wj4 said and also low glycemic carbs.
Those are the only carbs that you should be consuming.

The only time to consume simple/high glycemic carbs is right after training to (more) quickly replenish your sugar levels.
To make it a bit more simpler. Simple carbs come from fruits and milk. I personally like cold slices of watermelon after I work out. I's quite refreshing. Complex carbs are whole grain bread, rice, pasta, and I believe some veggies too.

Man, size 28 jeans..that's hardcore. I'm at a weird stage, between 30 and 31...SMH. Nothing fits right off the shelf.

Ive been consuming the bulk of my complex carbs pre/post workout primarily for energy. Then the latter half of the day veges and fruits take over. If your on a low-carb diet, its good to increase your protein and fats. Typical day for me would be around 2000ish cals 45p/30p/25f - trying to increase my fats though.

Complex carbs should be around 55-60% if you're training seriously/heavy.
Originally Posted by donfratrachelli

ANybody seen that Beachbody Insanity program? It's by that guy Sean T who does the Hip Hop Booty Dance Workout or whatever and he's a total douche, but it looks legit. Some of the movements in the preview, I've never seen anywhere else.

good looks, i like what i see

im gonna check this out

yes Sean T is a cornball but i actually have Hip Hop Abs also i talked about it somewhere in this thread. Its legit, i copped it for xmas for moms. Tried itout one day an i was impressed.

Again yes he is Corny though.

EDIT: wow this thing is 10 DVDs...................its like Sean Ts version of P90

ill wait till this hits ebay or other sites
Originally Posted by Al Audi

Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

i almost wanna do some low-risk cycle like some test or something.....supposed to make you feel great, as opposed to nearly all PH's which kill libido, give you mood swings, make you depressed, acne everywhere, etc.

needles i dunno

exactly how ive felt for a while


This is just my personal opinion but taking AAS strictly for looks is beyond stupid. They weren't created to aid in the looks dept. in the first place.
Virtually everybody can "look good" with enough effort in the gym.

I completely understand cases where people take them for performance/livelihood reasons or when they've really hit a plateau due to age.

I may consider taking certain substances when I'm 30+ but I may not give that much of a @#*! by then.
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by Al Audi

Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

i almost wanna do some low-risk cycle like some test or something.....supposed to make you feel great, as opposed to nearly all PH's which kill libido, give you mood swings, make you depressed, acne everywhere, etc.

needles i dunno

exactly how ive felt for a while


This is just my personal opinion but taking AAS strictly for looks is beyond stupid. They weren't created to aid in the looks dept. in the first place.
Virtually everybody can "look good" with enough effort in the gym.

I completely understand cases where people take them for performance/livelihood reasons or when they've really hit a plateau due to age.

I may consider taking certain substances when I'm 30+ but I may not give that much of a @#*! by then.
no wawa i agree with you

reason i asked IICE does he have his pro card/tryna get his pro card

its not for me......what joe was sayin as i took it was basicaly a light cycle if that even makes sense.....ya know up ya gains get ya dry cut/mass real quickbut

ive seen myself when i had my diet really on point an training too. so at times ive been like damn......if i look like this now......what if i just....ya knowwhat i mean? but yea i agree

to each their own.
I may consider taking certain substances when I'm 30+ but I may not give that much of a @#*! by then.
for real though if im all settled down w/family when i'm 30 so be it

but i can't see myself ever letting myself go even a little

i have too much pride or whatever else it is.....i don't wanna look like !!$% just because i'm married.
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by I3

Originally Posted by wj4

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by djkaos23

.i need a run down of good carbs vs bad carbs. anyone can help
Look into complex carbs as Wj4 said and also low glycemic carbs.
Those are the only carbs that you should be consuming.

The only time to consume simple/high glycemic carbs is right after training to (more) quickly replenish your sugar levels.
To make it a bit more simpler. Simple carbs come from fruits and milk. I personally like cold slices of watermelon after I work out. I's quite refreshing. Complex carbs are whole grain bread, rice, pasta, and I believe some veggies too.

Man, size 28 jeans..that's hardcore. I'm at a weird stage, between 30 and 31...SMH. Nothing fits right off the shelf.

Ive been consuming the bulk of my complex carbs pre/post workout primarily for energy. Then the latter half of the day veges and fruits take over. If your on a low-carb diet, its good to increase your protein and fats. Typical day for me would be around 2000ish cals 45p/30p/25f - trying to increase my fats though.

Complex carbs should be around 55-60% if you're training seriously/heavy.
Ok i get that but here's my dilemma or another part to the question. Well i'll give you a run down of what I consume.

Breakfast - Total Cereal or Special K cereal with non fat milk OR Oatmeal with some egg whites.
1st Snack - Fruit (apple, banana, peach, etc) 1 slice of whole wheat bread with P'nut Butter, Water
Lunch - Salmon or Grilled Chik, or Grilled Pork Chop with Veggies or a Salad. Water
2nd Snack - 25-30 almonds (i do count them), nonfat yoplait yogurt. Water
Dinner - Same as lunch but i switch it up and try it different ways fro example i'll make salmon tacos, or agrilled chik wrap w/ whole wheat tortilla
Bed Snack - Casein shake ( sometimes with fruit added).

When im sticking to my correct eating this is what I consume on a daily basis. I need to get my water intake up some. I try to drink green tea at least 3x aweek minimum. Now is there anything im missing or should switch up or add??? Now i do also have days where I'm running late for work or just lazy that Idont take a lunch to work. I usually fill those lunches in with the Turkey sand from subway. No cheese, very very light mayo, mustard and veggies to fill outthe sand. Oh and only a 6inch. I marinate my meats (chik, salmon, pork) aday before i cook it to add flavor and it all gets grilled or baked. I admit somenights ill just make me a turkey sand for dinner.

I dont have a pre workout meal because I go straight to them gym when I wake up before work. I used to drink a protein shake right out of the bed before thegym but I stopped because I was feeling bloated and slowed down. Should I go back to having it before the workout or just after??
Originally Posted by Al Audi

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by Al Audi

Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

i almost wanna do some low-risk cycle like some test or something.....supposed to make you feel great, as opposed to nearly all PH's which kill libido, give you mood swings, make you depressed, acne everywhere, etc.

needles i dunno

exactly how ive felt for a while


This is just my personal opinion but taking AAS strictly for looks is beyond stupid. They weren't created to aid in the looks dept. in the first place.
Virtually everybody can "look good" with enough effort in the gym.

I completely understand cases where people take them for performance/livelihood reasons or when they've really hit a plateau due to age.

I may consider taking certain substances when I'm 30+ but I may not give that much of a @#*! by then.
no wawa i agree with you

reason i asked IICE does he have his pro card/tryna get his pro card

its not for me......what joe was sayin as i took it was basicaly a light cycle if that even makes sense.....ya know up ya gains get ya dry cut/mass real quick but

ive seen myself when i had my diet really on point an training too. so at times ive been like damn......if i look like this now......what if i just....ya know what i mean? but yea i agree

to each their own.
I may consider taking certain substances when I'm 30+ but I may not give that much of a @#*! by then.

Trying to get a pro card in BB'ing kind of necessitates taking steroids. Part of the game.
Although, in recent years all of the distended stomachs from HGH even forced the ruling body to enact penalties because it was starting to get out of hand.

It is a personal decision and I don't have anything inherently against AAS/HGH use but as I see it;
reaching/being near your natural potential +AAS/HGH makes more sense then just using AAS/HGH as a shortcut.

for real though if im all settled down w/family when i'm 30 so be it

but i can't see myself ever letting myself go even a little

i have too much pride or whatever else it is.....i don't wanna look like !!$% just because i'm married.

Yeh. I agree.

I didn't mean that I wouldn't want to be in shape.
I can just see myself not training in the same way if I have bigger priorities or just decide that I don't need to train strictly for strentgh anymore.
If I change to training just to be in shape then I don't see the need for AAS/HGH really.

In the end taking AAS strictly for looks ( where it's not your livelihood) is just a pissing contest with other dudes.
The big secret (that most girls/women don't know) is that most dudes rather get compliments on their training from other dudes than from women whodon't know the diff. between a barbell and a dumbbell.
It sounds ayo, but it's true.
Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

for real though if im all settled down w/family when i'm 30 so be it

but i can't see myself ever letting myself go even a little

i have too much pride or whatever else it is.....i don't wanna look like !!$% just because i'm married.
of course

its a if you continue to live like this youll look way better than other people as you age/people you knew growin up/girls our age nowlookin at ya still when your 10 years older from this current age

Trying to get a pro card in BB'ing kind of necessitates taking steroids. Part of the game.
no doubt

there is a natural circuit also, an i def respect that scene.
Originally Posted by Al Audi

Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

for real though if im all settled down w/family when i'm 30 so be it

but i can't see myself ever letting myself go even a little

i have too much pride or whatever else it is.....i don't wanna look like !!$% just because i'm married.
of course

its a if you continue to live like this youll look way better than other people as you age/people you knew growin up/girls our age now lookin at ya still when your 10 years older from this current age

Trying to get a pro card in BB'ing kind of necessitates taking steroids. Part of the game.
no doubt

there is a natural circuit also, an i def respect that scene.

yeah exactly

fitness wasn't even a mainstream thing until like the 80s

so most dudes who are middle-aged/older look like *+#! bcause they probably never stepped foot in a gym before and probably haven;t been doing any physicalactivity since HS sports.

if you stay active/working out you look soo much better it's not even funny

this guy is 64:


girls too

this lady is 86:

most 86 yr old women look like this

Yo, do you guys ever plateau from doing the same routine? If so, how did you change that?

And for the dudes who are in the single digit body fat %, how long did it take for you to get there. I've been stuck at the 11-12% zone for a good minutenow, SMH. I'm hoping this new HIIT helps out a bit.
gents all you gotta do is Cardio for 20 mins or more a day

Lift and do excersizes with different parts of your body 5 times a week.
lmao yea man

they are not their biological ages maybe 10 years+ younger in reality

many benefits

i wont lie though i do not wanna live to be 100 yrs old, if im a really healthy at 80+ im gonna start doing drugs an eating w/e i want doing w/e i want.
Originally Posted by wj4

Yo, do you guys ever plateau from doing the same routine? If so, how did you change that?

And for the dudes who are in the single digit body fat %, how long did it take for you to get there. I've been stuck at the 11-12% zone for a good minute now, SMH. I'm hoping this new HIIT helps out a bit.

of course

i believe in tricking your muscles, you always gotta change up routine to see gains man................

These are some of the workout variables you need to change;

Numbers of sets and reps of exercises

The order in what you do your exercises

Exercise Grouping. (super-setting, circuit training, tri-sets, etc.)

Type of exercise: (multi-joint or single joint, free-weight or machine based)

Number of exercises per workout

The amount of resistance used

The time under tension

The base of stability (standing, seated, on stability ball, one-legged, etc.)

Range of motion

Repetition speed

Rest periods between sets

The volume of work (sets x reps x distance moved)

Exercise angle (inclined, flat, declined, bent over, upright, etc)

Training duration per workout

Training frequency per week, etc

wj4 as far as bodyfat.........youre really dedicated an look how far youve come already, trust youre gonna get there it takes time......everybody is differentbut if your not cheating yourself youll get there
^Yeah, man. I donno what happened to me, but I became obsess with fitness. In a way, it saved me a lot of $$ since I stopped drinking alcohol now and don'teat out as much anymore. I decided to do HIIT every other day and elliptical in between. This will be a change of the 4 mile/30 min run I used to do daily.I'm really digging HIIT, the sprint part just stick out your chest and run like a pitbull is chasing you.

I didn't know changing the weight and reps can help trick the muscle groups. I will give it a shot. I already do try to maximize what the gym has to offerand not do the same exercise every time I want to work out that muscle group. I read that a workout is only effective for around 8 weeks and then you willplateau. I mark my calendar on when I start on a new machine or station and try to rotate after 2 months.
One of the most frustrating things a bodybuilder can encounter is hitting the wall at a plateau. A plateau refers to a point where you seem to stop growing,and your strength seems to stop increasing. It seems that you can train as hard as you like and your body doesn't seem to react like it used to, yourmuscles aren't breaking down after workout and you are recovering before your even hurt. Here we will explore this mysterious 'plateau' and look atsome ways to overcome the inevitable condition.

A plateau is usually caused by the body becoming too accustomed to the kind of work it is being asked to do. As you should know, the reason muscles grow andexpand is because they are forced to perform tasks that are outside their capability and so a message is sent that they need to be larger and stronger to copewith being asked to perform such workloads.

You will usually find a plateau to occur when:

1. Your training program has remained the same for too long. This includes the same exercises, the same number of sets and reps, and the same rest periods. Thebody becomes accustomed to being challenged in exactly the same way and despite your efforts, requires no extra growth to handle that challenge.

2. Your eating has remained the same. Just like your training, you will notice you can reach a point in your diet where your body becomes accustomed to takingin a larger amount of food. Even though you still eat alot, you won't continue to grow unless you are challenging your body by taking in more and raisingthe bar again.

So how can you beat the notorious plateau? Let's take a look.

The obvious answer is that beating plateaus comes down to changing things up. Changing the way you eat and changing the way you train. Here are some ideas:

Do your whole workout backwards.
Whatever you normally do at the gym do it in reverse. If you used to train back and biceps together starting with back first, hit your bi's first and seehow different it is. If you used to train concentration curls then preacher curls, reverse the order. Change the number of reps, throw on an extra two ordecrease by two and go for full power. Anything to shock your muscles into growing again.

Depending on what your goals are alter your diet to shock your digestive system too. Maybe try to take in the same amount of calories from different foods orjust go for a super overhaul and add an extra few thousand calories per day. There is no doubt your body will respond.

There are certain supplement, mainly very new in nature that can actually assist an athlete to break physical barriers in the last few reps of your workouts,taking the body to places it has never been and in the process smashing through plateus very effectively. An example of one such supplement is the new Gakic,which works to remove fatigue toxins from the bloodstream during high intensity exercise and allows the trainer to push past the point of usual failure.

Whichever method you use, remember the idea is to instigate CHANGE. The moment you notice your growth stop, change things up. It's one of the big secretsto supercharged and continual growth.
Originally Posted by wj4

^Yeah, man. I donno what happened to me, but I became obsess with fitness. In a way, it saved me a lot of $$ since I stopped drinking alcohol now and don't eat out as much anymore. I decided to do HIIT every other day and elliptical in between. This will be a change of the 4 mile/30 min run I used to do daily. I'm really digging HIIT, the sprint part just stick out your chest and run like a pitbull is chasing you.

I didn't know changing the weight and reps can help trick the muscle groups. I will give it a shot. I already do try to maximize what the gym has to offer and not do the same exercise every time I want to work out that muscle group. I read that a workout is only effective for around 8 weeks and then you will plateau. I mark my calendar on when I start on a new machine or station and try to rotate after 2 months.
8 weeks is usually the end of a exercise program or cycle

4-8 weeks ill usually change things up

chest is perfect example i see people do the samething week in week out..........bench, incline etc same order smh

then cats look at me funny like he doing light weight dumbbells with high reps on a physio ball? (stability ball dumbbell press)

yes i am its not easy either.

illl post this up again i did so many pages back, wj4 take a look for some ideas

man you can get real creative in the gym trust me an they have benefits for your end in mind. wide grip bench, close grip, cables, machine.......i do it allman.

this is what keeps fitness exciting period
yo joe cam, it seems you have some groupies now. you need a new name. something that strikes fear in the hearts of people everywhere. i know, Killa Cam(el)
Originally Posted by Al Audi

lmao yea man

they are not their biological ages maybe 10 years+ younger in reality

many benefits

i wont lie though i do not wanna live to be 100 yrs old, if im a really healthy at 80+ im gonna start doing drugs an eating w/e i want doing w/e i want.
I can't imagine being alive 80 years from now... Technology would be
by then.

Anyway, this was my upper body workout today, let me know if I can improve it for next week:

-Cable Flyes 3 sets of 12
-Incline / Flat bench press 3 sets (10, 8, 6)
-Dips 3 sets of 12 (NW, 10 lb dumbbell, 20 lb dumbbell)
-Seated Cable Rows 3 sets (12, 10,

-Preacher Curls 3 sets (10, 8, 6)
-Standing Military Press 3 sets (10, 8, 6)
-Lat Pull 3 Sets of 10
-Hammer Curls 3 Sets (15, 12, 10)
Depending on what your goals are alter your diet to shock your digestive system too. Maybe try to take in the same amount of calories from different foods or just go for a super overhaul and add an extra few thousand calories per day. There is no doubt your body will respond.
Do you think my 2 weeks of eating 'not so healthy' while on vacation was enough to shock the system? My cooking skills are limited toturkey and chicken (and whatever else fits on the George Foreman Grill).

On the 2nd part of that where they said to add a few extra thousand calories per day...that would just basically be bulking up, no?

Appreciate the help, man. I'm going to start a journal tomorrow, things are getting all mixed up in my head now.
And I do agree, adapting is whatmakes it fun. I never thought I'd get this into it, but little by little I started reading tips and such to maximize the workouts.
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Complex carbs should be around 55-60% if you're training seriously/heavy.
Just nervous about the weight gain.. I know its a myth, but its subconcious - someone reassure me!

I try to do a cheap carb cycle, on workout days I eat more carbs than off/easy days.
What is all this steroid talk in here..... I dont even take roids.

L2L.....interesting Heath article. As much as we think we know, theres always a better way to do something. Ive changed my traning alot in the past years,switching
things up, trying new methods.

I think we should kill the JUICE talk. Lets get the thread back on track
Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

i have too much pride or whatever else it is.....i don't wanna look like !!$% just because i'm married.
Thats what got me bigger lol.....I wasnt skinny but I wasnt "manly" until I started being fed. Once I started eating food I blew up andthats dispite of my training.
I put on more fat than I ever had in my life but it was worth it.
I'm back to my old weight. Currently disgusted and ashamed at myself. I had lost 60lbs 3 years ago and I manged to gain it all back.
. Screw that,there's weights in my basement and I'm definitely hitting the gym for some cardio in the colder months.
Ran 100m today and I wont even tell you the time

School starts next week and I hope I will stay going to the gym even though some days might be long.
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