Stay/get back in shape...Vol: Motivation

Overall that was my favorite till I started doing DL

nah just playing...

Don't know whether its cause im 6'4 or cause im just bein a ({}) but i struggle with them 2 big time
I mean i still do it, but i hate them bastards

still...feels good sometimes when your legs are smoked
Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Originally Posted by richKarlmarx

how on EARTH did this get to 46 pages??
People want to get healthy

Usually how long do you guys feel the soreness after an intense exercise? I can still feel
some aches in my biceps and back from saturday.
i felt this way back when i first started working out
I could of sworn i saw a link but I can't find it.

Basically just looking for a link for a good beginners workout plan for 3 maybe 4 days. I'm joining a gym this week, and will be going with a friend to getback in the swing and he'll be helping me out as well. Only thing is he goes 5 days a week(and splits up each muscle daily), and in the 1st 3-4 weeks or soI would like to go with him, but with my work schedule I could only pull 3 days to join him. I'm trying to combine muscle groups in the beginning until Ifeel comfortable going myself. 1st focus is to lose weight but try and gain muscle during the process. Besides working this summer all i have been doing isplaying handball and getting on the bike, time to boost it up though. I planned on jumping on the elliptical/bike for 30-45 mins after lifting as well.
Originally Posted by YuraS718

I could of sworn i saw a link but I can't find it.

Basically just looking for a link for a good beginners workout plan for 3 maybe 4 days. I'm joining a gym this week, and will be going with a friend to get back in the swing and he'll be helping me out as well. Only thing is he goes 5 days a week(and splits up each muscle daily), and in the 1st 3-4 weeks or so I would like to go with him, but with my work schedule I could only pull 3 days to join him. I'm trying to combine muscle groups in the beginning until I feel comfortable going myself. 1st focus is to lose weight but try and gain muscle during the process. Besides working this summer all i have been doing is playing handball and getting on the bike, time to boost it up though. I planned on jumping on the elliptical/bike for 30-45 mins after lifting as well.
At Your Signature
Originally Posted by FR3SH like UgHH

anybody take gaspari size on or superpump250?

i've been hearing good things...

i use to take no-explode...but i cant anymore...

anybody ??

i think im gonna try them...
Superpump is great....Tastes like Kool Aid.

When you take it, you'll be in the gym wantin' to lift for hours.
Back Biceps today. I love doing pull ups even though I can only do 4-5
After you're done you get that feeling like god damn that was hard.
nobody likes squats best
dudes just say that $%#+ to sound hardcore

I actually like doing squats best, I just have to feel kind of 100% on that day, but it's the main thing that's helped me actually bringmy legs up, and I thought that would never happen. I think it's because it was such a challenge and I just worked through it. Upper body strength alwayscame a little easier to me.

YuraS718, here's a pretty basic 4-day split:

Workout 1:
Bench Press 1x15 warmup, 2x15, Incline Press 2x15, Pushups 2 sets until you can't do anymore, then do girl pushups until you can't do anymore.
Barbell Squat 1x15 warmup, then 2x15. Quad Extension 2x15, Leg Curl 2x15
Barbell Deadlift 1x15 warmup, 2x15. Pullups or Lat Pulldowns 2x10-12

Workout 2:
Overhead press (dumbbell or barbell) 1x15 warmup, 2x12-15. Upright rows 2x15
Tricep cable pressdowns 2x20, 1x15. Bench Dips 3x20
Barbell curls 2x20, 1x10. Dumbbell Preacher curls, 2x15 per side.

Rest 1-2 days, then repeat. This is really basic, but once you've practiced the exercises and feel comfortable with the movements, you can try to reallypush yourself with the weight as long as you keep your form correct. Look up each exercise on for a video demonstration so you can see theright form. On the deadlift, keep your chest and shoulders up and bring your butt down. There's a few variations of the deadlift, so don't do astiff-leg or romanian deadlift just yet, that's a leg exercise. After like 2-3 weeks of this, you can start splitting up your workouts by bodypart and do2 bodyparts per workout and a few more exercises and sets for each.
Squat and Bench today with some Biceps and Traps exercise for an hour

After that 20 miutes running + 30 minutes swimming and cooling down in the jacuzzi+sauna for 10 minutes.

Im sore.

I suggest familiarizing yourselves with the hang clean. Most comprehensive lift you can do...

and Punishers (hang clean to front squat to split jerk)
Back and biceps today, favorite parts of the body to exercise. I get drenched in sweat cause my back workouts are intense, and the back muscles take up so muchof the body. A little advice to those starting is to record the weight your lifting, so you can increase amount of weight each couple weeks or so.
^ Do you see better gains working the same muscle back to back?
no, and you're not working the same muscles back to back. You're targeting big muscles one workout and smaller ones the next workout. What I listed above is a good way for a beginner to get started and get the most important core lifts practiced and then they can move on from there. Workoutone is chest, back, legs. Workout 2 is shoulders, biceps, triceps.
Always loved doing Deads, made me feel fantastic. Sometimes to the point of pure exhaustion.
PanaRicanRetro wrote:
^ Do you see better gains working the same muscle back to back?
no, and you're not working the same muscles back to back. You're targeting big muscles one workout and smaller ones the next workout. What I listed above is a good way for a beginner to get started and get the most important core lifts practiced and then they can move on from there. Workout one is chest, back, legs. Workout 2 is shoulders, biceps, triceps.

Youve got a beginner program that involves deadlifts?

Thats a fairly uncommon muscle group split as well. Ive never seen a split which is major/minor muscle groups.
That's because he's not working the muscles to failure, he's practicing the movements and by keeping it high-rep and increasing the frequency hedoes it at, he's developing the right neuromuscular connection and the right movement pattern so he can branch his workouts from there. If he'sstarting out with the deadlift, the warmup set should be just with the bar, and then small increments of weight added to it. It is an unusual split, buthe'd only be doing it for 2-3 weeks and then he can go into a chest/tricep, back/bicep, Legs/Shoulder day or whatever split works best for him.
Originally Posted by 5tan

Always loved doing Deads, made me feel fantastic. Sometimes to the point of pure exhaustion.

Deads are the only exercise that have me sweating after my first set.
Originally Posted by PanaRicanRetro

^ Do you see better gains working the same muscle back to back?
no, and you're not working the same muscles back to back. You're targeting big muscles one workout and smaller ones the next workout. What I listed above is a good way for a beginner to get started and get the most important core lifts practiced and then they can move on from there. Workout one is chest, back, legs. Workout 2 is shoulders, biceps, triceps.

I must be tired, i misunderstood what you wrote.
Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Originally Posted by 5tan

Always loved doing Deads, made me feel fantastic. Sometimes to the point of pure exhaustion.

Deads are the only exercise that have me sweating after my first set.
This. Back and leg day are the only days where I'm sweating by the end of the first few sets. I love it though.
my lazy #+$ just started back working out yesteday. hopefully i can stay consistent this time!!! but does anyone know any good exercises for you forearms??
By the way, I couldn't find that MGN are there any other good isolates that you guys can recommend? I was at Vitamin shoppe and they had ASTor Isopure.
PanaRicanRetro wrote:
That's because he's not working the muscles to failure, he's practicing the movements and by keeping it high-rep and increasing the frequency he does it at, he's developing the right neuromuscular connection and the right movement pattern so he can branch his workouts from there. If he's starting out with the deadlift, the warmup set should be just with the bar, and then small increments of weight added to it. It is an unusual split, but he'd only be doing it for 2-3 weeks and then he can go into a chest/tricep, back/bicep, Legs/Shoulder day or whatever split works best for him.

Thats one long first sentence. yikes

Its not high frequency if its done twice a week, and 2-3 weeks is a very long period of time to get accustomed to the movement patterns.

It only takes a few workouts for the CNS to adapt to the stressors placed on it. The muscular system will adapt before 8 workouts.

Im all for being cautious and slow, but that might be a tad bit reserved.
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