still having breakup withdrawal months after..

Dec 17, 2007
what's good nt? this is going to be my very post here and i'd actually like to get a little bit of advice from the bros and sissies out there who areor have been in relationships and dealt with the pain of breaking up. my situation is not too complicated - from march of '06 up until july of last year, iwas in a relationship with a girl which i have to admit i didn't treat right in the final months. ever since that july, we've been basically doing thelast things a broken-up couple should do - calling each other every other night, finding ways to see each other, all of this unecessary stuff. we both knew itwas the wrong things to be doing, but we did it anyways because there were still feelings there.

anyways, at the moment.. i guess everything has finally caught up with her, couldn't take it anymore and has just decided to block me out of her life -something that we both should've done in the first place while it was still early. and to be honest, it really hurts. i try calling every now and then justto see wassup but she never answers or returns my calls. when she does answers, i get the weirdest vibes from her and the conversations are very 'fake'to say the least. i don't mean to be a symp but after all the things that we've been through, both good and bad, i'm not afraid to say that i stillhave feelings for her.

is it love? i don't know. do i truly care about her? i don't know about that either. either way, i'd like find out the answers to those questions.but i know for the mean time, i should really try to forget about it. it's a shame that i didn't attempt to do it in the beginning. but on the real, iknow a lot of you NTers know where I'm coming from. any advice? suggestions? let it flow just like i did. good looks!
its never easy but its one of those things that have to be done...just stop out, read, sleep if you have to just stay occupied
Time heals all.

Give it some time.

Although I have a cousin that is still salty about his high school sweetheart and it's been like 8-10 years I think.
I know exactly how your feeling dawgy. The only thing you can do is forget about this broad. She's prolly feelin tha exact same way u are, just handlingit way better.

Weymouth, Walpole, Hingham, Dedham, Canton, etc. are NOT from Boston.

nah but i know how you feel man.
Does anyone else not take long, dramatic, worded-out(?) first posts seriously?

I always think it's a formerly banned member trying to trick us.
just block her from you, if you have any other girl friends start hanging out with them more, or just friends in general and try to have a good time always
im going thru the same thing. I called her to say Merry xmas and we had an hour convo. This was about the only convo we have had since the breakup 2 monthsago. I think some people feel its better to just totally let go. I pretty much feel the same way. Sometimes, its really awkward to try to talk to the ex, cuzsometimes, you both dont really know where you stand. You dont really know if she wants to get back with you, or vice-versa. Personally, i wanted to have heras a friend, if anything, since we were with each other for almost 3 years. We were good friends before hooking up. Thats prob NOT gonna happen, but life goeson. It takes some time to heal, but in no time, you'll be back on your feet. There are plenty of fish in the sea. You'll be okay.
It's hard but in my experience the less time you have to think about it, the easier it is to move past it.
just don't talk to her. don't call. resist the urge. self-control. you will undoubtedly think of her and many things may remind you of her...but youmust restrain yourself.
just don't talk to her. don't call. resist the urge. self-control. you will undoubtedly think of her and many things may remind you of her...but you must restrain yourself.
That and time will heal all.
Just give it time, I've been in the same situation and time is the best advice I can give you.
months after?

try exercising....

if that doesn't work, make other women feel as terrible as she makes you feel.

that usually does the trick (no pun intended)
Originally Posted by GasBreakFlip707

Originally Posted by WestRoxbury011

She's prolly feelin tha exact same way u are, just handling it way better.
Yea, I was about to say that.

I appreciate all the support y'all. and for the record, i think she's interested in some other dude now which makes a little bit of sense to me.Are they "talking"? I don't know and don't wanna find out. If anything, I've also became friends with and gotten closer to another girl(whom I have no interest in getting with) who's doing her best to make me forget about everythng. Ultimately, I do have a lot of outs.. just haven'tutilized them all.
just don't talk to her and move on with life. I gave this advise to my best friend and it works. So, stay up and positive there are looking girls out therethan her.
Well, my girl left me for someone else around like 3 years ago now, and I still have random withdrawals still. It sucks because I've consciously tried tojust block her out but all the wack females I've met from her on have just been crappy compared to who she was. Anyone feel me? This is why it has got memissing her again. Maybe time doesn't heal all, but yeah, it takes a long time to deal with the emotions and such.
Does anyone else not take long, dramatic, worded-out(?) first posts seriously?

I always think it's a formerly banned member trying to trick us.

Actually I never thought of this. Do people really go to the trouble of making up a story like this just to get attention?

Oh right.....I forgot I was on NT for a second.
The only way to forget about a girl is to block her out completely. At least for awhile. Trust. Try meeting some new girls or something.
Originally Posted by wheresj

Originally Posted by GasBreakFlip707

Originally Posted by WestRoxbury011

She's prolly feelin tha exact same way u are, just handling it way better.
Yea, I was about to say that.

I appreciate all the support y'all. and for the record, i think she's interested in some other dude now which makes a little bit of sense to me. Are they "talking"? I don't know and don't wanna find out. If anything, I've also became friends with and gotten closer to another girl (whom I have no interest in getting with) who's doing her best to make me forget about everythng. Ultimately, I do have a lot of outs.. just haven't utilized them all.

Basically, everything has been covered already, but like you said... you really DO have to utilize all your options.

Once it clicks in your mind that you really don't need HER to live life to the fullest, that's when things start getting better. I think it's justmore of a need, and you're used to her, and only her, at the moment. That whole "No other girl will be as good as her" mentality. Once you getover that, and realize there are plenty of other girls out there, and a lot of the time, BETTER ones, then you'll be just fine. There's a reasony'all broke up and, sadly, you basically have to come to terms with that and accept it. It's tough, believe me, but once you get out and mingle withother girls, and don't talk to your ex for a couple months, it gets a lot better.

The best thing you can do is just keep a positive attitude. Go out with friends, be outgoing with everyone and meet new people. And if you run into your exanywhere, kill her with kindness, man. I seen my ex for the first time in foreverrrr on New Years Eve, and I just kept it plain and simple, but still friendly.I chose to be the better man because you never know if something you say will come back to haunt you, down the road. Plus, it doesn't hurt to make themfeel regretful...
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