Stolen iphone

If you let it slide OP, he'll just learn his lesson the hard way later on down the line...

Just be thankful you got your phone back and worry about yourself. Never mind if the kid doesn't learn his lesson right now. He's gonna get what's coming to him in the long run. Chalk it up as a lesson learned on your part and keep it moving.
Originally Posted by kiendienn

You're gonna let the kid lie to your face, lie to the cops face, make his own family member take the wrap, and you're gonna let it slide.
He turned your phone off, knowing that you would try to track it back to him.  He had the worst intentions from the get go.

Bunch of spineless punks on NT, who have seemed to stolen before.

Some dude "supposedly" stole some shoes, and gets rocked and recorded on WSHH and everyone's for it.

In this case, there is evidence that the guy is the offender, and OP is taking the mature route of pressing charges and everyone's saying "let it slide".

I don't get yall sometimes.

this X999

dudes telling op to let it slide

ive never had my stuff stolen before but to think about some dude stealing my hard earned stuff and lying about it when i come back would get me heated..
Originally Posted by WaitWut

Originally Posted by kiendienn

You're gonna let the kid lie to your face, lie to the cops face, make his own family member take the wrap, and you're gonna let it slide.
He turned your phone off, knowing that you would try to track it back to him.  He had the worst intentions from the get go.

Bunch of spineless punks on NT, who have seemed to stolen before.

Some dude "supposedly" stole some shoes, and gets rocked and recorded on WSHH and everyone's for it.

In this case, there is evidence that the guy is the offender, and OP is taking the mature route of pressing charges and everyone's saying "let it slide".

I don't get yall sometimes.

this X999

dudes telling op to let it slide

ive never had my stuff stolen before but to think about some dude stealing my hard earned stuff and lying about it when i come back would get me heated..
Picture yourself in that kid's position. Its a busboy for god's sake.... not some dude who snatched 5 kilos of coke from your stash house. Be the bigger man, learn forgiveness. Let it slide. 
Originally Posted by TeamJordan79

Originally Posted by WaitWut

Originally Posted by kiendienn

You're gonna let the kid lie to your face, lie to the cops face, make his own family member take the wrap, and you're gonna let it slide.
He turned your phone off, knowing that you would try to track it back to him.  He had the worst intentions from the get go.

Bunch of spineless punks on NT, who have seemed to stolen before.

Some dude "supposedly" stole some shoes, and gets rocked and recorded on WSHH and everyone's for it.

In this case, there is evidence that the guy is the offender, and OP is taking the mature route of pressing charges and everyone's saying "let it slide".

I don't get yall sometimes.

this X999

dudes telling op to let it slide

ive never had my stuff stolen before but to think about some dude stealing my hard earned stuff and lying about it when i come back would get me heated..
Picture yourself in that kid's position. Its a busboy for god's sake.... not some dude who snatched 5 kilos of coke from your stash house. Be the bigger man, learn forgiveness. Let it slide. 
busboy shouldve thought about that before he stole it and lied
its a different story when dudes lie to your face and to the police

what ever floats your boat though bro just sayin i would handle things differently
Let it slide...he didn't make you forget it there. So if you press charges, he gets the punishment for both of your mistakes.
Originally Posted by Mr Jordan04

Let it go, you got your phone back. If anything, you should be more careful with your phone

Let it slide OP. You got your phone back. It's not like he stole it from you. He FOUND it. 
Its your FAULT for being irresponsible and leaving it back there.
Be happy you got it back. He already got fired so just let it be and move on. Be responsible next time. 
Originally Posted by HOHLegend

I mean just let it slide fam.... I'm just saying that cuz it could have worse.... Just seen some dude on resist lose his iPad and wen they finally turned it back on 2 weeks later he tracked it and it was in Africa

i still can't get over the fact that you said dude is known to be a bad guy because he locks the door to his room

LOL ?!?
Originally Posted by butilove

Originally Posted by NikeVandal

honestly press charges

kids like that are scum and theyll learn there lesson and itll stop em from doing stupid stuff like that in the future

and howd you use icloud to find his address?

Iphone has a tracking app called find my iPhone which pinpoints the exact location of the phone when the phone is on and shows it through Crazy accurate.

Even when there's another microsim card in the iphone? How does this work??
%$#@ the kid. Every choice made in life comes with a plus and a minus.Being that you asked everyone who worked at the restaurant if they saw it and said no (including him) then he obviously didn't give a %^&! about you, so none shall be given to him. 
Originally Posted by ooIRON MANoo


Press charges on yourself for forgetting your phone.  People are so irresponsible.  Yeah, it's good to have good samaritans and the majority of the time people will help and turn your phone in or return it.

Still, it's an expensive device and to "forget" it. 
.  Making it seem as if this kid pick pocketed your phone, that's a different story altogether.

Going all hard body on the kid, not once have you said YOU made the initial mistake.

Kid lost his job, but pressing charges?

Also stating the kid is shady because he locks his door?

He should've thought about this before he tried to make a quick come up off my man here. OP don't take your foot off this dude's neck. He still wouldn't accept responsibility, so you must teach him a lesson.
OP needs to learn a lesson, be a little bit more responsible with your belongings.  Soft %#@ suburban righteous kids. 
  You guys will get eaten alive in the hood.

Yes OP made a mistake, as does everyone. But did the thief show the same mercy and thoughtfulness that you're asking the OP to extend to him now? Dude didn't think twice when he was trying to screw him. Didn't give one single resemblance of a damb, but now the OP has to go out his way and be kind?? Nah brother. YOU wouldn't survive in the hood. I bet if you seen someone breaking into your crib you would just put your hand on your hip, wag your finger at them and give them a stern talking to. Then act surprised when you turn around and let them go and they imbed a metal pipe into the back of your head and proceed with robbing you.
na ++*@ letting it slide. this !#!@% would have taken your 649 dollar phone (full price of the phone) and then what? afaik nothing covers a stolen phone. you would have had to buy a new one for the full price because you're still locked into that contract. your carrier wouldn't do anything for you. afaik insurance doesn't cover that at all.

that kid didn't give a damn about you, your carrier wouldn't have, etc. so why should you let it slide?
I'd press charges. My phone got stolen from work and if I found the person not only would I press charges, I'd make sure I slashed their name and rep enough to prevent employment.
Originally Posted by ooIRON MANoo


Press charges on yourself for forgetting your phone.  People are so irresponsible.  Yeah, it's good to have good samaritans and the majority of the time people will help and turn your phone in or return it.

Still, it's an expensive device and to "forget" it. 
.  Making it seem as if this kid pick pocketed your phone, that's a different story altogether.

Going all hard body on the kid, not once have you said YOU made the initial mistake.

Kid lost his job, but pressing charges?

Also stating the kid is shady because he locks his door?

He should've thought about this before he tried to make a quick come up off my man here. OP don't take your foot off this dude's neck. He still wouldn't accept responsibility, so you must teach him a lesson.
OP needs to learn a lesson, be a little bit more responsible with your belongings.  Soft %#@ suburban righteous kids. 
  You guys will get eaten alive in the hood.

Don't agree w. any of this.  Why are you going hard on ol' boy for making the MISTAKE of losing his phone?  It happens.  Folks misplace their wallets, phones, keys, etc...happens to EVERYONE at least once in their lives.  Honest mistake, which absolutely sucks when you lose that particular item.  All it takes is a SIMPLE phone call to return what wasn't his and all of this could have been avoided.  I mean, really?  How hard is it to do the right thing?  Folks are idiots, I swear. 

The kid losing his job wouldn't be enough in my eyes.  I'd %#%!#** fry him, especially since there was zero intent to return the phone or any sembalance of remorse.  This has nothing to do with getting eaten alive in the "hood."  Who gives a %+!%, honestly about hood rep or anything alongs those lines?  Totally irrelevant.  This about right vs. wrong.  Kid was dishonest and a simple slap on the wrist of losing his busboy job isn't punishment enough, IMO.  Dude can find another job anywhere...but he needs this %+%! on his record because he's a thief.  Again, fry his !*@.
lol he should have keep it off for atleast a week or wiped it at a public place like the mall.'

But let him slide
yea op made a mistake and left his phoen but if the fool would have done the right thing and brought it to his manager or somethign when he went back to get it the phone would have been there. Bottom line he stole the phone and i dont think he is gonna learn from loosing his busboy job. i wouldn't press charges cause its gonna be a long drawn out thing but he needs more than that slap on the wrist
Lulz @ pressing charges. What's the worst he can get community service lulz keep it moving.
Press charges, thieves are garbage. Just had my phone stolen Monday so I know that feel
Do what you want OP. You got your phone... you got him fired... now pressing charges will just cause unnecessary stress. Your not gonna get anything out of it but the enjoyment of him getting Probation/ Community Service... Your a Sick muthasucka OP.
Originally Posted by DajonDondo

Do what you want OP. You got your phone... you got him fired... now pressing charges will just cause unnecessary stress. Your not gonna get anything out of it but the enjoyment of him getting Probation/ Community Service... Your a Sick muthasucka OP.

I was a thief for a few years. Then I stopped. It didn't take going to jail for me to stop stealing though. Then you have repeat offenders who never stop stealing.
People saying press charges so he learns his lesson must be oblivious to this.
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