Stolen iphone

Originally Posted by butilove

Cops were telling me to press charges as this kid is supposedly shady as he keeps his door locked in his house at all times. 
That's what it takes to be branded as shady nowadays? Baffled-Jaguars-fan.gif
I don't know, the dishonesty is what gets to me more than anything. Doubt he sees a major penalty over it if you do go through with pressing charges. 
Originally Posted by solegit08til

Originally Posted by DajonDondo

I was a thief for a few years.
press charges on him
imo op you shouldn't even care about the dude age
i stay getting my stuff stolen so yeah im tired of that +### also its annoying
Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Press charges.
Why feel bad for him? Dude was probably going to sell your phone and not think
twice about your feelings. Why should you care about his? He made his bed, now
it's time to deal with the consequences.

I completely agree.  The kid had evil intentions and will now have to deal with the consequences for his actions.   On top of this he tries to rat out his cousin.

For all of you saying, "it's only a phone", well it's a $600 phone.   If the kid stole $600 in cash or it was a $600 laptop, would your opinion sway about pressing charges?  

The only reason I would sway against it is because OP will probably have to go to court, which will be a huge inconvenience.
You steal my phone and lie to my face about about, my first instinct is to knock your teeth out. Since I can't do that without facing charges, I might as press charges. $&@! his busboy job, you did him a favor getting him fired from that dead-end.

Irresponsible or not, when you lie to my face about it, now it's personal.
Sure it's stealing but if I see a phone laying around it's up for grabs until someone claims it. He was wrong in a sense that he lied about it and he received his punishment by being fired. You got your phone back when you're the one that left it there. Your attitude should be that of relief since you got your phone back undamaged.
Originally Posted by ooIRON MANoo


Press charges on yourself for forgetting your phone.  People are so irresponsible.  Yeah, it's good to have good samaritans and the majority of the time people will help and turn your phone in or return it.

Still, it's an expensive device and to "forget" it. 
.  Making it seem as if this kid pick pocketed your phone, that's a different story altogether.

Going all hard body on the kid, not once have you said YOU made the initial mistake.

Kid lost his job, but pressing charges?

Also stating the kid is shady because he locks his door?

He should've thought about this before he tried to make a quick come up off my man here. OP don't take your foot off this dude's neck. He still wouldn't accept responsibility, so you must teach him a lesson.
OP needs to learn a lesson, be a little bit more responsible with your belongings.  Soft %#@ suburban righteous kids. 
  You guys will get eaten alive in the hood.

Oh you live in the hood but are on internet access? sounds like you aint hood enough

you know who's soft? our legal system, let's make like the middle east and cut that busboy's hands. so he can say look ma no hands

does not compute
^dude had to do detective work to go his phone back, it was as good as gone if op hadn't been using his head. The kid had no intentions of giving it back, even lied to the cops after getting caught red-handed. $&@" the kid, he gets everything he deserves.
Originally Posted by AceBoogie

^dude had to do detective work to go his phone back, it was as good as gone if op hadn't been using his head. The kid had no intentions of giving it back, even lied to the cops after getting caught red-handed. $&@" the kid, he gets everything he deserves.

Again, is it "wrong" to find something and keep it?  Sure the kid SHOULD have given it to his boss so it could be claimed but a free iphone is a free iphone.  If anyone had found a random iphone on the street, unless you're that good of a person, you would keep it.  Of course you would give it back if the owner had tracked it down which is exactly what OP did.  Put yourself in the kid's shoes for a minute and think of what you would do if you had found the hottest phone out there.  Dude shouldn't have lied and got fired which is probably the extent of what he deserves.
Originally Posted by DecemberLove

Originally Posted by AceBoogie

^dude had to do detective work to go his phone back, it was as good as gone if op hadn't been using his head. The kid had no intentions of giving it back, even lied to the cops after getting caught red-handed. $&@" the kid, he gets everything he deserves.

Again, is it "wrong" to find something and keep it?  Sure the kid SHOULD have given it to his boss so it could be claimed but a free iphone is a free iphone.  If anyone had found a random iphone on the street, unless you're that good of a person, you would keep it.  Of course you would give it back if the owner had tracked it down which is exactly what OP did.  Put yourself in the kid's shoes for a minute and think of what you would do if you had found the hottest phone out there.  Dude shouldn't have lied and got fired which is probably the extent of what he deserves.

You gotta be hard is it to either turn the phone over to management or make ONE call to someone out of the favorites in his contact list to set up a meet to return it?  It's really not hard to do the right thing.  Especially in a situation like this when finding the phone's owner isn't that difficult. 

I swear some of yall weren't raised right. 
Getting fired at this time of month is a lesson enough next time he might not get off that easy
Originally Posted by ooIRON MANoo


Press charges on yourself for forgetting your phone.  People are so irresponsible.  Yeah, it's good to have good samaritans and the majority of the time people will help and turn your phone in or return it.

Still, it's an expensive device and to "forget" it. 
.  Making it seem as if this kid pick pocketed your phone, that's a different story altogether.

Going all hard body on the kid, not once have you said YOU made the initial mistake.
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