Stop & Frisk New York Vol. Why I will always pick CA over NY

Stop dressing stupid...
oh boy....
You're 28-29 Edwin, possibly older, I heard the way you speak and seen the way you dress. You're not a kid anymore. You look like you have no job and no where important to go which in my mind would suggest you possibly have weed to smoke or something illegal. Sad part is some guy in a suit and briefcase could walk right by me with a whole 36 in his briefcase and I would be reluctant to stop him because I don't have visible reason to. But you're dressed like a tool and probably mean nothing to society and minimal risk for lawsuit so I'd go with you Edwin as a choice for harassment.

Remember they are being forced by the higher-ups to do these stop and frisks.
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I was going to a post a logical reply to son your entire post.. Not even going to waste my time.

I sincerely hope you're joking. That, or you are the troll of trolls on NT.
Dude said if you have nothing to hide let them search you, unreal. I guess we shouldn't even have search warrants either. If we have nothing to hide, we should welcome the cops in and feed them cookies and milk.
Dude said if you have nothing to hide let them search you, unreal. I guess we shouldn't even have search warrants either. If we have nothing to hide, we should welcome the cops in and feed them cookies and milk.
Exactly and when they don't find anything in their illegal search and seizure you can sue for harassment and buy the suit you always wanted. Possibly never have to work again or ride the train. But knowing most of yall you'd rather fight for the right to piss people off and yack up a storm obscenely in front of the elderly and small children on the train in your Foams, too big fitted hat and G shocks.
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It's the basic human right of privacy. Doesn't matter if I have nothing to hide, I shouldn't have to worry about walking outside and being harassed every time I decide to step foot outside my living area because some beta deems me "suspicious" and he's scared of getting chewed out by his superior.

You expect people to walk like you, dress like you, talk like you, and act like you, so that YOU feel safe. Stop being a *****. How do you expect them to do any of those things when they've been raised in an environment that tailors them to become everything you don't want them to be?

If you don't understand that you shouldn't even be in this thread b.
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Dude said if you have nothing to hide let them search you, unreal. I guess we shouldn't even have search warrants either. If we have nothing to hide, we should welcome the cops in and feed them cookies and milk.
Exactly and when they don't find anything in their illegal search and seizure you can sue for harassment and buy the suit you always wanted. Possibly never have to work again or ride the train. But knowing most of yall you'd rather fight for the right to piss people off and yack up a storm obscenely in front of the elderly and small children on the train in your Foams, too big fitted hat and G shocks.
Moved to Ny from Sc and the relationship with cops and civilians is ridiculously sensitive. Cops suspect every BLACK MALE on foot or in vehicle to be up to no good. They will stereotype by car & neighborhood. Or by a persons clothing or age. It varies on what the cops can conclude from what they've previously seen and experienced from prior criminals while committing crimes. If a crime has not been committed stop assuming!! nosey *** mufuglers
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It's the basic human right of privacy. Doesn't matter if I have nothing to hide, I shouldn't have to worry about walking outside and being harassed every time I decide to step foot outside my living area because some beta deems me "suspicious" and he's scared of getting chewed out by his superior.

You expect people to walk like you, dress like you, talk like you, and act like you, so that YOU feel safe. Stop being a *****. How do you expect them to do any of those things when they've been raised in an environment that tailors them to become everything you don't want them to be?

If you don't understand that you shouldn't even be in this thread b.

View media item 10351
I've always thought that the arguments for stop and frisk are ridiculous

It works? You know what else would work? Confiscating guns from everybody in America. You know what else works? Constant surveillance. Random house raids.

So what? Those things are illegal. I don't know what part of this **** is VERY illegal people don't understand.
I've always thought that the arguments for stop and frisk are ridiculous

It works? You know what else would work? Confiscating guns from everybody in America. You know what else works? Constant surveillance. Random house raids.

So what? Those things are illegal. I don't know what part of this **** is VERY illegal people don't understand.

Oddly enough there's plenty of people ok with the examples you gave. See people's reaction on the NSA
I never understood that "dont dress suspiciously and nothing will happen to you" argument. Because the way we dress doesnt conform to what White America considers to be acceptable, we should be under police scrutiny for that? White collar crime happens everyday and is worth more then any street criminal could ever do. What do those dudes wear? Suits and ties. 
I never understood that "dont dress suspiciously and nothing will happen to you" argument. Because the way we dress doesnt conform to what White America considers to be acceptable, we should be under police scrutiny for that? White collar crime happens everyday and is worth more then any street criminal could ever do. What do those dudes wear? Suits and ties. 
Exactly what im talking about. 

You can immediately detect the privilege.
It's the basic human right of privacy. Doesn't matter if I have nothing to hide, I shouldn't have to worry about walking outside and being harassed every time I decide to step foot outside my living area because some beta deems me "suspicious" and he's scared of getting chewed out by his superior.

You expect people to walk like you, dress like you, talk like you, and act like you, so that YOU feel safe. Stop being a *****. How do you expect them to do any of those things when they've been raised in an environment that tailors them to become everything you don't want them to be?

If you don't understand that you shouldn't even be in this thread b.

View media item 10351

I never understood that "dont dress suspiciously and nothing will happen to you" argument. Because the way we dress doesnt conform to what White America considers to be acceptable, we should be under police scrutiny for that? White collar crime happens everyday and is worth more then any street criminal could ever do. What do those dudes wear? Suits and ties. 

the problem isnt the policy, the problem is a either a misunderstanding, lack of knowledge, or blatant disregard for the standard in which an officer can stop and frisk. That threshold is REASONABLE SUSPICION.

In simpler terms, it means that the officer must have some inkling or suspicion that criminal activity is being committed, has been committed or about to be committed. That is the only time an officer may stop an individual. In order to frisk the person the officer must have a rational basis on a search for weapons based upon the level of safety to an officer, which is often an easy hurdle to get over in areas where violent crime is high or the individual makes furtive movements toward the waistband area or is non compliant in the officers directions.  That is the utopian version of the way it should be handled. You see 3 individuals following a male on a dark street for a block or two, you see them holding at their waistbands what appears to be an L shaped object in their pants and checking for passing vehicles. Do you stop and frisk?

Too bad it cannot be like this because the officer will rarely be at the right place at the right time. Instead a majority of the NYPD will stop individuals when there isnt enough reasonable suspicion based upon lack of knowledge of what reasonable suspicion is or a blatant disregard. But then the question is: is this an effective police tool? has it made the streets safer??? well crime has declined. and hey even if they stop 100 ppl and find nothing and that 101 stop they find a gun on a guy, is it worth it?

Many ppl would say no, 100 ppls rights were infringed. others say yes because we got a gun off the street, a gun that could be used to kill a fellow person, and it will make others think twice about carrying a weapon, even though most likely that person would walk away without any jail time as the gun would most likely be suppressed during pre-trial hearings. It is really up to the community to voice protest to this policy, and here the community has said we don't want to be stop and frisked. I just hope the community doesn't blame the NYPD if incidents of gun and weapon violence increase, as that would be hypocritical.
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A great take on the subject from the Daily Show, can't get it to embed

The Daily Show with Jon Stewart
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Also, some facts. Source: NY Civil Liberties Union

Myth #1: Stop-and-Frisk reduces crime and keeps people safer.

FACT: No research has ever proven the effectiveness of New York City’s stop-and-frisk regime, and the small number of arrests, summonses, and guns recovered demonstrates that the practice is ineffective. Crime data also do not support the claim that New York City is safer because of the practice. While violent crimes fell 29 percent in New York City from 2001 to 2010, other large cities experienced larger violent crime declines without relying on stop and frisk abuses: 59 percent in Los Angeles, 56 percent in New Orleans, 49 percent in Dallas, and 37 percent in Baltimore.

Myth #2: Mayor Bloomberg’s stop-and-frisk policies cut the number of murders in half.

FACT: The murder drop happened before Bloomberg took office and before the explosion in stop-and-frisk. The year before the mayor took office there were 649 murders in New York City. In 2011, there were 526 murders. This 19 percent drop is important, but to suggest that murders were cut in half because of stop-and-frisk is simply wrong.

Further, stop-and-frisk has not reduced the number of people who fall victim to shootings. In 2002, there were 1,892 victims of gunfire and 97,296 stops. In 2011, there were still 1,821 victims of gunfire but a record 685,724 stops.

Myth #3: Stop-and-Frisk gets guns off the street and, therefore, prevents murders.

FACT: Guns are found in less than 0.2 percent of stops. That is an unbelievably poor yield rate for such an intrusive, wasteful and humiliating police action. Yet, stop-and-frisk has increased more than 600 percent under Bloomberg and Kelly. And the rate of finding guns is worsening as the NYPD stops more innocent people each year.

Myth #4: Stop-and-Frisk is not discriminatory.

lacks made up 53 percent of the stop subjects and were 66 percent of the violent crime suspects in 2011... For Hispanics, 34 percent were stop subjects and 26 percent were violent crime suspects.” – NYPD Spokesperson Paul Browne

FACT: Comparing police stops to violent crime suspects is bad math. Only 11 percent of stops in 2011 were based on a description of a violent crime suspect. On the other hand, from 2002 to 2011, black and Latino residents made up close to 90 percent of people stopped, and about 88 percent of stops – more than 3.8 million – were of innocent New Yorkers. Even in neighborhoods that are predominantly white, black and Latino New Yorkers face the disproportionate brunt. For example, in 2011, Black and Latino New Yorkers made up 24 percent of the population in Park Slope, but 79 percent of stops. This, on its face, is discriminatory.
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It's the basic human right of privacy. Doesn't matter if I have nothing to hide, I shouldn't have to worry about walking outside and being harassed every time I decide to step foot outside my living area because some beta deems me "suspicious" and he's scared of getting chewed out by his superior.

You expect people to walk like you, dress like you, talk like you, and act like you, so that YOU feel safe. Stop being a *****. How do you expect them to do any of those things when they've been raised in an environment that tailors them to become everything you don't want them to be?

If you don't understand that you shouldn't even be in this thread b.
This dude Nomad is obviously living a fantasy
Come on man, you don't even believe that.

There are reports that one of the amendments is that NYPD officers will have camera's that record their patrol. The truth of the matter is this is a solution that can only hold up for so long, officers might find ways around it (i.e. supervisors might lie about faulty gagets when an incident comes about, their precinct weren't issued any, etc)

The problem lies in the lack on independent oversight. If that was implemented, then there is someone who can manage the ethical policies. 
Like I said ...fighting for the right to dress and act stupid. If you want to be productive, dress and carry yourself productive and you won't be bothered. Plain and simple.

A lot of kids died this summer from illegal weapons, I'd rather be stopped and frisked than letting one of those weapons make it to the streets and hurting my kids....

A week after federal Judge Shira Scheindlin appointed a federal monitor to ride herd on the embattled program, the NYPD announced the largest gun bust in city history. The details are a reminder that stop and frisk needs mending -- not ending.

The final box score on the gun takedown: 19 people under arrest, accused of taking part in a gunrunning ring stretching from the Carolinas to Brownsville, Brooklyn, and 254 firearms confiscated -- 243 handguns, nine rifles and two shotguns. Among this weaponry, say police, were fully automatic assault weapons and a machine gun.

Then comes this priceless snippet of conversation that police overheard on a wiretap: "Yeah, I'm in Charlotte now. I can't leave until you come, 'cause I can't take [the guns] to my house, to my side of town, 'cause I'm in Brownsville . . . We got like -- whatchamacallit -- stop and frisk." Score one for the NYPD.
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Like I said ...fighting for the right to dress and act stupid. If you want to be productive, dress and carry yourself productive and you won't be bothered. Plain and simple.

A lot of kids died this summer from illegal weapons, I'd rather be stopped and frisked than letting one of those weapons make it to the streets and hurting my kids....

Stop and Frisk did not lead to the discovery of these guns so I don't get the reason of the :nthat: . Oh and please address the facts I posted two posts above you, thanks :D

edit: Just reread the article, this Brooklyn dude has BEEN selling guns NYC :lol: . He got caught because he was being dumb on Instagram and was talking on a wire tap. Dude knew about Stop and Frisk, AND STILL WAS MOVING GUNS IN THE CITY :rofl: :rofl: This totally doesn't help your argument.
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Like I said ...fighting for the right to dress and act stupid. If you want to be productive, dress and carry yourself productive and you won't be bothered. Plain and simple.

A lot of kids died this summer from illegal weapons, I'd rather be stopped and frisked than letting one of those weapons make it to the streets and hurting my kids....
Dress stupid ? Dress productive ? hell is that supposed to mean? ... this is America.... If I feel the desire to leave the house painted orange, wearing booty shorts, an obnoxiously oversized tee featuring a poorly airbrushed rendition of my favorite rapper, a pair of crocs and some mickey mouse ears on my head to boot... I can do it.

It doesn't matter how stupid or foolish you think someones clothes are...people have the right to dress however they want without being harassed by law enforcement .

The fact so many people are conforming to homogenized European standards of dress is borderline disgusting....

Look at photos of global diplomats over the years... All the traditional garments have nearly disappeared in favor of more palatable industrialized cookie cutter suits. Saudis are about the only only ones that haven't conformed and still wear their traditional thwabs and ghutras.
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