story of a girl

It woulda been locked with the quickness if it was that murder scenario you guys are talking about.
at least you provided pics... :/ thought shed end up like 'jenny' from forrest gump
Originally Posted by frenchhustler19091

Girl has a huge ego.
Dumb broad.


I liked this post. Thumbs up OP
Originally Posted by cocolicious

Wow I would hate for someone to do this about me. This is one reason why I don't put my pictures on the internet.
Originally Posted by StrongMind3

who cried a river and drowned the whole world?

I thought of this song too.

Same here.

This was a turrible story, BTW. I'd smash though
one of her "ugly" friends gonna find this post, read it, and dead her. females are crazy like that.

I thought it was gonna be a %@!$ landing in marriage. I was deceived, none thee-less, applause!
Originally Posted by Je Ne Sais Quoi

Did anyone else think that it was going to end with either:
her being a straitlaced mother
her turned into a trashed up drug addict
her ultimately being murdered
I was pretty sure it was going to look like one of those crack before/after posters.

Looks like she turned out okay though.
i thought it was stupid at first.
i thought it was interesting though after looking at it objectively.
This was a very interesting post/project.

Do any of you folks think you could do something similar with your own pictures?
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