Originally Posted by Sneaks23

That match was WEAK. I shoulda signed up for this tourney. Woulda sailed to first place.

I gotta turn in a final in 30 mins but ill be back in like an hour anda half to take care of both of yall
Originally Posted by Sneaks23

That match was WEAK. I shoulda signed up for this tourney. Woulda sailed to first place.
QFT, ive played against way better Blankas. He didnt even roll, who jumps with Blanka an entire match, the reason why Blanka is effective isbecause u can barely stop his rolls. And when u do block them he is too far away to be attacked.

The Bison wasnt that good either, all he did was the head stomp which means that u barely knew any combos. And that strategy was only effective because all theBlanka did was jump

No offense to any of u guys though
It's like I said when I played TennHouse/Flashhouse I was expecting Daigo type play when I seen people hyping him up, but when I played him he playedlike a regular person... no knock to him though because he beat me... I coulnd't stop his cross-ups.

To those saying TennHouse is wack play him and you'll see what I'm talking about with the cross-ups, and the reason I guess he was playing like that isbecause if he would have rolled on Bison then Bison would block and did that Physco Crusher crap.

I don't know, but if you would have seen when I played my Sagat against him he played totally different I guess he was jumping a lot because of howdaanzafella was playing with Bison, constantly head-stomping.
Originally Posted by Putting In Work

I don't know, but if you would have seen when I played my Sagat against him he played totally different I guess he was jumping a lot because of how daanzafella was playing with Bison, constantly head-stomping.

I never said dude was garbage though. Im pretty sure TennHouse could beat me because i make hella mistakes and tend to act stupid when someone is hitting mewith cross-ups.

Like i know how to escape a cross-up but my hands wont react and i would stand still till the point where i eventually get stunned.

Im up for a few games GT-XxIAMTHEBEASTxX
I love my gamertag

ill be on later, i gotta go up to the school and turn in a couple of papers
Originally Posted by MILLION DOLLAR STACKS

Originally Posted by Putting In Work

I coulnd't stop his cross-ups.
co-sign now i got somethin for that BS. TIGEEEER

I tried that when I played and it didn't always work, but Balrog's head-butt did.

I need a stick or at least a control pad to play this game on the 360...
Originally Posted by Putting In Work

Originally Posted by MILLION DOLLAR STACKS

Originally Posted by Putting In Work

I coulnd't stop his cross-ups.
co-sign now i got somethin for that BS. TIGEEEER

I tried that when I played and it didn't always work, but Balrog's head-butt did.

I need a stick or at least a control pad to play this game on the 360...
Timing bruh, its hard with the regular 360 controller though.
if u cant stop someones cross-up u can use your ultra as a last resort to get away, but that also depends on the character u are using.
Originally Posted by Dakingii

if u cant stop someones cross-up u can use your ultra as a last resort to get away, but that also depends on the character u are using.
Cross ups in this game are way easier to block that any other SF. The auto look in this game is a terrible addition.
that blanka... in order to be good w/ blanka you got to think like blanka and just play like a beast! haha
Originally Posted by djaward

Im having a hard time beating any balrog.. ALL THEY DO IS TURTLE.
Turtle Balrogs are easier to beat than an absolute offense Balrog. When u get stunned by weak jabs all u can do is
Originally Posted by Jerry Everyday

Originally Posted by Dakingii

if u cant stop someones cross-up u can use your ultra as a last resort to get away, but that also depends on the character u are using.
Cross ups in this game are way easier to block that any other SF. The auto look in this game is a terrible addition.
I'm not concerned with blocking cross ups cause once you get used to recognizing it you should be able to block them. What pisses me off iswhen I go for a cross up and I know that the person isn't expecting it, and then they throw out a last minute anti-air and the game turns it around forthem. That pisses me off. Like you and I know you did that SRK to the right and the computer turned it around for you enabling it to connect on the left
. Happens all the time against scrubs

Originally Posted by djaward

Im having a hard time beating any balrog.. ALL THEY DO IS TURTLE.
Turtle Balrogs are easier to beat than an absolute offense Balrog. When u get stunned by weak jabs all u can do is

I gotta agree, turtle Balrogs are much easier for me to beat. All you gotta do is force their hand with projectiles. Fighting an offensive Balrogis the worst because they can get through your projectiles and do ridiculous jab combos. SMDH at being stunned off those jabs
To those saying TennHouse is wack play him and you'll see what I'm talking about with the cross-ups, and the reason I guess he was playing like that is because if he would have rolled on Bison then Bison would block and did that Physco Crusher crap.
headstomp on wakeup eliminates someones whole cross up game. that's pretty much how i expected that match to go.

final bracket update - congrats mr. aznfella.

yes. it's a corny champion edition photoshop... i know
MAN %$%+ STREET FIGHTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I got up to G2 an hour ago and i managed to get all the way to the finals in my first tournament.

Im thinking this isnt as hard as people made it out to be, so i decide to keep playing next thing u know i went 0-10

I cant even get past the first person anymore in G2. I never expected that EVERYONE would be a good, level headed fighter. The scrubs in G3 %$%+ your mind upand have u thinking that u are a beast only to get to G2 and get demolished.

And to top it off u no longer gain GP if u lose the first battle
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