Originally Posted by stillmaticshay

i swear to god i cant advance in arcade mode cuz dudes will be sending challenges right when im about to finish a match
jae, you can turn that off... i did, it gets kind of annoying, its in the options under arcade options or xbl settings

you're the best.
Originally Posted by Kicktionair

Originally Posted by jae oh en

that feature where you play arcade mode and can be challenged online is sorta cool. but i swear some of these guys are like the jerks back in the day who would see you playing by yourself and put their money in the machine...then theyd wait and right when you about to win the match in arcade mode, they push start and join in.

i swear to god i cant advance in arcade mode cuz dudes will be sending challenges right when im about to finish a match
How do you turn it back on?

If your playing on an Xbox hit the RB at the Main Menu. A bunch of options should appear.
I turned off that jump in mode. I agree Jae it was getting mad annoying. Seth is really making me mad. Any easy ways to get around him?
Originally Posted by CrimsonCloudAttire

capcom and its reputation for egregiously cheap bosses....smh.
What reputation is this?

You were thinking SNK?

But Gill was a lame for all that high priority with range, normal moves that did block damage, etc. I haven't seen any Seth matches so I wouldn't know.Elaborate on why he's cheap.
Originally Posted by CrimsonCloudAttire

capcom and its reputation for egregiously cheap bosses....smh.

His shoryuken is insane. I also like how he grabs you while you are on the floor. No matter, he was no match for my ochio throws.
im holding off on this game until im done with fallout 3 so i can trade it in. anyone know how much longer i have to go if i just finished galaxy news radioand am currently at that one hospital?
Originally Posted by schaefmp

I turned off that jump in mode. I agree Jae it was getting mad annoying. Seth is really making me mad. Any easy ways to get around him?

Turn the rounds to 1 and time to 30 secs. Pick sagat and tiger knee the crap outta him. I used that tactic to get the "Save the Quarters"achievement. It's cheap but it works.
Originally Posted by IHeartBoost

These @%+%*@$***!$+ almost screwed me out of my PS3 CE!

So I go up to GameStop to pick it up, before I even say anything the guy goes "Street Fighter"? I'm like "yeah, CE". So he ask me if I reserved the game and I said "yup". I give him my cell number and than he ask for my receipt. I hand my receipt and he over looks it and goes "ok, we got your 360 copy" and proceeds to walk away and I'm like "wait... I preorder PS3 sir". Than he's like "PS3, are you sure" and I tell him that I am. He checks my receipt and says "nah, it says 360 right here". I look at my receipt and tell him, "no it doesnt, where does it say 360". He than points to my receipt and says "see this number right here, "20" is 360, PS3 is "27". I'm thinking how am I suppose to know that?! Anyways, I'm like "ok, that's nice, I order PS3 though" and he tells me they don't have any PS3 CE's and all they have are 360 CE's and regular edition of PS3. I'm like "I don't want those, I want my PS3 CE" and he's like "sorry sir, I can sell you only a regular PS3 version or a 360".

Now I'm getting pissed, "what do I do than, I order PS3 CE" and he says "I don't know what to tell you". So than I siad "$#$@ that, find me a damn PS3 CE back there... I reserved that !#%%". Than he like "sir, calm down, unfourtanetly we don't have anymore and we're not getting a second batch, but ill check if we have any in back". So I'm chillin infront, long line of people waiting on me. 10mins later he's like "nope, we don't have any, just regular editions... shall I ring you up". Than I was like "!%$, I reserved it though, what part of the game is that". I guess he didnt get my slang because he said "part of the game? In street fighter". I told him, "fine, I'm gonna contact GameStop Corp and see what they can do". He than looks at my reciept and goes "plus you reserved it on Feburary 11th, we didn't have any PS3 CE availble at that time". I said "the $#$@? I reseved that !#%% back in December, I CAME on Feburary 11th and put $20 more down". Than he's like "let me check my system", he checks, TA the @%!$%+$ DA... he sees where I did reserve in December. So he tells me he's gonna check with the district manager who happen to be here. So he made me wait again, 15mins... and FINALLY, he comes out with a PS3 CE. He's like "its a good thing my district manager is here because I couldn't give you this CE" He apolgizes for the inconvience and tells me to enjoy my game,


I believe you would have caught a charge if he wouldn't of gotten it for you as much asyou are pumped up about it, lol.
Anybody know where I can cop in The Bay Area without reservation? I called a couple of GameStops and they only giving it to people who reserved it. Any helpwould greatly be appreciated thanks
Originally Posted by AIR Zoom Bender

Originally Posted by CrimsonCloudAttire

capcom and its reputation for egregiously cheap bosses....smh.
What reputation is this?

You were thinking SNK?

But Gill was a lame for all that high priority with range, normal moves that did block damage, etc. I haven't seen any Seth matches so I wouldn't know. Elaborate on why he's cheap.
Idk, maybe I'm just not good enough. But dude's teleportation and throw combination is down right ridiculous. Using Ken and Ryu, I hadonly slight difficulty, because I would just keep him at distance with the fireball and then when he did his jump off the wall i would just dragon punch. Orwhen he tries to suck you in, the fireball would catch him, and then I'd sweep for an easy 2-hit combo. But now Im trying to beat the game with Sakura andher fireball just goes right past him and her uppercut tends to slide underneath him when he does his wall jump. Dude's giving me major headache.
Anybody know where I can cop in The Bay Area without reservation? I called a couple of GameStops and they only giving it to people who reserved it. Any helpwould greatly be appreciated thanks !
+#!+ you SETH, +#!+ YOU! I !#!*+!% HATE YOU afjdlfjaslkdjlfafjdaslfkasfl;asjfl;sajlfjaslfsjalfjasklfjaslkfjasdlfjasdfjasdlf;jasd;fjasdlfjsad;fj
Still holding off on this game till i beat The Last Remnant. I've had this game since last Monday and im still on the first disk
. I beat Lost Odysseyin 6 days but this game is on a whole other level in difficulty
i don't see the hype in this game. theres no way i get this game unless i like it when i try it out somehwere.

i was a fan of these games on sega but thats about it
Originally Posted by SuperSaiyan415

im holding off on this game until im done with fallout 3 so i can trade it in. anyone know how much longer i have to go if i just finished galaxy news radio and am currently at that one hospital?
like another 15-20 hours or so. You're at about 35 percent homie, of the main quest, not even the entire game. You got a long ways to go.
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