Originally Posted by gusyouout

Originally Posted by Buttons McBoomBoom

I did....2 perfects in the first match / finished the next 3 matches with ultras (no perfects) / and didn't lose a round the entire game...and still didn't get gouken. Horrible lol
Did you use Akuma? And did you already unlock Cammy, Dan, Fei Long, Gen, Rose, and Sakura? Also make sure you beat it once with Akuma beforehand. Then you do the perfect, three ultras, then finish the rest normally and don't lose a round.

Sorry I left that out...yes I unlocked everyone besides Seth...beat arcade mode with akuma...then played arcade mode again with akuma and did what I is screwing me lol.
Originally Posted by YDBoUnCe

Originally Posted by hella handsome

Originally Posted by eteam o2

dudes are mad amped bout using regular controllers... y
controllers are for n00b blowers.
anyone who plays street fighter knows that real fights go down with sticks, not pads.

Originally Posted by POSITE FIEND

^ im not amped, i see the opposite of what your saying. people are using the regular controllers as an excuse to why they suck

exactly. ive never heard someone complain while using a stick. its always pad players.
"aw man, i hate the 360 controller, im better on ps3"- thats the main excuse. sticks are universal. same button setup. even playing ground.
if you suck, you suck... the controller has nothing to do with it because all of the buttons are still in the same location.

fighting stick ftw

well to be honest the ps3 dpad is more responsive on diagonals
but I played two rounds today first time playing it, on a 360, and I honestly think Capcom found a way to make up for it because I had no problem on the Dpad
BTW Did they get rid of Ken's roll?

And playing with a Pad does not make u a Noob, Having the stick is nice and all (it is more reponsive and moves are easier to pull off)
but having a stick doesn't make u better than a pad player, especially one who knows what they are doing and how to compensate
ok yeah, playing with a pad doesnt make you a n00b, iknow some beast pad players. that was just my arcade stick fanboyism coming out a little bit.
but ive heard so many excuses for why sucky players lose because of the controller. when at the end of the day... they just suck

this game is crack though. im considering ordering a sf4 stick to play it with instead of the stick i have now.
Originally Posted by gusyouout

Originally Posted by Buttons McBoomBoom

I did....2 perfects in the first match / finished the next 3 matches with ultras (no perfects) / and didn't lose a round the entire game...and still didn't get gouken. Horrible lol
Did you use Akuma? And did you already unlock Cammy, Dan, Fei Long, Gen, Rose, and Sakura? Also make sure you beat it once with Akuma beforehand. Then you do the perfect, three ultras, then finish the rest normally and don't lose a round.

^^^ When I read i was like
. So confusing. SOUNDS LIKE THE NIKETALKHAND SHAKE.. Anyone remember it?
anybody needing a quick W or an L depending how im playing add me... PS3: about a 6 out of 10 skill wise...
Originally Posted by POSITE FIEND

Originally Posted by cRazy dav0

i can't play this game ... 3 light kicks in a row ... game only recognizes 1 input ...
@ capcom ... making it so that u need to use turbo ... my buffering game

i'm done w/ this game for a while unless i see a tourney up

maybe u just blow, combos are easy as hell to do in this game

u definitely got me on the technical side ... u nice w/ chun li and ken .... i tried to mix it up but i can't really use anyone but ken and sagat ... nexttime gotta switch it up to play on the 2 player side ...
I wonder how many people in here are blowing smoke, and how many are actually good at this game; like competitively good.
GT = bimbady

My first Street Fighter game that I'm going to take serious. I'm pretty consistent with Ken and C.Viper. Starting to get used to Abel and does anyonesee potential in Rufus? There were some games were I was almost untouchable with him, he's hella fast.
Originally Posted by K2theAblaM

I wonder how many people in here are blowing smoke, and how many are actually good at this game; like competitively good.

i got nothing to front about ... i got 450 bp on xbox ... which means i ain't much
only excuses i'll make is for sweaty hands sometimes ....hopefully i can get my hand on a stick to see how much i can improve ... i'll still talk to trash to anyone on here though b/c thas just me ...
Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

U on now?

No I'm not...I'm gonna shower and clean up a bit...then I wanna try for Gouken 2-3 more times...then I'll be on live. Tonight is my first nightplaying live matches..I'm not bad but prolly will get whooped, honestly I haven't even gotten around to playing with a lot of characters yet cause Iwanna friggen get gouken. Been waiting to use Rufus steadily...and Gief....and Dhalism lol.

Anyone on 360 who wants to play later...get at me ....

gamertag - Kurt Hustle
Originally Posted by jordanhead7792

daaz what you talking bout RB?
you must be a xbox noob.....jk lol

RT=right trigger

RB=right button

unless you have a ps3....then it should be either R1 or R2

current BP is about 1300, i'ma try to aim for that 10k and call it a day

i believe i'm at 72 matches, with about a 60% win percentage....

GT=SN on the 360...i'll be on about 10 pm pst
Yo, is this game the %$+$? Is it a mandatory cop?

I have too many games I haven't played. I've been playing the %$+$ out of Gears 2, and I just can't get sick of it. I have FIFA 09, Ninja Gaiden 2,and COD: WaW just sittin' here.
Originally Posted by 22 Deuces 22

Yo, is this game the %$+$? Is it a mandatory cop?

I have too many games I haven't played. I've been playing the %$+$ out of Gears 2, and I just can't get sick of it. I have FIFA 09, Ninja Gaiden 2, and COD: WaW just sittin' here.
Ya, it really is.

It's the type of revolutionary gameplay that'll stick around for years man, we're talking what goldeneye and halo did to FPS games.
Originally Posted by K2theAblaM

I wonder how many people in here are blowing smoke, and how many are actually good at this game; like competitively good.
as far as im concerned theres 4 diff categories when it comes to SF....your either suck, your ok, above average, or pro/COMPETITIVE....probably5-10% of the world fall under this just above average ill admit.....DAIGO and JUSTIN are what you call PROS!!! lol
Originally Posted by jordanhead7792

Originally Posted by daaznfella

Originally Posted by jordanhead7792

daaz what you talking bout RB?
you must be a xbox noob.....jk lol

RT=right trigger

RB=right button

unless you have a ps3....then it should be either R1 or R2

current BP is about 1300, i'ma try to aim for that 10k and call it a day

i believe i'm at 72 matches, with about a 60% win percentage....

GT=SN on the 360...i'll be on about 10 pm pst
naw i dont have an xbox i have a PS3 and i got it i sorta figured out what u meant when you said RB

and come on guys i need some challenge add me so i can murk some of yall PSN-jordanhead7792 but personally i want to challenge BOOST since we was hyping the game so much and supposely is a beast at it
Let's go son, I'm on right now. Like the rest, you can catch a quick L. I got a 70.02% win rate
imma def be playin some of you cats when i pick this up. im not gonna BS nobody, im steppin my game up for this. this game serious in the streets right now
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