i have trouble actual getting a match, but once i do it runs very smooth

did u install the game on your hard drive
at people complaining about people using ryu or ken.

I've always used Ryu and I've been playing since forever. I never bothered to really put work into anybody else.

Him, Akuma and maybe Sakura is all I use.

Add me if yall wanna play. PSN in the sig. I've already had a number of good games with certain NikeTalkers.
Originally Posted by cRazy dav0

i don't never give props to people but TRAPORDIE : and then u leave
... gotta at least let me tie it up ... that was prolly the best best match i played online in terms of the finish ...

homie is a beast wit sagat
Ah damnit...unlocking all the colors is going to be a royal pain. I added a few of you today...but I didn't play any matches...was busy unlocking colors.

Everyone else remember to add if u wanna get down..

Kurt Hustle
Why does it seem like everyone that's on the network has a crappy connection? I keep doing the search and nobody has a connection above one bar. When I tryto jump in that match, it's choppy as hell. What gives?
Originally Posted by trapmuzik617

Originally Posted by cRazy dav0

i don't never give props to people but TRAPORDIE : and then u leave
... gotta at least let me tie it up ... that was prolly the best best match i played online in terms of the finish ...

homie is a beast wit sagat

i def. need practice ...

someone on here sent me a message after they barely won the first matchup ... they ain't beat me since
and of course left the room, prolly to go practice ...

GT - mongooseny23 - XBOX

ok i dont know if this has been mentioned or not but im trying to play the arcade mode but it keeps on getting interrupted by new challengers from online....but i dont want to accpect them how do i turn this off??? ill be in a the middle of a match and murkin the computer then that *+%$ will get cut off
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