Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Man I fell victim to the hype machine again.


never again NT, never again
Granted I did only play it for about 20 minutes....but man, I dunno.
I'm not too mad because I only copped it for $40 but still....

You guys get points for beating someone? If so add my PSN: Daytona-5000 so you can get your points up

haha.. yo boost.. the combos are not working.. for some reason.. my characters never do any damage..
i hit one guy with a 6 hit combo with sagat and it took "______/_______________________" of the meter ROFL!!!

i definitely lost my last 24387293479832 ranked matches but i refuse to play with ryu and ken.
about to start cheesing with the m. bison slide!!!!
damn xbox controller is mad annoying- the d pad being one button effs up certain moves/combos, cant wait to cop it on ps3 when i get home (playin it at collegeon my boys xbox)- blanka is that dudeeeee (peep the avy)
for everyone thats trying to get akuma beat it with ryu put on easiest and just do hadukens till cpu dies and dont lose a fight you can lose a round i thinkyou only need like 2 and for gouken put the rounds to 1 and get 2 perfects then 3 ultra combos with any character dont matter who dont lose a round or yougotta start over took me awhile...
Originally Posted by los cientos

Originally Posted by trapmuzik617

Originally Posted by damnitzvin

gt- nyczvin , who wants it right now

u not ready. tell all of NT about me homie!!!
if u wanna try again let me kno

I had you beat last night 7>5 haha but you were tough

haha i kno. wat til i get my fightpad tho... its a wrap haha... and when i had sakura it shouldnt count... it was my first time usin her
so more like 6>5
Originally Posted by eastnewyork80

COD4 should be fun, im pretty good

but god damn what the hell does it mean to "charge" in a special, i already briefly paused and nothing, its getting kind of annoying
, but im down for a SF Tourny or COD4

u gotta hold a specific direction (usually the back or down direction) for at least 2 seconds
Just beat the Arcade mode on the Hardest Difficulty with Ken
it was surprisingly easy. Now im ready to bust some heads online

I been training hard with Akuma after i unlocked him today, but is it me or does he take more damage than other characters
This game is unplayable on the XBOX controller, i've called every game stop none of them have the sticks!
played this earlier and realized how much I don't enjoy fighting games. The big guy wearing the red trunks was a beast though
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