IHeartBoost is nasty with Balrog
Originally Posted by VIIheaven

Originally Posted by shabooyah1124

I dunno how people call out other people in this game. Throwing is a part of the game, and if someone is dragon punching the whole time, block and counter. It's that easy. No one can complain about cheezing.
I agree for the most part. I really do hate throwing though. I can't front, I use it though. But how do you complain about dragon punches, its Ken & Ryu's trademark move.
I agree. The people complaining about cheesing are wack. They don't know how to block or what?
Originally Posted by iamxtian

Guile's Ultra Combo is

can someone help me out with how in the world i pull it off more efficiently. i seriously spent like an hour trying to get it down and probably pulled it off like 2-3 times.

other than that...

its A LOT easier with the joystick imo- tried it countless times with the d pad and it was hit or miss
man i hated that you couldnt change buttons but i managed ,the winner got head bands and an invite to the next round my gamestop took the top two, i lost thematch two get into that top two. before the tourney people was jumping on practcing and showing their hand. My thing was this one idiot talking mad stuff andwas a garbage ken player i was glad he lost but then i wanted to give that ninja the business with sagat. but for the most part everybody else was cool and westayed after and played each other .

I like my chance with an arcade stick i swear i was the only one linking super and canceling

people were not :
1) fireball spamming (weird)
2) using cheap tactics (except one e honda player)
3) using ken and ryu right
4) focus attacks

People were:
1) using ken and ryu way to much
2) shaking like physically ( Realtalk i was nervous as hell)
3) being sportsmanlike (except random ninja number 5)
i'm addicted to this game

116 - 64 64.44% win rate ... 17 game win streak ... 786 battle points

i'm done 4 the rest of the weekend ... keep adding me though ... xbox - gt - mongooseny23 ...
can someone point me in the direction of an arcade stick.. playin w/ the reg controller kills my hand and i went to like 84893 stores today none of em had one
ok what im i doing wrong??!!!!

i did the perfects i did the ultras and after seth i played and beat akuma and gouken and i still can't play with them.
what do i have to do to unlock them and all the other players?? i only have one person unlocked....... Sakura.

and i got colors 1-5 unlocked there more?
and what do the personal action do???
Im looking to buy this game, havnt picked up my 360 and played in awhile.. But is the joystick set really $160, or is it some kind of special edition?
Originally Posted by YuraS718

Im looking to buy this game, havnt picked up my 360 and played in awhile.. But is the joystick set really $160, or is it some kind of special edition?

tournament edition. they have a standard edition which is 80. or u can get a hori which is 60
by doing the challenges, and buying new customes when they release... brawlers pack came out... that's for honda, abel, zangief, rufus and el fuerte..others will release over the next weeks
i can not get ken's 1st hard trial challenge.
i just can't pull off the ultra fast enough after the focus cancel....smh
at least not with the DS3
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