now waiting for chipset
Yo beast imma be home all day today... just let me know when you wanna play.. we need to get this 1st round over with... it's takin too long
Originally Posted by J Steezzz

Yo beast imma be home all day today... just let me know when you wanna play.. we need to get this 1st round over with... it's takin too long

can you be on at 1?
PSN Tourney

Jsteezzz vs. Beast4ya

Jsteezzz advances 2-0

EDIT: Samb lemme know when you wanna get our matches in and add me... ipl0t25
Originally Posted by Tetsujin23

now waiting for chipset
you guys figure out a time to play or is he missing in action? we'll give him til the end of the night to reply/post. if he doesn't we'll get a sub ready.
Originally Posted by TennHouse2

have M4rioL and KillItWithFire played yet?

Nope. I was away on travel this weekend but KillItWithFire still hasnt accepted my friend request and is a no show here and on Live.
I'm ready to go though
i been sendin duke invites and he doesn't respond. now i'm like eff it. sub this man.
i'm ready to fight

any of the ps3 reserves ready to go?

i guess the first one that posts that they are ready can take chipset's spot.

R- iAllan - AF1X420 - SD
R- MarTdiZzle23 - MarTdiZzle - NYC
R- THE SAUNA - IndyStateofMind -

M4rioL - ok. both of you have recently posted with intentions to play so you guys just have to figure out a time that works for both of your schedules.

it wouldn't be right to sub someone unless they've been a 100% no show since signing up, like chipset jed. that, and there's no subs signed up for the 360 tourney, so we have to roll with what we got.

everyone who is in the 2nd round should be going ahead with getting their matches done.
Yo I'm ready when u are, hit me up @ samb45 anytime this evening to run the match
Xbox live

JHavik vs Jordanf1end



good games but there was some lag -_- even when i won the first one but good games none the less. I HATE VEGA!
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