daaznfella-daaznfella, xbox 360

why you couldn't just send me a PM through xbox live Jae????

and hows the new castlevania? i pm'd you about that through xbox live too and got no response....=(
Real random but is it considered cheating using Ken and Ryu

I don't have a router yet so I haven't been online but one of my mans swears up and down its cheating if u get them like getting Cable in MvC2
bigtomgetsgwap wrote:

Real random but is it considered cheating using Ken and Ryu
I don't have a router yet so I haven't been online but one of my mans swears up and down its cheating if u get them like getting Cable in MvC2

Not even, the game is balanced any character can win on SSFIV if they know their character specific matchups. On vanilla sfiv Sagat was considered too damn strong but with this version he has been nerfed a lot but he still is an S-Rank. Ryu and Ken are top and mid tier characters but really it depends on the person who wields the character that makes or breaks the strength of the fighter in use.
Joebillionaire(sp) seems scared.....i invited him twice to fight but duke logs off and then logs bak on and stay on mw2

i'll update the brackets with tetsujin moving on.

so thenkotb and tetsujin are playing in the 2nd round now on the ps3 side.

on the 360 side, i'm subbing in daaznfella for m4rioL . so whenever you're ready sir, hit me up on xbl. also, castlevania is dope. it's something you kinda have to play with other people though. it's a little whack in single player since all the maps and bosses are designed for multiplayer/teamwork.  if you like castlevania and have someone else you can maybe talk into getting it, it's definitely worth it.

and for the "is ken/ryu cheap to use" question....your friend sounds like he's bad at street fighter. use whoever you want.
i got da request thenktob.
Unless we can knock these last 4 games out at one time or before saturday, im gonna have to drop.
Im moving this weekend and might be without internet til sometime next week.
Originally Posted by TheHavik

Unless we can knock these last 4 games out at one time or before saturday, im gonna have to drop.
Im moving this weekend and might be without internet til sometime next week.
i'm sure we can get the 360 one wrapped up in a day if we all get on the same page

i'll try to get my match with daaznfella done tonight. i usually see flash house on around the same time too, so i'll try to coordinate it so that he plays winner right after me and daaznfella play.

whats up with bozo and ddrngonxtc on the ps3 side? you guys still going to play? that match is a first to two. winner goes to the final and plays a first to 3 for first place. loser will play for 3rd place in a first to 3 with the loser from the jsteez vs tetsujin/thenkotb match.
I pm'ed bozo 2 days ago and havent gotten a reply yet. we're friends on psn though but i havent seen him online
No disrespect to the tourney,but does anyone wanna catch wreck?
The handle is Deathwing617.
I'm at my man's pad now getting my +@* beat somethin' horrible

Hit me up.
"Go easy on me!"
Originally Posted by DDRnrgONxtc

I pm'ed bozo 2 days ago and havent gotten a reply yet. we're friends on psn though but i havent seen him online

Sent you a message on NT yesterday. We keep missing each other online. Just let me know when you will def be on.
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