Originally Posted by TennHouse2

JAE are u gonna be on tonight?
we'll get our match done one of these nights, my bad. i been pretty sick the past couple days and haven't felt like playing.

in other news, ask daaznfella what happened to his bison.
Originally Posted by jae oh en

Originally Posted by TennHouse2

JAE are u gonna be on tonight?
we'll get our match done one of these nights, my bad. i been pretty sick the past couple days and haven't felt like playing.

in other news, ask daaznfella what happened to his bison.
 that means i gotta step my game up daaznfella knocked me outta last tourney
Yo im back on. Finished moving, and I had my internet and stuff switched over today so i can play. I just need to go pick up my 360 from my old spot.
Gimme until Monday night and i should be up and rolling.
Originally Posted by jae oh en

Originally Posted by TennHouse2

JAE are u gonna be on tonight?
we'll get our match done one of these nights, my bad. i been pretty sick the past couple days and haven't felt like playing.

in other news, ask daaznfella what happened to his bison.

He told me he got bored, and chose Cammy just for the hell of it, lol. I almost won the tourny my friend made on Saturday... I had it, but instead of doing an Ultra after my Focus Attack, I swept... Oh well, haha.

Add me on Xboxlive if anybody wants to play - HellaFilthy
Originally Posted by Dunks206

Originally Posted by jae oh en

in other news, ask daaznfella what happened to his bison.
He told me he got perfected, and chose Cammy because the bison got figured out, lol.
word. that's pretty much what happened.
i lost against thenkotb
good match tho. Cammy and that damn spinning %%@*, can't block that for nothin.
Originally Posted by Dunks206

Originally Posted by jae oh en

in other news, ask daaznfella what happened to his bison.

He told me he got bored, and chose Cammy just for the hell of it, lol.

Originally Posted by jae oh en

Originally Posted by Dunks206

Originally Posted by jae oh en

in other news, ask daaznfella what happened to his bison.

He told me he got perfected, and chose Cammy because the bison got figured out, lol.
word. that's pretty much what happened.

Nice edit Jae...
Do you know what sucks? I fixed my internet problem and I threw in the towel 2 days before I fixed it

Sign me up for the next tourney...
Originally Posted by thenkotb

lets get this final 4 goin.. best out of 5 matches right?
no. the semi's are best of 3. the usual.

the matches for 1st-4th places are best of 5.

so yeah. everyone should still be playing best of 3's til the finals.
Originally Posted by J Steezzz

Thenkotb-- lemme know when you wanna get our matches in.

Sign me up for next tourney also

won't be home all day wednesday, how about thurday night?
Heres a pic of my Mad Catz TE stick that I changed some stuff on ( buttons, balltop, artwork, bezel). Not as fancy and elaborate as some of the ones on SRK though. Lemme know what you guys think.


Originally Posted by J Steezzz

Originally Posted by thenkotb

Originally Posted by J Steezzz

Thenkotb-- lemme know when you wanna get our matches in.

Sign me up for next tourney also

won't be home all day wednesday, how about thurday night?
Yeah im down , what time?
ill be signed on psn from now untill around 10 o'clock (central time) so if you get on before them send me an invite. oh btw i sent you a friend request already, name is hotpantsP00P00.
J Steezzz vs. Theknotb

J steezzz wins 2-0

Good games man, your Cammy is pretty Decent, i was HELLA rusty

IDK how i pulled it out
j steezzz vs thenkotb 
winner: j steezzz

should have stayed with my cammy or picked my fei. 

[font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]good game though. you got a super solid character.[/font]
so we got the ps3 final set.

For first place -

J Steezzz vs. Bozo7000

and for 3rd place-

thenkotb vs. ddrnrgonxtc

Both of these matches are a Best of FIVE. so first to win 3 games takes it.

As always, Loser's can switch characters between games. Winner's have to keep their characters between games.
tennhouse - i'm still a bit sick and haven't been on xbl much, so my bad for lagging on our match.

also for everyone that wants to get in on the second round of tourneys, now is the time to put your name in.
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