Originally Posted by jae oh en

• Versus Battles against regular SSFIV players will also be supported, Capcom states "Get out there and duke it out with the version you like best!"

   When watching it i took that quote as meaning when u pick your character you'll be able to choose between the Super or AE version of that character
Originally Posted by TennHouse2

Originally Posted by jae oh en

• Versus Battles against regular SSFIV players will also be supported, Capcom states "Get out there and duke it out with the version you like best!"
   When watching it i took that quote as meaning when u pick your character you'll be able to choose between the Super or AE version of that character
yeah. i figured that as well. sf2 anniversary edition comes to mind. either way, i'm glad they seemingly figured out a way to release this and not divide the pool of online players. 
Capcom can go eat a *%+# if they don't release this as a DLC add-on now that we KNOW that they can release it as DLC.
kotaku has the video up.

here's a working youtube link too.

edit - that was pretty sick. the new replay mode looks amazing. the english evil ryu voice though
Can we some more brand new characters. I mean how many ryu/evil ryu/akuma/oni/ken/gouken/sakura/dan do we need?

Juri >
Today marks the beginning of Capcoms annual Captivate event. They revealed a bunch of Street Fighter info. 


$15 DLC or $40 for the Disc Release. 

The DLC drops June 7th. The retail disc will be out June 28th. 

PC version drops in July. 

Sounds like you won't actually be able to pick which version of the character you want to play with, but moreso picking whether you want to enter SSF4 matchmaking or AE matchmaking. 

too much info released today to put into my own words. so i'm just going to copy/paste the rest.

via Destructoid.

"The meat of the update are the four new characters: Evil Ryu, Oni, Yin, and Yang. Each bring their own unique fighting styles and move sets to the fight, along with fully animated intro and ending videos. If you'd rather rely on your old favorites, Capcom is promising entirely new alternate costumes, as well. The balance of the roster has also been tweaked across the board, putting it in line with some of the known balancing changes in the latest arcade iteration of the fighter.

Capcom isn't settling with simply dumping new characters and costumes into the game, though, and has also focused on building up the online portion of the game, in particular in the area of replays. The "Elite Channel" will only feature replays from the top tier players, those who've accumulated 3000 PP or more; no more getting stuck watching scrubs weakly fighting one another. If you want to get even more specific, you'll be able to search for and follow specific Gamertags and online IDS, as well. The sharing functionality of the replay system is also being tweaked, making it even easier to share multiple files with your friends and rivals.

The "Endless Battle" online mode has now been expanded for Arcade Edition. Called "Enhanced Endless Battle," this mode will allow you to set even more specific conditions for matchmaking, allowing online fighters to fine-tune the battle experience. Players will also be able to get more information about their opponent while in a match, too; the HUD will now not only display the opponents online ID, but also their PP and their BP.

Capcom is also addressing concerns over splintering the Street Fighter IV community with a new, paid update. An update will be coming to the current Super Street Fighter IV that will allow those players to play matchmaking games with those playing Arcade Edition. While players who don't upgrade to Arcade Edition obviously won't have the new online features and new characters, they'll still be able to play online without any trouble even if they decide not to update."

Should I trade in my Super Street Fighter 4 towards the Arcade Edition or just go after the 1200 point dlc? opinions?
Will people with SSF4 be able to play these people? it sucks because i just coped ssf4 again.. like 2days ago for 20bucks
Originally Posted by xblaze23

Should I trade in my Super Street Fighter 4 towards the Arcade Edition or just go after the 1200 point dlc? opinions?

DLC = 25 bucks saved. 

you're screwed if you ever wanted to bring AE to someone elses spot though. 

Smookie wrote:
Will people with SSF4 be able to play these people? it sucks because i just coped ssf4 again.. like 2days ago for 20bucks 

yeah. if you choose not to upgrade, you'll still be able to play people who did make the jump to AE. think of it this way too. you just copped super for 20 bucks. the DLC for AE is 15. that's still 5 bucks cheaper than it'd be to buy the retail disc of AE when it comes out.

NYC FOLKS - An opportunity to play some AE on consoles before it comes out. 


"The festivities start on April 14th at 7PM, with a screening of I Got Next. This documentary follows some of the top competitive Street Fighter players and what they think of the community today. Afterwards, Seth, along with pro player Joe Ciaramelli and Game Center researcher Charles Pratt will be doing a Q&A. On April 15 at 6PM, Seth will be lecturing and demoing in-game situations and how gameplay evolves throughout the course of playing.

Lastly, the Spring Fighter Tournament will be taking place on April 16th starting at 2PM. The tournament itself will be played on Super Street Fighter IV, but we will have two stations featuring the console version of Arcade Edition for you to try out! Make sure to hone your skills if you are entering the tournament, as there are some extremely awesome prizes the folks at NYU's Game Center will be giving out, including a brand new Nintendo 3DS with a copy of Super Street Fighter IV 3D Edition!"

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DLC = 25 bucks saved. 

you're screwed if you ever wanted to bring AE to someone elses spot though.

it's basically 15 vs 25 but I was hoping there would be another incentive to purchase the disc version. All I can think of is as you stated, portability and new cover art, I guess I'll go for DLC.

I'm a novice at SF but love the series. I'm still a bit confused as to how someone with the AE would be able to face off with someone playing regular if at all.
I can't wait for this. Thanks for the info.

My GT is ImWaitinOnANoob, send me a friend request if you're down to fight. SSFIV is the only game I play now.
In anticipation for the DLC i decided to come out of retirement and i already see why i stopped playing.

Once you get to 10,000 BP ranked becomes total bs and not worth it anymore. I'll win 3-4 fights in a row, lose 1 and end up with the same or less points than i started with.
The waiting for MK to get delivered info bump. This answers the question as to how the upgrade/matchmaking process works out. Via
Capcom's Seth Killian dished some basic information about the game, here's a run down
• The console release of SSF4 Arcade Edition will be a perfect port of the version currently in arcades. Do not anticipate any balance changes in AE.

• SSF4 users who don't upgrade to AE can't play against the new characters, but they get the increased search functionality of the replay system. They can also watch Arcade Edition matches.

• It's not setup like Anniversary Edition where you could pick different versions of characters from the games. When you start the title up, you can choose to either play SSF4 or AE.

• You do not get the balance updates for your characters if you don't upgrade. The developers wanted to leave SSF4 alone for people who still wanted to play that iteration of Street Fighter, also they weren't sure how the old characters would stack up against the new fighters, Yang, Yun, Evil Ryu and Oni, without the balance changes they received in the new title.
Tonight there will be a live stream going of the Topanga Charity Cup. It's a 5 vs. 5 team tournament being held in japan to raise money for earthquake relief. It'll feature teams full of top japanese players, including daigo. So if anyone is interested in watching the highest of high level play, check out the stream later tonight. 

It's supposed to start around 11pm eastern time/8 pacific. 

here's the teams for tonight. for those who don't follow SF on a geek/dork level, this may as well be a list of the best players in japan.

Topanga (Daigo:Yun, Tokido:Akuma, Mago:Fei Long, Nyanshi:Sagat, Bonchan:Sagat)
Five star (Haitani:Makoto, Kindevu:Yun, MDR:Yun, Sako:Ibuki, Nem o:Yang)
Tinpan Zei (Hamamatsu Rufus:Yun, KOK:Fei long, Haneyama:Yang, Banbaban:Yun, Eita:Akuma)
Chiba Shizuoka Rengougun (Aqua:Yang, Mahoushoujo Zangitan:Zangief, TUC:Dictator, ACRevenger:Abel, Kuro ken:Dudley)
Scratch Players (a.k.a jojo:Dictator, Y24:Chun-Li, Rikuson:Fei Long, Hisyou:Sagat, Tonpy:C.Viper)

also pretty much have to - 

shoutouts to mr. feeny. 
an update from the tourney last night for all 2 people who still check this thread
. Daigo's team made the finals. a makoto player on the opposing team took out the heavy hitters on daigo's team. facing elimination for the first time in the tourney, daigo's team's anchor finally got a chance to play. their anchor was daigo.
this is what happened next. back to MK.
Originally Posted by jae oh en

an update from the tourney last night for all 2 people who still check this thread
. Daigo's team made the finals. a makoto player on the opposing team took out the heavy hitters on daigo's team. facing elimination for the first time in the tourney, daigo's team's anchor finally got a chance to play. their anchor was daigo.
this is what happened next. back to MK.

Watched this last night, this dude Shiro playing Makoto pretty much cleaned out Daigo's team. He even won took Daigo to rd. 3. Then Daigo just finished the opposing team.
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