Originally Posted by hongcouver604

any big name players get ousted in the first day of pools? there's bound to be some upsets.

not really. someone put Floe in losers(wasn't on the stream) and I think marn got eliminated. Justin Wong almost lost a game to a honda player but he choked at the end.
house took out chocoblanka, other than that, there's some big names in losers. PRrog, marn, and floe got put in loser's pretty early.
Honda player was jewelman, and from what I see clackey d just got beasted by a Japanese player, hsien Chang just lost,
Originally Posted by hongcouver604

damn this Fei Long vs Vance match is entertaining as hell. match point.
yep it sure was that ultra 2 counter by dr ray was sick.
The only international player I'd want to see take it is poongko, but it's tough to win with seth at a high level.
Other than that, I hope a USA player takes 1st over a Japanese player
Evo is worldwide... u got players from the Dominican Republic, Taiwan, HK/SG, Canada... bunch of really good players coming out of the woodwork.

But I have a feeling Daigo is winning it
It's a sad day bros...was up a round and a game on a Japanese geif only to piss it away because I got way to comfy in the the end my goal was to get out of pools and I did that and time to get wasted untill marvel tommarow
Originally Posted by TennHouse2

It's a sad day bros...was up a round and a game on a Japanese geif only to piss it away because I got way to comfy in the the end my goal was to get out of pools and I did that and time to get wasted untill marvel tommarow
damn that sucks. I wish they showed your match on the stream. good luck in marvel
I think poongko has a great chance to make to top 8. he could blow up almost anybody(except daigo)
[h1]Super Street Fighter 4 Arcade Edition — Top 8 remaining[/h1]
Winners bracket
MCZ|Daigo Umehara (Yun)
Fuudo (Fei Long)
AG|Latif (C. Viper)
Poongko (Seth)

Losers bracket
Flash Metroid (Zangief, C. Viper)
WolfKrone (C. Viper)
MCZ|Tokido (Akuma)
eLive|Kindevu (Yun)

[h1]Super Street Fighter 4 Arcade Edition — Top 32 battle log[/h1]
• MCZ|Tokido (Akuma) eliminated BLG|Juicebox (Juri) 2-0.

• WolfKrone (C. Viper) eliminated MCZ|Mago (Fei Long) 2-1.

• eLive|Kindevu (Yun) eliminated 801Strider (Sagat, Abel) 2-1.

• Flash Metroid (Zangief) eliminated DR Ray (Fei Long) 2-0.

• Fuudo (Fei Long) beat WolfKrone (C. Viper) 2-0.

• AG|Latif (C. Viper) beat 801Strider (Makoto, Abel) 2-0.

• Poongko (Seth) beat Flash Metroid (Zangief, C. Viper) 2-0.

• MCZ|Daigo Umehara (Yun) beat MCZ|Tokido (Akuma) 2-0.

• DR Ray (Fei Long) eliminated EG|Justin Wong (Rufus) 2-0.

• BLG|Juicebox (Abel) eliminated Shiro (Makoto) 2-0.

• MCZ|Mago (Fei Long) eliminated eLive|RF (Sagat) 2-0.

• eLive|Kindevu (Yun) eliminated Evans (Fei Long) 2-0.

• DR Ray (Fei Long) eliminated TTC|GamerBee (Adon) 2-1.

• EG|Justin Wong (Rufus) eliminated Hsien Chang (Yun) 2-0.

• Shiro (Makoto) eliminated Xian (Yun) 2-0.

• BLG|Juicebox (Juri) eliminated CJ Truth (Fei Long) 2-0.

• eLive|RF (Sagat) eliminated Alex Valle (Ryu) 2-0.

• MCZ|Mago (Fei Long) eliminated EG|Momochi (Yun) 2-1.

• eLive|Kindevu (Yun) eliminated cc.coL|Filipino Champ (Seth, Dhalsim) 2-0.

• Evans (Fei Long) eliminated Combofiend (Guy) 2-0.

• AG|Latif (C. Viper) beat EG|Justin Wong (Rufus) 2-1.

• WolfKrone (C. Viper) beat CJ Truth (Fei Long) 2-1.

• MCZ|Tokido (Akuma) beat EG|Momochi (Yun) 2-1.

• Flash Metroid (Zangief) beat cc.coL|Combofiend (Guy) 2-1.

• Fuudo (Fei Long) beat Xian (Yun) 2-1.

• 801Strider (Makoto) beat DR Ray (Fei Long) 2-0.

• MCZ|Mago (Fei Long) eliminated Infiltration (Akuma) 2-0.

• MCZ|Daigo Umehara (Yun) beat Alex Valle (Ryu) 2-1.

• eLive|Kindevu (Akuma) eliminated Leslie Cheong (Sagat) 2-0.

[h1]Early Notables Battle Log[/h1]• Infiltration (Akuma) beat Chris Hu (Oni) 2-0.

• MCZ|Mago (Fei Long) eliminated AquaSilk (Zangief) 2-0.

• Poongko (Seth) beat cc.coL|Filipino Champ (Dhalsim) 2-0.

• AG|Latif (C. Viper) beat LLL|Ryan Hart (Oni, Yun) 2-0.

• MCZ|Daigo Umehara (Yun) beat John Choi (Sagat) 2-0.

• EG|Justin Wong (Rufus) beat MCZ|Mago (Sagat) 2-1.

• DR Ray (Fei Long) beat BLG.Vangief (Zangief) 2-1.

• EG|Justin Wong (Rufus) beat UFO|Fubarduck (Yun) 2-1.
apparently daigo and poonkgo are matched up to play on sunday.

i hope daigo gets sent to losers, then loses to flash metroids gief.

i hope wolfkrone takes it. wouldn't mind seeing flash metroid take gief through the yuns though.
Originally Posted by TennHouse2

It's a sad day bros...was up a round and a game on a Japanese geif only to piss it away because I got way to comfy in the the end my goal was to get out of pools and I did that and time to get wasted untill marvel tommarow
damn that sucks dude. that's a good run.

but you lost to a gief?

Man, that Wolfkrone vs Mago match was somethin else. Had me on the edge of my seat the entire time...

Used to spar with Krone every single day back when he was on the ps3, before he started winning all these major tourneys... good to see him reap the benefits of hard work and dedication to the game. I really hope he wins it all... he's improved leaps and bounds.

On another note, DR Ray has a sick #*! Fei-Long. At least 5 Fei's in the top 32
yeah, the wolfkrone match was amazing. i hope he wins it.

i don't really play marvel but i'm looking forward to checking that out tomorrow. and especially sunday. watch there be some new top secret stuff that completely changes the balance of the game. there's a chance ultimate mvc3 will look even dumber after the weekends over.

smh @ 12 edits. can't type right now.
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