Student fighting a teacher.

I wish he woulda pepper sprayed her and he better not get into any type of trouble with the school over this.

That girl needs help long term though
All laws favor the kids. They can do/say whatever they want but if a teacher "defends" himself, no good. The system doesn't support the teacher by any stretch in that manner.

Looks bad from both sides.
Little girl with the science experiment gets a felony and I bet good money this girl gets a slap on the wrist.
I don't see how it looks had from the teachers side.

He's in a no win situation. If he hits her back then he's never teaching again, if he lets her hit him he gets hurt.

That girl should be punished but counseling and anger management is what she really needs
Honestly, teacher could have handled this a bit better, more than once he got in an aggressive stance and even picked up a table, that chick is a child, she has nothing to loose really and he has all to loose, best believe he'll lose his job, should have known better...
Honestly, teacher could have handled this a bit better, more than once he got in an aggressive stance and even picked up a table, that chick is a child, she has nothing to loose really and he has all to loose, best believe he'll lose his job, should have known better...

Lose* twice
He's a grown man. How much damage could a hit from her actually do to him? I didn't see him hit her, but still.
Honestly, teacher could have handled this a bit better, more than once he got in an aggressive stance and even picked up a table, that chick is a child, she has nothing to loose really and he has all to loose, best believe he'll lose his job, should have known better...
Naw bruh she was pushing at least 160, grown man status. 
Race thread my *** if he beat brakes off her I would give no dambs.

I wish he would have slept her.
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