Students Kicked Off Campus for Wearing American Flag Tees on Cinco de Mayo

Cinco de Mayo is a Mexican-American Holiday, Mexican Independence day is the Mexican version of 4th of July. I guarantee if you ask my counsins, who are actual Mexicans (you know like they were born in and live in Mexico, as opposed to being a bunch of cholos who live in the Bay Area), they would laugh about Americans wearing American flag T-shirts in America on a made up Mexican-America Holiday and it offending people.

In the broader context, this is an example of left wing waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaambulance politics. If you complain abut crushing government debt you are called a potential terrorist, if you disagree with the president you are being "uncivil," if you drive a car you are destroying the planet, if you smoke a cigarette in a bar you are causing kids to get asthma, if you are white you are a racist and if two or more whites congregate it is always for the purpose of lynching non whites.  

Left wingers are like gang members who will shoot someone for "looking at them funny."
Originally Posted by Rexanglorum

Cinco de Mayo is a Mexican-American Holiday, Mexican Independence day is the Mexican version of 4th of July. I guarantee if you ask my counsins, who are actual Mexicans (you know like they were born in and live in Mexico, as opposed to being a bunch of cholos who live in the Bay Area), they would laugh about Americans wearing American flag T-shirts in America on a made up Mexican-America Holiday and it offending people.

In the broader context, this is an example of left wing waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaambulance politics. If you complain abut crushing government debt you are called a potential terrorist, if you disagree with the president you are being "uncivil," if you drive a car you are destroying the planet, if you smoke a cigarette in a bar you are causing kids to get asthma, if you are white you are a racist and if two or more whites congregate it is always for the purpose of lynching non whites.  

Clearly, anti-war protesters during the Bush-era looked at themselves  as "uncivil". Good work with throwing the word "cholo" in there, too. Obviously, NBC has done it's part in getting you emotional. Let's not act like that last line  doesn't apply to all ethnic groups. Black and Hispanic  people say the exact same thing. You're complaining just as much as any liberal I know.  
Originally Posted by gusyouout

Originally Posted by heartofthacity

They shouldn't have been sent home for wearing the shirts.
If they started some $+*% verbally or physically, they should have been disciplined--but that is not the case here.
Sure, they were being smartasses and it wasn't a coincidence, but the school district is soft for this one.
While I think the punishment was OD and not meant for this, I thought it was in the best interest of the kids because I think there would have been fighting had they stayed in school for the day.

Basically.  The VP isn't stupid, he/she knows Norteno gangsters go to that school and were plotting. 
Cinco de Mayo is a Mexican-American Holiday, Mexican Independence day is the Mexican version of 4th of July. I guarantee if you ask my counsins, who are actual Mexicans (you know like they were born in and live in Mexico, as opposed to being a bunch of cholos who live in the Bay Area), they would laugh about Americans wearing American flag T-shirts in America on a made up Mexican-America Holiday and it offending people.

In the broader context, this is an example of left wing waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaambulance politics. If you complain abut crushing government debt you are called a potential terrorist, if you disagree with the president you are being "uncivil," if you drive a car you are destroying the planet, if you smoke a cigarette in a bar you are causing kids to get asthma, if you are white you are a racist and if two or more whites congregate it is always for the purpose of lynching non whites.  

Left wingers are like gang members who will shoot someone for "looking at them funny."

Nice sweeping generalizations there....

lol at the 'two or more' whites thing. Great job victimizing the current LOSERS in this political game called the United States of America. All you're doing is reinforcing the partisan bull #*@@ that that people are really tired of.

Give me a %@*%#!$ break.I'm so tired of these well off people, the "real Americans" talk about losing their "freedoms"..when my people have been subjugated from day one

Waambulance politics? The last time I checked the constitution holds exceptions to the First Amendment.

It's pretty obvious what these kids were doing in their attempt to be contrary....I think the school administrators were looking out for their safety; for it's very likely these three "rebels" would have been done bodily harm for going out of their way to be disrespectful. 
This doesn't make sense. How does the American flag on a shirt bother any Mexican-American on Cinco De Mayo(a holiday few Hispanics even take seriously let alone celebrate).

The administration at that school are treating the American flag like the confederate flag or a klan hood on MLK day. The American flag in no way should offend any person in America despite the holiday that may be celebrating another country.

Meh it's not like they are confederate flags or anything. People need to chill out.
Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

I don't think they were trying their first amendment rights....morose trying to prevent a confrontation. Those two kids knew they were instigating an incident anyway.


So hypothetically, ya'll would not have an issue if the Mexican American kids were forced to turn their Mexican flag shirts inside out at school on the 4th of July?

if they wore it that specific day then its the same thing

works both ways.. youll see mexican flags and apparel all around on july 4th....

stop it son

these kids just had to prove their "proud americans on 5 de mayo"
Originally Posted by JP310

i graduated from this school (Class of 07)

I think these kids were just trying to be "cool" and wanted some attention (which they got) If it wasn't Cinco de mayo, i don't think they all would have worn the shirts.
You think?
Originally Posted by Club29

Originally Posted by HybridSoldier23

So hypothetically, ya'll would not have an issue if the Mexican American kids were forced to turn their Mexican flag shirts inside out at school on the 4th of July?

the loophole to your theory being: school isnt in session during the summer.
Originally Posted by JP310

i graduated from this school (Class of 07)

I think these kids were just trying to be "cool" and wanted some attention (which they got) If it wasn't Cinco de mayo, i don't think they all would have worn the shirts.
I graduated 06 Morgan Hill is a boonie town there isn't anything better for these kids to do anyways.
So... the same Mexican-Americans who are so up in arms about illegal immigrants not being granted "American Rights" are totally fine with American citizens not being able to display their pride in our country... Oh the irony.
Originally Posted by Club29

Originally Posted by HybridSoldier23

So hypothetically, ya'll would not have an issue if the Mexican American kids were forced to turn their Mexican flag shirts inside out at school on the 4th of July?

the loophole to your theory being: school isnt in session during the summer.
Actually, school is in session in Summer. School isn't in session ON July 4th. Making it a purely hypothetical situation

Seriously though, Cinco de Mayo isn't even that serious. People barely celebrate it in Mexico. I don't even celebrate it. Even my parents forget its Cinco de Mayo sometimes. People are overreacting to this.
Originally Posted by FrenchBlue23

Originally Posted by ERASCISM

I don't see the big deal with them being sent home. They were gonna catch a beatdown.

Tell me one Mexican who celebrates, and takes Cinco de Mayo serious?  Another excuse to drink and leave work early. 

And another excuse for Hispanics and Whites to hate each other.
I am saying
ShaunHillFTW49 wrote:
Originally Posted by Rexanglorum

Cinco de Mayo is a Mexican-American Holiday, Mexican Independence day is the Mexican version of 4th of July. I guarantee if you ask my counsins, who are actual Mexicans (you know like they were born in and live in Mexico, as opposed to being a bunch of cholos who live in the Bay Area), they would laugh about Americans wearing American flag T-shirts in America on a made up Mexican-America Holiday and it offending people.

In the broader context, this is an example of left wing waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaambulance politics. If you complain abut crushing government debt you are called a potential terrorist, if you disagree with the president you are being "uncivil," if you drive a car you are destroying the planet, if you smoke a cigarette in a bar you are causing kids to get asthma, if you are white you are a racist and if two or more whites congregate it is always for the purpose of lynching non whites.  

Clearly, anti-war protesters during the Bush-era looked at themselves  as "uncivil". Good work with throwing the word "cholo" in there, too. Obviously, NBC has done it's part in getting you emotional. Let's not act like that last line  doesn't apply to all ethnic groups. Black and Hispanic  people say the exact same thing. You're complaining just as much as any liberal I know.  

First of all, most of the waaaaambulance politics of the lef tare not practiced by most blacks and Hispanics, it i mostly the art of the left wing elite in the media and in Washington. We all have disagreement but the MSNBC crowd is different in one key way. They feel offended and victimized over people's thoughts.

I am a libertarian so I do not like the growth of banana republic style government, which has been growing for years and has been exploding over the last two years (just because I do not like Obama does not mean I like McCain, Palin, Bush et al. you should watch the most recent episode of The Boondocks for more that). I however, dislike actions, policies, which are enforced more or less at the point of a gun. The MSNBC set feels victimized by people simply living differently and thinking differently then they do.

When you control the White House, Congress, Wall Street (antiquated stereotypes aside, the real players on Wall Street are almost all Democratic party donors and Wallstreet "reform" is making bailouts permanent. The elite turn slighly better off working people against less well off working people while they create a third world style oligarchy), much of the mainstream media, the ABA, the EPA, the public sector unions and the schools and you spend most your time freaking out over what a few talk show hosts say and what a former governor say on her book tour you should call up the waaaabulance, asap.

Originally Posted by FrenchBlue23

Originally Posted by ERASCISM

I don't see the big deal with them being sent home. They were gonna catch a beatdown.

Tell me one Mexican who celebrates, and takes Cinco de Mayo serious?  Another excuse to drink and leave work early. 

And another excuse for Hispanics and Whites to hate each other.

I agree, I'm Mexican but don't telly celebrate it.
I think this is crazy, however I bet those American flag shirts were not made in the USA.
Originally Posted by rillo561

I think this is crazy, however I bet those American flag shirts were not made in the USA.

That my be the worst part of the whole situation.
Probably wanted to start something but still Americans should be able to wear a shirt with their flag any day of the year especially in USA
Tell me one Mexican who celebrates, and takes Cinco de Mayo serious?  Another excuse to drink and leave work early. 
and you live in L.A.? please move to another state if so.

Not everyone thats hispanic/mexican celebrates but theres areas that youll see tradition being celebrated every month.

!*%% they just tryin to start some ##!.

How you gonna be on a 4 way call with your guy friends tryna agree on what clothes to wear, thats some girl stuff.
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