Study tips Vol. New school year

Aug 24, 2009
It's a new school year and I'm ready to put in work this year. I came off some good study habits last year, and I just want to get back into the swing of things, and try and raise my GPA.

I know a lot of NTers are in school, so please share your tips for studying, dos and don'ts.

For me,

-I like to study in the library. The computers are public and pretty slow so I don't wander off and go on Facebook, NT, that stuff. So I spend a couple hours in the library to finish work and read up on the lesson.
-I read ahead. If I know what the next topic/lesson is going to be, I read it in the book before I go to class so I can understand it better.
-I put all my work on Google Docs or I email it to myself so I always have it at hand.
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Do: Use a calendar, or "to-do" list, cross the stuff off when you complete it and finish your list everyday. Find out your learning style and use it (some people are auditory learners, helps to just sit down and talk with someone-- others use flashcards, write it down, type it, read it 3x). Let your professors know you're trying, that you're interested in the class or are at least trying (see them at office hours, email them, talk to them after class, etc.)
Originally Posted by damnTHOSEjs

it's cool to be a teacher's pet in college.

Also, put the drinks down and pick the books up.

In college I always had a planner with all the stuff i needed to do. Try to stay ahead.. It always helps.
Once you fall behind, its hard to catch up.

Good luck this semester.
Ill keep tabs on this thread...playing ball for my college, trying to keep that 3.0
Originally Posted by Gex The Damaja

Any one have any chemistry help websites? I need to be prepared for the long run.


STAY off the computer/laptop/social networks until work has been dided
Anyone work full time and go to school? I'm going back to college after 5 years... one week in and I'm already exhausted.
no tips. just came here to toot my horn

got a job at a fitness center where around 30 people come in throughout the whole day.

i sit on the talk of nike and do homework and get paid for it.
feels good man
Study high. Take the test high. Get high scores
You're a high school student right?
If you have an off period between classes, use those to study, knock out homework or do what you need to do even if its outside of school so it doesn't get in the way after school hours.
turn in your work on time, this one always killed me. id get the work done, and the quality was on point. but i would always get killed with those late deductions.
ask your teacher for help on the assignment if you didnt understand the instructions etc. 99% of them will help, usually more help than you need!
im not good with "study" groups but im good with i guess a homework group, one of you does half of the assignment and the other does the other half.

You can have fun, party, play ball and still keep your grades up, just keep your grades as your number one priority

are you a senior? work on scholarships NOW. this really screwed me and now im not attending the university i wanted. school is expensive, get those dollars as early as possible and as much as possible

if you have to stay in on a friday or saturday, then do it.

PM or just ask if you need anything else, cant say i was the perfect student, but i did good, i certainly could have been less lazy and fixed my mistakes sooner.
Third semester of college starting tomorrow and i need to get my #$!# together.

Will be putting in work some of these tips.
  • Get to know the tutors
  • Previous semester I would take Friday as a relax day but now get up at 9 head to school and stay until everything is done for the upcoming week. Spent this past Friday working on my first article for the school paper
  • Annoy the &*$% out of your teachers with emails and visit office hours even if it's just for one question. Show them you care.
  • Try and get study groups. Helped with Spanish last year like 15-20 were always at the same spot before class.
  • Ask other students how they take notes/study.

Has helped me a ton
Originally Posted by scshift

It's a new school year and I'm ready to put in work this year. I came off some good study habits last year, and I just want to get back into the swing of things, and try and raise my GPA.
What's your schedule look like? How many classes you got?
Originally Posted by Sneaky

Originally Posted by scshift

It's a new school year and I'm ready to put in work this year. I came off some good study habits last year, and I just want to get back into the swing of things, and try and raise my GPA.
What's your schedule look like? How many classes you got?

I'm actually pretty good with classes this year. AP Physics B, AP Statistics, AP Psychology and AP Economics make up the bulk of my week, with an English class to the side. Then I have gym and that's it.

I'm trying to start off on the right foot this year and after I get the college process done just keep the grades level.
Originally Posted by scshift

Originally Posted by Sneaky

Originally Posted by scshift

It's a new school year and I'm ready to put in work this year. I came off some good study habits last year, and I just want to get back into the swing of things, and try and raise my GPA.
What's your schedule look like? How many classes you got?

I'm actually pretty good with classes this year. AP Physics B, AP Statistics, AP Psychology and AP Economics make up the bulk of my week, with an English class to the side. Then I have gym and that's it.

I'm trying to start off on the right foot this year and after I get the college process done just keep the grades level.
So 6 classes both semesters? Damn, i'm taking 6 as a junior my first semester and then 5 without gym.

My senior year, i can take 5 classes first sem with gym and then 4 classes my second sem without gym.
Originally Posted by Sneaky

So 6 classes both semesters? Damn, i'm taking 6 as a junior my first semester and then 5 without gym.

My senior year, i can take 5 classes first sem with gym and then 4 classes my second sem without gym.

Damn I thought you were a senior

My classes are year long though... the downside of the AP courses. I don't really want to do any work after I get into college
- Be friends and colleagues with those who really value education
- Work as a team rather than by yourself
- Tutors
- Do work on paper and not a laptop
- Go to the library, because really...who's gonna do all the work at home?
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