STUFF I HATE IN NBA 2K9!!!!!!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by DearWinter219

I hate that there is ZERO weak side rotation on this game. It's HORRIBLE. SWING THE DAMN D!!!

I hate that PGs don't outlet at all, ever. NEVER.

I hate when players don't catch the ball in attack mode!

I hate that you can't set your own weight for created players.

Most of all, I hate that no matter how many issues get fixed in subsequent releases, there will always be a cheeser that will manipulate and exploit the game play mechanics to a degree that it violates the spirit of the sport and takes away any semblance of realism, thus spoiling the fun for me and people like me. Yes, I too can score 80 PPG with Kobe, Lebron, Dwight, Yao, or KG......... so what?! Play the game with some damn integrity, @$!@....
You also, tell 'em why you mad son
I was playing this one dude and he was leading by 15 going into the 4th. I go on a run and get within 4 and this _ subs in his bench and intentional fouls meEVERY possession to send me to the line and do that Start Button thing when I shoot free throws. EVERY DAMN TIME
Originally Posted by Julian Wright

I was playing this one dude and he was leading by 15 going into the 4th. I go on a run and get within 4 and this _ subs in his bench and intentional fouls me EVERY possession to send me to the line and do that Start Button thing when I shoot free throws. EVERY DAMN TIME

that's cold blooded
Dudes who go to the replay after a tight dunk

Pressing start over and over again

People who use the Cavs and Lakers

People who go to their stats so you can read them
Originally Posted by Vic Vega

Originally Posted by Julian Wright

I was playing this one dude and he was leading by 15 going into the 4th. I go on a run and get within 4 and this _ subs in his bench and intentional fouls me EVERY possession to send me to the line and do that Start Button thing when I shoot free throws. EVERY DAMN TIME

that's cold blooded

damn son
Why won't MY 2k9 let me throw alley oops?

1 on 1 Defense is thrash.

The blowing of lay ups and up close shots. Omg

When big man, like Andrew Bynum, Tyson Chandler, and kendrick perkins hits step back 18 footers with a hand in their face.

Why can't I use MY right analog stick on my kind of layups and dunks? Smh
Originally Posted by DearWinter219

I hate that there is ZERO weak side rotation on this game. It's HORRIBLE. SWING THE DAMN D!!!

I hate that PGs don't outlet at all, ever. NEVER.

I hate when players don't catch the ball in attack mode!

I hate that you can't set your own weight for created players.

Most of all, I hate that no matter how many issues get fixed in subsequent releases, there will always be a cheeser that will manipulate and exploit the game play mechanics to a degree that it violates the spirit of the sport and takes away any semblance of realism, thus spoiling the fun for me and people like me. Yes, I too can score 80 PPG with Kobe, Lebron, Dwight, Yao, or KG......... so what?! Play the game with some damn integrity, @$!@....
Some good points right there, especially the lack of lead passing. I don't know how many times a fast break got disrupted by my man catchingthe ball and then just standing there.

They also need to fix the contact between players. Cheesers always work certain angles along the baseline, or do hesitation moves and get to the basket way tooeasily.

The momentum going to the basket in order for someone to dunk the ball also needs adjusting. No way you should be able to get a windmill off after one dribbleoff a jab step.
Originally Posted by NothinAfter

Originally Posted by nnarum

NBA Live

Do they even call Offensive interference on Nba live?????
No idea

I do plan on trying Live this year though... I think it's finally a decent game. Probably not as good as 2k, but I dig it.

I haven't played Live since 05. 2k always gets me on those dumb interference calls... Rebounding can suck as it is, and when you finally get one, they wipeit away

Not to thread jack but...

Video Games | NBA Live 10 | Exclusive Producer Doc HD

XBox 360 | Playstation 3 | Nintendo Wii
I hate people that full court trap you all game and then double team you as soon as you have the ball
I hate people that use the same player all game to score in the paint
Other than that, I can beat pretty much anyone who doesnt do these things mentioned above........
the fast break cheese...smh them fools be down thhe court before you miss or make the shot

but I noticed cheesers usually be ranked pretty high and beating one is a good feeling....i always send one a message laughing like hell....they end up hittingme w/ a profanity laced one lol
Originally Posted by CertifiedSW

Originally Posted by DearWinter219

I hate that there is ZERO weak side rotation on this game. It's HORRIBLE. SWING THE DAMN D!!!

I hate that PGs don't outlet at all, ever. NEVER.

I hate when players don't catch the ball in attack mode!

I hate that you can't set your own weight for created players.

Most of all, I hate that no matter how many issues get fixed in subsequent releases, there will always be a cheeser that will manipulate and exploit the game play mechanics to a degree that it violates the spirit of the sport and takes away any semblance of realism, thus spoiling the fun for me and people like me. Yes, I too can score 80 PPG with Kobe, Lebron, Dwight, Yao, or KG......... so what?! Play the game with some damn integrity, @$!@....
You also, tell 'em why you mad son
I don't get it, is that phrase suppossed to sound witty or something? Ya'll still tryna sore allusion points off that +@@@? It's damnnear 2010... let that +@@@ go...
[h3]STUFF I HATE IN NBA 2K9!!!!!!!!!!!![/h3]'s not like the thread was called STUFF I'M MODERATELY DISPLEASED WITH INNBA2K9!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Originally Posted by NewEra18

the offensive interference one gets me at least once a game smh
I wanna slam the controller down when this happens. Sometimes they call a goaltend when the ball is pinned to the backboard.
Originally Posted by nnarum

Originally Posted by NothinAfter

Originally Posted by nnarum

NBA Live

Do they even call Offensive interference on Nba live?????
No idea

I do plan on trying Live this year though... I think it's finally a decent game. Probably not as good as 2k, but I dig it.

I haven't played Live since 05. 2k always gets me on those dumb interference calls... Rebounding can suck as it is, and when you finally get one, they wipe it away

Not to thread jack but...

Video Games | NBA Live 10 | Exclusive Producer Doc HD

XBox 360 | Playstation 3 | Nintendo Wii

so wait......they just now putting out of bounds saves and tips in 2010.....and 2k had that since forever.....WACK!
^It's way more hustle in those Live screens though. It seems interactive instead of automatic like 2K9's random %#* saves from under theopponent's basket
The stuff listed on here has been on point. Some more stuff that I hate:

1. I hate how the computer seems to make to every 3 point shot when you play a 2-3 zone. Joint is like automatic.

2. Eddie House.

3. All those missed layups.

Can wait for 2K10 though to come out though.
Originally Posted by DearWinter219

^It's way more hustle in those Live screens though. It seems interactive instead of automatic like 2K9's random %#* saves from under the opponent's basket

we havent seen 2k10 gameplay trailers of course its gonna be more hustle since its a year later
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