STUFF I HATE IN NBA 2K9!!!!!!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by a w0ng

i hate when the cpu does that pump fake in the post where he spins around like 5 times and then shoots
i hate when people use kobe or lebron the whole game
i hate when the ref takes forever to give the ball to the inbounder or free throw shooter

Originally Posted by memphisboi55

i hate lebron.
to be honest he is just ridiculous in that game.....idk what 2k sports was thinking Lebron is like MJ meets Jerry west in that game
Originally Posted by true 3 blue

I hate cheesers who press the pause button while you're shooting a free throw
This is ridiculous. I had to keep stalling while shooting in order to get my timing right, son would do this EVERY time I went to the line.

if somebody did this repeatedly while we was playing in person...i would have no choice but to punch dude in the face
Game sucks ...
Unless u win like 5 games in a row you wont ever have a good game , once you loose once or twice u will get killed every time .... played so far like 100 gamesand only won 10 tops ~
Originally Posted by omgitswes

I hate falling asleep while playing it (reason why i just turned it off)
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]I hate sitting there waiting for them to inbound the ball then you realize you're the one with the ball and you get called for 5 seconds[/color]
I hate that too...
I hate getting called "goal tending" for rebounding a ball that clearly popped out of the net.
I hate when the Ref's take so long to retrieve the ball.
so i randomly bumped into an NTer online last night, already had him on psn my friend list. there was a thread called ps3 league last month where everyonesigned up and dude was like "i'm ranked in the top 50 overall online, STRAIGHT SIM TOO"

so i ran with the nuggets and dude chose the cavs. was leading by 12 at the start of the third and by like 16 the most.... dude was using lebron the ENTIREGAME, abusing that L2 drive button.. he would just give the ball to lebron and outrun everyone on my team 1 on 5 and dunk on my team while i was getting backon D. dude shot like 23-27, 50 points with lebron, his 2nd leading scorer with like 5 points with Wally Szcerb., with Bron's every basket being a dunk. melo had like 34 points on an assortment of 3's, jumpers, fadeaways and post moves.

he won by 1 point from an offensive board with big Z with 2 seconds left and i missed the buzzer with carmelo. everytime yall @+$$%*$#%%*** pick the cavs orlakers, im gonna quit b4 the game starts.

/end rant. YES IM MAD, RUINED MY NITE. oh yah its only fair i air him out, his PSN is allCHEMISTRY
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