STUFF I HATE IN NBA 2K9!!!!!!!!!!!!

I HATE the fast break strip, it's successful most of the time and it always hits off of the offensive player's leg.
I HATE when a big man (Ilgauskas, Yao, Shaq, Bynum, etc.) is right by the rim and does that dumb $@+ two hand layup and misses it at the front of the rim.%*%?! Just dunk the ball!
I HATE when the ref holds the ball so long that you have to call a timeout to get the ball inbound.
Originally Posted by NationalTruckerDave

That's why Live > 2K

shut up...put "goaltending" in the game and then come back to us
Originally Posted by Lakersfan1

I SWEAR TO GOD IF THEY DONT FIX ALL THIS BS WITH 2k10 IM SWITCHING OVER TO nba live i swear to god the Rockets are the best team WAFER can make 3's for days so can artest they make Tmac like hes in his prime when in real life he horrible and yao is amazing hes stronger than dwight can make jump shots EVERYTHING
T-mac shows up on the court for you??
he's too busy in the hospital in my game
Originally Posted by romedadude

I HATE the fast break strip, it's successful most of the time and it always hits off of the offensive player's leg.
I HATE when a big man (Ilgauskas, Yao, Shaq, Bynum, etc.) is right by the rim and does that dumb $@+ two hand layup and misses it at the front of the rim. %*%?! Just dunk the ball!
I HATE when the ref holds the ball so long that you have to call a timeout to get the ball inbound.

yeah that move is horrible
that needs to be taken out
rarely have I seen some1 do that in life

how do you do the standing dunk NothinAfter?
Originally Posted by dmxgod

The followin things are what I hate about NBA 2k9:

The constant offensive interference calls when clearly the ball is out of the cylinder..
The constant goaltending calls when it isn't even a goaltend and it's a nice block..
How Kobe and Lebron can just take over a game and you can't do anythin to stop them but let them get there's..
How big men (Nesterovic, Bynum, Oden, etc. . .) can shoot 18 foot jumpshots and make them with ease..sometimes EVEN WITH PRESSURE!!!!!!!!!!!!
How no matter who the shootin guard is on a team they can score at least 20+ points per game no matter how much you focus in on stoppin them..
I hate that. Their midrange ratings are like 71 but they consistently hit jumpshots.
Originally Posted by NothinAfter

i hate when you're the computer is dribbling by the half court line ...and your their foot hits the back courtline...and the refs doesnt call

i hate offensive interference...when clearly the ball is out of the cylinder

I hate cheesers who press the pause button while you're shooting a free throw

I hate cheesers who go to the controller configuration and go straight to the spinmove/crossover type....and spin all DAMN game!!!!!!!
Co-sign. I also hate it when the computer NEVER misses their first shot, or when they consistently drain jump shots right in front of your grill.
Yeah that dunk/layup steal works 98% of the time, no lie. That needs to be adjusted according to stats or something.
Originally Posted by kingofny04

I hate cheesers who just drive with Lebron and Kobe and droplike 70 pts in the paint even with a 2-3 defense.

i do this with kobe everytime i play
but my homebody i always play against tries tocatch a charge like everytime..!!!+ makes me so mad when he does that
You can just start dribbling and somehow an animation takes over where you run into the defender and get called for a charge.
How you can't back down a smaller guy easily in the post, or how the ball just flies out of your hands when you make a move toward the basket
I can't control when to throw a bounce pass
when i first bought the game i got that goddamn inbound glitch

and yeah, everything mentioned so far
Originally Posted by YDBoUnCe

Originally Posted by romedadude

I HATE the fast break strip, it's successful most of the time and it always hits off of the offensive player's leg.
I HATE when a big man (Ilgauskas, Yao, Shaq, Bynum, etc.) is right by the rim and does that dumb $@+ two hand layup and misses it at the front of the rim. %*%?! Just dunk the ball!
I HATE when the ref holds the ball so long that you have to call a timeout to get the ball inbound.

yeah that move is horrible
that needs to be taken out
rarely have I seen some1 do that in life

how do you do the standing dunk NothinAfter?

stand right under the goal and hold turbo, click the right cant be done by everyone though
I was playing this one dude and he was the Lakers DIDN'T play his own defense (
) just used Ariza the whole time and the 2nd I gathered to make ashot he would be running downcourt and he would grab the rebound and throw a hail mary = instant bucket.

I HATE HATE HATE HATE when people adjust the pressure settings as soon as the game starts. I don't know why but I hate this more than anything. I usuallymake it a point to destroy dudes that do that.

I hate people who use Kobe ALL the time. This one dude had like 40 something attempts with him
. Whenever they use the Lakers though, I just have to unleashthe Hawks on em, Joe Johnson and Josh Smith both get 30+
(Mike Bibby is TRAAAAASH though)
i hate when the cpu does that pump fake in the post where he spins around like 5 times and then shoots
i hate when people use kobe or lebron the whole game
i hate when the ref takes forever to give the ball to the inbounder or free throw shooter
^^^ Yes i hate when the ref holds on to the ball for his own person effn commercial break. Sometimes it takes so long, i have to blow a time out
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