Stupid things adults used to tell you as a child

If you eat watermelon seeds, one will grow in your stomach.

My mom said that if I went in the yard and spun around I might get dizzy. I thought she said I'd turn into a daisy. I was afraid to spin around for years.
Dad: Ill give you something to cry about.
Me: **%$@ im already cryin (you never said it out load though)

Santa put the present under the tree. I know they are trying to give us something to believe in but cmon. Imma tell my son from the jump im santa, my paycheckput those present under the tree. I am not gonna sit and let dude take credit for my work.
If I considered conspiracy theorists to be a bunch of ******s, then I'd die.

Thank god that wasn't true.
That white people were bad and to never marry a white woman lol.
All though elementary school it was in my memory bank, knew a white girl that was cute too back in the 6th grade and didnt even talk to her like that becauseof her skin color.

When junior high/high school came around it was a whole different story as i started to love just about every color then lol.
If I dont eat my vegetables, I wont be big and strong...

Well I still hate most vegetables, but I still managed 2 be 6'4"...
if your head wasnt attached to your neck you would forget it at home, i always forgot to take books to/from school
Originally Posted by donpoppa

if I crossed my eyes they might get stuck.
if I sit close to the tv I would go blind.

stare into the microwave I would go blind.

I can od off too many flintstones vitamins

if I ate standing up my feet would get bigger
My dad used to tell me that those colorful juices in the gallon plastic jugs were for birds =/
When my mom bought me shoes...

"The bubble can pop and you can hurt your leg and go to the hospital".


With the whole drama face everytime she bought me a pair. Like..."Oh my god papi, be careful walking on those things. Don't you like these Adidasbetter?"
if i got an itch and scratched it in front of my grandmother (she's Jamaican and overly religious) then she would tell me it was my sins biting me and ineeded to repent for whatever i had done
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