Subway Lied

Where I go If I get it toasted they charge tax on it, and if i dont then its $5 exact. Makes no damn sense
i dont think its right if they gonna charge you tax say $5 plus tax so you would know to walk with at least $6
No you won't win.... So waste your money on a lawyer. You have 0% chance of winning. Reason being 1. They have thought about this before.. 2. They have most likely been sued of this and that is why they still do it because Subway won.. 3. If it is anything like any other restaurants (Taco Bell for certain) it states in letters on the commercial doesn't take into account sales tax.
I feel your pain I went to McDonald's when they first started the dollar menu with $1. Then these fools wanna tell me about 8 cents tax. Went to the corner instead since the ppl who usually let me slide weren't there.
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