Is it me or is Rachel aging like fine wine? Imo she looks better every season.

Looking at her this eps had me wanting to throw some pics of her in that new draya thread
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Haven't seen an episode since Louis found out Mike didn't go to law school. Thought about catching up but I probably won't. 
Haven't seen an episode since Louis found out Mike didn't go to law school. Thought about catching up but I probably won't. 

I hear you on that, I stopped caring a few episodes ago.

And since this thread is moving so slow compared to the likes of Power threads, I've realized I ain't missing much...
I yelled with laughter when Harvey through Louis in to that glass coffee table :rofl: :lol:

I don't know why but I thought Louis would at least land one good blow :smh: Now he suing like a ***** boy.
IDK what you guys are complaining about...I'm still in love with this show.
With fresh eyes or a forgetful memory, sure this show is still fun. Characters are still fun and interesting, good plots on first look, dialog is still there but everybody in here for the most part have the eyes that carry stories of seasons past. We see the repetitive patterns and lack of true character development and story progression. They've been spinning their wheels for quite some time and what's so crazy about it is that A LOT has happened, firm name changed several times from Hardman trying to strike two different times to a British invasion while most of the time there hasn't been a season that didn't rely on Mike's secret. To me what makes the show great is not that premise anymore.
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Lewis finally getting hands laid on him :smokin

I like the new angle their taking with Mike's secret there's no way it wasn't coming back up. They developed the story around Harvey's issues after the corny panic attacks... Daniel back being Daniel.

Nice writing with Jack's character too hope he doesn't let Daniel play him anymore or let jealousy take over and has a frenemy type roll like Lewis minus the pathetic behavior.
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Jessica has to be one of the most confident female characters on TV. That "I may look good for my age but wasn't born yesterday" line had me rolling.
Harvey could have avoided all of this if he just told Esther the truth that he should not sleep with her because of his promise to Louis.
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Harvey could have avoided all of this if he just told Esther the truth that he should not sleep with her because of his promise to Louis.

If he told her the truth she would have been mad at Harvey AND Lewis :lol:

He just hurt her damn feelings for no reason :rofl:

He could have done it better even without telling her the truth but he was still pissed about the session :lol: Those low blows were from that lil boy who walked in on mommy.
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Damn. I guess I don't have a high standard for TV because repetitive or not I still love this show.
Harvey could have avoided all of this if he just told Esther the truth that he should not sleep with her because of his promise to Louis.

If he told her the truth she would have been mad at Harvey AND Lewis :lol:

He just hurt her damn feelings for no reason :rofl:

He could have done it better even without telling her the truth but he was still pissed about the session :lol: Those low blows were from that lil boy who walked in on mommy.
Yeah but if he told the truth, after Esther chewed Louis out he probably would've gave in and Harvey would've been free to get with her. Instead he chose a petty route since he's under the pressure of being too much like his mom and made Ester mad, making Louis mad. Donna didn't help either.

The way it's going Louis and Harvey really shouldn't try to be friends or even interact. It's becoming toxic and mindless (but yeah I know gotta tell a story :lol: )
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I hear you on that, I stopped caring a few episodes ago.

And since this thread is moving so slow compared to the likes of Power threads, I've realized I ain't missing much...

Eiddy, get back watching mate. This season has been dope so far.
Great episdoe again, 1 more left, least they got picked up for 1 more season, probably the last, or mid season finale
MIKE ROSS EXPOSURE ANGLE BYKE!!!! The show needs to include it until the very end from here on out.

I cant believe it took Claire of all people to make Mike aware of this fact, I cant believe no one else in the firm has even addressed this before. He goes through with this, and theres no way he doesn't get caught, its impossible for him to make it through that wedding without being caught.
:lol: @ Mike's first case as jr partner involving his secret. The nerve of that ***** telling him he shouldn't get married with Rachel. Like they both haven't gone over the scenario if he ever gets caught.

To me the whole subplot is stupid. They should stick with finding a legitimate excuse not to take it but I bet in the end something truly bad will happen business wise where Mike did it or he'll take the blame so he can be stripped of being jr. partner. Some of these ppl talking about Mike deserved it, and good for you, it's like they're all deluded and ignoring he's a fraud. He did not earn any of this :lol:

Anyway, Louis is an a-hole. I knew he was recording ****. I thought he had recorded the earlier confession though. Like he really doesn't know when to stop. When has Harvey ever gotten that personal and used it as a way to trick someone or lie about something that serious? Dude is just insanely paranoid.

Daniel Hardman coming back annually is becoming a thing now too.

I bet by the end of the series it'll be him using Mike's secret against Jessica to try and take over the firm AGAIN :lol:
Once Claire was revealed to be the lawyer on the other end I could not wait to see Jessica's reaction and of course she says her signature "God damn..." line. That had me :rofl:

I might have missed it but did they show what Hardman sent to Soloff?

The Game of Thrones references were killing me too. "Harvey is Jon Snow and I'm his uncle Benjen." :lol:

This season has surprisingly been very entertaining.
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Hardman sent him some papers. They never showed the details of it. So you gotta assume it's some of the blackmail material he has on Soloff which will probably push him to go against the firm to let Hardman in and have his chance of taking it back.

If he's smart he just straight up tells Jessica but I figure like Louis he won't be that smart and I don't think he's cunning enough to get out of it on his own like Harvey would.
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Idk why but I assumed Hardman has proof on Mike Ross and that's what that is about.

I'm just in love with the Mike Ross exposure storyline though.
Okay, I was hesitant before the season about the Mike exposure angle coming back because that story always ends on a good note but if the writers follow through on the hints they have given throughout the series that this will all come crashing down then I am on board.

If they play it safe and give Mike a happy ending I will be disappointed.
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