Summer 2010 a massive dissapointment

 the wise pharoah once said, "Life is what you make it when your rich and you have freedom, until then..................."

 the wise pharoah once said, "Life is what you make it when your rich and you have freedom, until then..................."

Originally Posted by WISEPHAROAH

this has been the worse one I've experienced yet!

havent been doing too much,
a couple parties, visting places, doing anything in general....

and all this just recently (last 2-3 weeks)
b/c i had surgery in the first week of july,
a week right after my school ended btw....
staying in most of the summer FTL....
Originally Posted by WISEPHAROAH

this has been the worse one I've experienced yet!

havent been doing too much,
a couple parties, visting places, doing anything in general....

and all this just recently (last 2-3 weeks)
b/c i had surgery in the first week of july,
a week right after my school ended btw....
staying in most of the summer FTL....
Well all summer i have spent at least 8 hrs a days studying for the Dental Admission Test. So basically i take the test on Saturday and my whole summer boils down to those 5 hours.
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