SUMMERSLAM WEEK: 8/23 Balor & Bailey Win @ Takeover, BROCK V TAKER TONIGHT. Pred Contest

Couldn't be happier I didn't pay to be in the Barclay Center right now to see that live.

Taker actually tapped.
the air is sucked out the building smh way to send the people home happy vince you piece of ****
How did they seriously book this finish? And then you have Lesnar's music play to end the PPV.

Not one person cared Taker won.

That was one of the dumbest finishes they've ever put forth.
what an awful way to protect Lesnar.........he does not tap, he passes out, Taker Taps.......NXT was ten times better
the air is sucked out the building smh way to send the people home happy vince you piece of ****

Been a while since I've seen a crowd defaulted like that. Performers had to feel it and realize they went with the wrong script
Holy **** that was sad. Haha dont watch WWE anymore tuned in to see Taker what a sad finish my god
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