SUMMERSLAM WEEK: 8/23 Balor & Bailey Win @ Takeover, BROCK V TAKER TONIGHT. Pred Contest

Taker looked really good and Brock was his usual awesome self..Then they just suck all the energy out of the building with that finish..I don't know how this finish sets up anything fans will want to see..

It sucks that they did put on such a good match with that lame finish, cause Taker will have to disappear again til Wrestlemania. He'll NEED that recovery time
Match had the potential to be great man. What a waste. You can't do taker like this at this point in his career.

:rofl: :rofl:
ok so i just eent back and watched it... the live feed you didnt see the tap on tv which was mistake number one.. they should of atleast showed us at home that taker tapped so we atleast saw what was going on..

number two the angle the timekeeper had wasn't good enough to see taker tap so thats stupid also..
number 3 they shouldn't of did that ******** ending.. i would of rather saw HHH come down and bury both of them

Taker looked really good and Brock was his usual awesome self..Then they just suck all the energy out of the building with that finish..I don't know how this finish sets up anything fans will want to see..

Yes and yes
Match had the potential to be great man. What a waste. You can't do taker like this at this point in his career.

This..Everyone in the IWC has been saying how bad Taker was going to be and *****ing about his WM match with Brock (but nobody cares to mention he got a nasty concussion really early on in the match and still continued)..Then he comes out tonight and puts on a great performance and gets treated like this?..Da blatant disrespect..
Match had the potential to be great man. What a waste. You can't do taker like this at this point in his career.

This..Everyone in the IWC has been saying how bad Taker was going to be and *****ing about his WM match with Brock (but nobody cares to mention he got a nasty concussion really early on in the match and still continued)..Then he comes out tonight and puts on a great performance and gets treated like this?..Da blatant disrespect..
It's sad man. I really loved the match.
Match was so dope and to end it like that? What moron thought that was a good job?

I'm saying!

From an in-ring and psychological perspective, both of the marquee matches (Cena v Rollins & Lesnar v Taker) delivered, but the finish...Oh, god the finish for both matches sucked harder than Kelly Kelly after two drinks.

I have to remind myself that WWE is not a wrestling organization

True..But it's hard to not think that way when it's pretty much the only game in town..TNA sucks balls and ROH's weekly show ain't much better..NJPW has their AXStv show, but it's year old matches and not all people have access to that channel..So it's pretty much Vince's sports entertainment or nothing for wrestling fans..
Match had the potential to be great man. What a waste. You can't do taker like this at this point in his career.

This..Everyone in the IWC has been saying how bad Taker was going to be and *****ing about his WM match with Brock (but nobody cares to mention he got a nasty concussion really early on in the match and still continued)..Then he comes out tonight and puts on a great performance and gets treated like this?..Da blatant disrespect..
It's sad man. I really loved the match.

Yea I was firmly believing that the match wouldn't be all that, but for them to have such good much and THAT was the finish...that's no good man. That's robbery for them two and the fans
Wasn't Sports Center supposed to cover the whole event? With these lame finishes its pretty embarrassing. People will be drawn away to the programming with stupid results like that instead of get into it. It just establishes that WWE is NOT SPORTS.
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They should showcase the wrestling industry to every econ class to show the importance of competition :smh:
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