SUMMERSLAM WEEK: 8/23 Balor & Bailey Win @ Takeover, BROCK V TAKER TONIGHT. Pred Contest

crap like this is why I feel bad for Roman, instead of building him right, Vince just sees the product he wants and forces it
It was supposed to be a glorious victory for Taker for redeeming his loss 15 months ago

Glad Bayley won last night. Glad New Day won the titles back. Glad Seth beat Cena. Only 3 outcomes I cared about.
ok so i just eent back and watched it... the live feed you didnt see the tap on tv which was mistake number one.. they should of atleast showed us at home that taker tapped so we atleast saw what was going on..

number two the angle the timekeeper had wasn't good enough to see taker tap so thats stupid also..
number 3 they shouldn't of did that ******** ending.. i would of rather saw HHH come down and bury both of them
How much were SS tix?

Taker looked really good and Brock was his usual awesome self..Then they just suck all the energy out of the building with that finish..I don't know how this finish sets up anything fans will want to see..
Rather of that been a legit botch by the ref/time keeper not in sync than a booked finish like it was.
WWE wants to protect both so badly that they dont care about the ending lol...just have one of them lose.

Timekeeper can see Taker tap but not Jon Stewart with the chair 
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And as they billed it, I was waiting for the Shawn Michaels type finish with Taker losing and coming back months later asking for one more match to finally get that win versus Lesnar or he would retire, go all out, and lose......
"Bailey"/Sasha Banks was the match of the weekend.

Takeover with the unimportant matches > Summerfest.
Taker looked really good and Brock was his usual awesome self..Then they just suck all the energy out of the building with that finish..I don't know how this finish sets up anything fans will want to see..

It sucks that they did put on such a good match with that lame finish, cause Taker will have to disappear again til Wrestlemania. He'll NEED that recovery time
All they had to do was wrestle another ten minutes and have one of them pass out in the submission. What the **** man.
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