SUMMERSLAM WEEK: 8/23 Balor & Bailey Win @ Takeover, BROCK V TAKER TONIGHT. Pred Contest are still other girls that were never Nazis to begin with that can easily slide into her spot without making any ripples.
I'm flicking through the channels in my hotel room and came across ROH. There's a 100lb scrub named Cheeseburger on here? Really? Plus those streamers are really annoying and I even seen a ref counting a fall behind the person making the pin. No way they can see the shoulders :smh:
Cheeseburger isn't a "real" wrestler... He's nothing more than someone who gets killed night in night out...

Also... My damn wrists are bigger than his biceps and thighs..
I'm flicking through the channels in my hotel room and came across ROH. There's a 100lb scrub named Cheeseburger on here? Really? Plus those streamers are really annoying and I even seen a ref counting a fall behind the person making the pin. No way they can see the shoulders :smh:

That's the type of stuff these dudes love

As long as he can do a backflip and some cartwheels it doesn't matter to them if he's 95 pounds
The Smackdown where Blue Meanie got his retaliation was :rofl: Stevie Richards tried to take send JBL's head into the crowd with that chairshot
That's the type of stuff these dudes love

As long as he can do a backflip and some cartwheels it doesn't matter to them if he's 95 pounds

if that's what's going for a jobber in the smaller territories these wonder wwe reigns supreme
I'm flicking through the channels in my hotel room and came across ROH. There's a 100lb scrub named Cheeseburger on here? Really? Plus those streamers are really annoying and I even seen a ref counting a fall behind the person making the pin. No way they can see the shoulders :smh:

That's the type of stuff these dudes love

As long as he can do a backflip and some cartwheels it doesn't matter to them if he's 95 pounds

Lol yea let's just say I won't be watching again
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