Super Bowl XLIV Thread: Saints vs. Colts 2/7/09 6pm CBS vol: Peyton vs. Drew

@ dudes shirt...of all!?
Originally Posted by MaddenFan04

If Peyton dominates this game theres no way hes not the best QB ever
4 MVP's and without him the Colts are absolutely nothing, Detroit Lions status

huge overstatement...I understand Peyton is the engine to the ship, but they have way more talent than the team your comparing them to...
Hoping it's a good game.

I have no dog in the race, but I'm rooting for the underdogs. Go Saints.
let's go commercials!!!!

jk...don't have a rooting interest but hoping for a great game

got some steak marinating,cold drinks and football
what more can you ask for?
Man bring back the individual offense/defense player introductions...this ain't college, these corny team intros suck! It was cool when the Pats did it but come on Goodell, tell them to bring it back! Would have been great hearing Vilma, Shockey or Wayne introduced to the crowd
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