Supposedly, SF median rent for 1 bedroom apt is now $820 more than NYC

Location, location. You can buy mansions and huge property for the money being talked about here. gotta live in weird *** places/middle America.
I am from the Bay Area. I moved to a city on the outskirts of SF (Daly City) so the commute is easy to my job in SF and I’m slowly dying. I make over 100k and can’t even afford a 1 bedroom apartment. My girl and I have an extra roommate since there’s really no other option that’s even remotely affordable. We still pay over 2k in rent lol even with sharing a 2 bedroom. I had more disposable income as a teacher in a foreign country making 25k a year.

The main thing keeping me here is that if you are willing to put in time and effort a 100k job can turn into 250k within 5-10 years of hard work. I work at a tech company but not an engineer or any of those super well paid jobs. I have a bachelor, a masters, certifications and it still took me 4 years to get to 100k. I was basically making negative money until this year.

I’m also not white and I’ve lived in other states - i never felt comfortable. It’s a lot easier to feel good at work and succeed in life when you are judged on the merit of your work instead of the systemic groupthink racism that exists in a lot of other states. In my experience, there is a certain unconscious groupthink mentality when it’s predominantly one race. And at least out here I work with every race and orientation so the politics of corporate / tech is much more manageable. The downside is that everyone that comes here are such hard workers that the level of work effort is almost unreasonably high. I was working 55-60 hour weeks at a 60k job when I started out and it was commonplace for everyone to do so.

Most people know they can’t buy a house out here though. It’s the high rent that is harder on people. Not enough supply and restrictive zoning laws make it impossible for supply to catch up. It’s honestly pathetic how slow housing gets built and how slow/bad traffic and transit infrastructure is.

You make 100K and can't afford a 1 bedroom in Daly City of all places? What are your other major expenses?

I'm asking because I saw a lot of low to decently priced apartments in Daly City that I could afford at your income, but I chose to not get them because I can't stand the hellish weather there.

I've literally never seen any 2 bedroom apartment in the Bay Area charging 2K or more per room unless it was one of those ultra luxury apartments in the Peninsula or somewhere in an extremely nice house in Pac Heights. I don't mean to sound rude but I'm genuinely confused when I hear experiences like this
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Folks with HBO, watch San Francisco 2.0

Goes unto detail about the housing market there
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Oh, I know it's already happening, but thankfully most people moving to the Bay are the people who talk like "Omggg Oakland is so ghettoooo" so it's been a lot slower
That's how Brooklyn/Harlem used to be too :lol:
Gentrification ruins everything. Gentrifying food, gentrifying hip-hop, if they ever gentrify the NBA/NFL it's a wrap for me
You make 100K and can't afford a 1 bedroom in Daly City of all places? What are your other major expenses?

I'm asking because I saw a lot of low to decently priced apartments in Daly City that I could afford at your income, but I chose to not get them because I can't stand the hellish weather there.

I've literally never seen any 2 bedroom apartment in the Bay Area charging 2K or more per room unless it was one of those ultra luxury apartments in the Peninsula or somewhere in an extremely nice house in Pac Heights. I don't mean to sound rude but I'm genuinely confused when I hear experiences like this

Open to listings friend - our lease is up soon. We need something walking distance to Bart in Daly City. Our 2 bedroom costs about 4k and it is one of those nice ones and is a 5 min walk next to Bart. We split it 2,200 for us and 1,800 for the roommate.

We’d obviously have lower expectations in terms of niceness if we got a 1 bedroom all to ourselves. Didn’t want to try and squeeze us and another person and 2 cats into a tiny two bedroom if we’re sharing. There really doesn’t seem to be anything that’s a decent 1 bedroom for $2,200 anywhere. Other major fixed costs are car note, parking, insurance, utilities, and student loans. Fixed monthly costs come out to $4,100.

All that said - it’s a choice we willingly make to be here for now. People don’t come to SF / Bay Area to have nice houses and lots of space. They come for job opportunities so we definitely feel blessed and appreciate the opportunities we have. In a few years when we want to settle down we’ll get the ish out of this super charged environment.
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Housing scarcity is a *****.

And SF is the best argument for the idea what white super woke people are mostly full of **** and are quite happy to get mad when Green Book wins Best picture but also fight like hell to make sure there schools stay Lilly white and no one can ever move to their cities.
not true.

Which part? That you can't buy a mansion/huge property for this type of money? Or, that you gotta live in a weird place? I'm going to guess you're talking about the latter, and of course you CAN find something in a decent location, but I'm generalizing here.
Which part? That you can't buy a mansion/huge property for this type of money? Or, that you gotta live in a weird place? I'm going to guess you're talking about the latter, and of course you CAN find something in a decent location, but I'm generalizing here.

lol I dont consider Vegas to be middle America, but you can buy a mansion here for those prices. The Raiders know whats up.
500k will buy you 4-6k sq ft. A millie has you looking at 6-9k sq ft. I dont know how you can wanna stay in a 1k sqft 2 bedroom for 3k a month unless the company is paying you M's.
lol I dont consider Vegas to be middle America, but you can buy a mansion here for those prices. The Raiders know whats up.
500k will buy you 4-6k sq ft. A millie has you looking at 6-9k sq ft. I dont know how you can wanna stay in a 1k sqft 2 bedroom for 3k a month unless the company is paying you M's.

Yeah....nobody wants to 'live' in Vegas.
shiet only reason i'm in SF is because of family and friends that live here (born and raised). Looking to purchase a home sometime within a year and it's not looking too good in SF. might have to make the move down to LA
As a buyer, the more options there are the lower the price you can get. But if there’s only a few houses in the neighborhood you want to be then you have to pay asking price.

Paying asking price won’t get you a house in SF. You have to outbid everyone and that typically takes a few 100 thousand more than everyone else
The housing market isn’t a simple supply and demand curve. Supply has out spaced demand for years nationally and yet prices remain high.

With new developments home prices increase depending on location of course. If new condos go up in NY nearby homes/condos increase in price.
What they don’t tell u is most of the bay is rent control.
Anyways still expensive and I don’t get it
I was just there, eating in union square
Looking out the window and it’s a **** hole
Seriously, bum right outside the window laying in the street with all his **** on the floor . Also why everyone walk around with a Bluetooth speaker with their music all loud?
Get some damn ear pods
San Fran ain't wanna build up...
it's not just about building up, you have to consider that san francisco is earthquake prone. I understand Japan got it down, but america is not progressive enough to build skyscrapers with the advanced technology. For example, you are a non progressive person, you don't even advocate for renewable energy.
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Tech companies highering a bunch of people from all over the nation, paying really high wages for their skills, moving SF folks out and in turn turning SF into a totally different city.

I really dislike living here now. The only plus side is that I’m a homeowner and my house now goes for some serious money. In a couple of years it’ll be closer to 2mil.
When it hits that’s number I’ll be moving, maybe SoCal who knows. I like the idea of sunny days year round. I make well
Over 100k/yr. and it’s still not enough. Luckily the wifey also makes bread so we get “by”

is your job highering?
Crazy how making 150k annually cant get you an amazing crib that doesnt have 3 other people in them.

Rent/mortage should not be a third of your salary. And in most cases its half as these major cities tax thier residents crazy high.

Living in DR is becoming more of a reailty than a fantasy.
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