SWINE FLU CONSPIRACY..vol* you know what this is.

Aug 24, 2006
the government is putting this %*!@ out there like they did anthrax to scare the whole population...and it's working. what a low down dirty shame. theywant to rob our pockets...now people will put out more money for healthcare etc. etc. everyone in the united states are just slaving puppets that make thewealthy; wealthier. Sure we go to school to get an good education to get a good job.. and slave for a company...if you make 400k then the company is making 3-5times more off of your work.

Wake up people ...turn your tv's and radios off.



2010-2012 folks
I was just talking about this with a co-worker ealier.....

Obama FT uhhhhh?
Originally Posted by Phil Le0tard0

[size=+4]Somthing Wicked
This Way Comes
[/size] [size=+3]Scene I, Act II|[/size]
By A. True Ott, PhD, ND
[size=+1]On March 20, 2009, this researcher outlined a peculiar "PANDEMIC VACCINE TRAINING" exercise in Texas scheduled to occur on Saturday, May 2, 2009. See complete article at http://www.rense.com/general85/dsd2.htm[/size]
[size=+1]I thought it very strange that a rather obscure Texas county would see fit to conduct such a "training exercise" involving Texas National Guard Troops involving "drive-thru vaccination clinics". I also thought it exceedingly strange that these rather obscure county officials would make the public declarations that emergency "pandemic vaccination programs would mean a line of cars 41 miles long" in Guadalupe County, but that San Antonio's drive-thru vaccine's line would stretch from "San Antonio to Calgary, Alberta Canada" --- strange, because this just happens to be the planned route of the AMERO FREEWAY -- connecting the late-great U.S.A. with Mexico and Canada. Could this, too, be a coded message to insiders?[/size]
[size=+1]Just as NORAD was conducting "mock" terrorist drills on the morning of September 11, 2001 - could this May 2 event be TIMED to announce the release of the planned pandemic and the eventual advent of martial law in North America?[/size]
[size=+1]Today, Friday, April 24, 2009 - according to USA TODAY, the BBC, and the Associated Press, the World Health Organization (WHO) is "very, very concerned" about a very strange "swine flu" outbreak in Mexico City.[/size] [size=+1]http://www.usatoday.com/n...tm?csp=34 The WHO is so concerned, in fact, that it has ordered all WHO officers to man the "Pandemic Control Room" 24/7 for the 1st time.[/size]
[size=+1]ATTENTION AMERICA!!!! This is highly significant. The WHO "Pandemic Control Room" is a creation of the Illuminati elite for the final "end-game" killer virus mapping and tracking, and is thus equipped with super-computers tied to all U.N. member government's security forces. This "control room" is where any declarations of "pandemic" will originate. When such a "declaration" is sent to President Obama, FEMA and the Department of Homeland Security "Pandemic Task Forces" will be deployed. Each State Governor will be notified that the provisions of the Model State Emergency Health Powers Act (MSEHPA) will be implemented.[/size]
[size=+1]This means that all Americans must consent to mass vaccinations, or be guilty of a FELONY crime (without a TRIAL, mind you!). And why a FELONY and not a mere 'misdemeanor'? Simple. Police agencies know that the use of "DEADLY FORCE" is only approved for felony suspects when they resist arrest. Refuse the government's untested, untried, highly suspect "MADE IN CHINA" vaccine, and you will instantly be labelled a felonious criminal. So, refuse the forced vaccine, and then resist forced relocation to a prepared "quarantine compound" (i.e. concentration/re-education camp) and you can "legally" be shot and killed. (Justified "deadly force".) See http://www.forhealthfreed...d/RevisedModelState.html[/size]
[size=+1]Never forget that in 2005, the Chinese PLA "defense minister" declared in a speech to the Chinese PLA brass that China must[/size] [size=+1]"possess" North America (Mexico, America, and Canada) and that 15-200 million Americans "must die" by means of a "perfected" biological weapon. What could be more "natural" and deflect suspicion more effectively than a weaponized "killer influenza" that is propagandized into an "act of nature"??[/size]
[size=+1]Beginning in the spring of 1918, an "unusual flu" began to emerge, that eventually blossomed into the killer flu pandemic killing millions worldwide. Subsequent research has proven that the "unusual flu" was a "recombinant strain" showing swine viruses mixed with bird viruses mutating with human-specific strains of flu virus. THIS IS EXACTLY THE KILLER VIRUS THAT DR. JEFFREY TAUBENBERGER AND HIS TEAM AT FORT DEDRICK RE-CREATED DURING YEARS 1997 - 2003. Is it just a mere coincidence that the same recombinant virus is once again making its appearance known?[/size]
[size=+1]According to Henry Kissinger and Zbignew Brezinsky's "NEW WORLD ORDER AGENDA" - the earth must be cleansed of at least 5 billion human beings in order to create their "Utopia". In 1974, this agenda was outlined in a report called NSSM 200 - and the genocide was to begin in specific 3rd world countries. See http://www.mathaba.net/0_index.shtml?x=90207 However, it is logical that North America (especially Mexico City) would have to be "cleansed" as well. Never forget that both Kissinger and Brezinsky are solid backers of Barack Hussein Obama. Obama makes an official visit to Mexico, and a short week later, Mexico City schools, Universities, and all PUBLIC BUILDINGS are shut down in pandemic fear -- (for the first time since the devastating 1985 earthquake!) Again, is this just a bizarre co-incidence??[/size]
[size=+1]"If I were reincarnated I would wish to be returned to earth as KILLER VIRUS to lower human population levels."[/size] [size=+1]------ Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, head of the World Wildlife Fund and World FREEMASONRY --- December 1995[/size]
[size=+1]"A 'killer virus' is indeed an evolutionary step-up for some of this planet's so-called "elites" ---- hopefully Prince Phillip, Henry Kissinger, Zbignew Brezinsky, et. al. can each achieve this milestone and not return once again as the mutiganeous-primal-pond-scum life-form they currently occupy today."[/size] [size=+1]------ Dr. A. True Ott, Concerned American PATRIOT, April, 2009.[/size]

Originally Posted by s dubl

I was just talking about this with a co-worker ealier.....

Obama FT uhhhhh?

Beware of the one who comes as a type of messiah promising to save the world from its present crisis by speaking half truths and outrageous lies; one who promises world wide peace by sitting down with your enemies or uniting the global community to defeat the terrorist.


(for those interested, views posted do not reflect my opinion)

I knew this day was coming. I knew, and everyone laughed at me.

They call it swine flu, but what they really mean is the hand that has sat in the shadows is finally reaching out to choke freedom from the face of the Earth.

Whose hand is reaching? You know you know the answer. You know because you've tried to ignore the facts; facts that stared you in the face like a 1,000-pound bull with the head of a shark, ready to charge and gorge and rip you to shreds. You know because you tried to tell yourself it wasn't real, that it couldn't happen.

But it is real. It is happening. You can no longer ignore it.

The Illuminati have struck.

Just two weeks before the sinister under-doings of the centuries-old secret society are plastered across the big screen they decided to strike. They don't want the world to know about them through some Tom Hanks film. They'd rather we feel their power and wrath firsthand.

The swine flu started in Mexico, one of the strongest holds of the Illuminati's archenemy - the Catholic Church. With more than 80 million Catholics in Mexico it only made sense to strike there first. Also, Mexico is so close to the United States and the border is so frequently crossed that it was strategically vital to infect Mexico first to transfer the flu here.
In Mexico, people are scared to go into the streets. They are scared to go to mass and school. That is exactly what the Illuminati want.

As everyone starts wearing masks, it will be easier for Illuminati henchmen to sneak about. With everyone wearing a mask, no one can be identified. They can slip into the crowds and no one will notice.

That's how they will undermine society. As the swine flu spreads and more and more people wear masks they can move in larger numbers, take over cities, set up secret death camps and steal every freedom you had but never really had because they've always been in control. You only thought you were free. But now you won't be free. You'll only be dead.

Of course, despite centuries of procuring wealth and power, they couldn't pull this off alone. They needed help. Even Illuminati have limits. That's why years ago, while he was attending Harvard, they recruited George W. Bush. It started with Skull and Bones, and from Harvard George was flown to Venice (the Illuminati base) in the world's first stealth helicopter (built by the Illuminati in 1962) to be inducted to into the Upper Circle of Crimson. They knew they could use him, and by pulling their shadow strings they rigged the 2000 election.

With the world distracted, first by Sept. 11 and later the Iraq War, Bush secretly poured billions in gold, originally hidden in the basement of the Twin Towers (that's why he had to take them down) by the International Monetary Fund, into building trillions of nanobots - machines so tiny they crawl between synapses in the brain and block independent signals and send their own signals, controlling you like a zombie puppet.

The flu "vaccine" stockpiled over the past eight years by the U.S. government is really syringes filled with nanobots. The only thing you'll be vaccinated against is your own free will.

Centuries of plotting and years of secret government experiments have led to this. They say there were cover-ups for Sept. 11 and the Iraq War, but what the puppet media doesn't realize is those things are the cover up!
I just want to say two things:


Weapon of Mass Destruction
Spoiler [+]
were found.
My GF works at a doctor's office that's affiliated with one of the biggest hospitals in the city - known around the country, and the doctors there arelaughing about this swine flu stuff. They said it's nothing but another strain of flu and if you come in and get checked out, they can give you themedicine for it and you'll be fine. The only reason people in Mexico are dying is because they don't have a good health care system.

So yes, if you're feeling sick - go to the doctor... which is what a lot of people do anyway. The media just caught this crap and ran with it.
they won't legalize MJ, but they send hundreds of thousands to WAR to be killed on the front lines. think about it... for the older independent individualson NT...How you gonna restrict a grown %*$ man from the freedom thats due.
Originally Posted by Russ tha G

My GF works at a doctor's office that's affiliated with one of the biggest hospitals in the city - known around the country, and the doctors there are laughing about this swine flu stuff. They said it's nothing but another strain of flu and if you come in and get checked out, they can give you the medicine for it and you'll be fine. The only reason people in Mexico are dying is because they don't have a good health care system.

So yes, if you're feeling sick - go to the doctor... which is what a lot of people do anyway. The media just caught this crap and ran with it.

Ok. If that's the truth, then you should also be concerned about where it came from. What it's doing right now is only the half...
Originally Posted by Russ tha G

My GF works at a doctor's office that's affiliated with one of the biggest hospitals in the city - known around the country, and the doctors there are laughing about this swine flu stuff. They said it's nothing but another strain of flu and if you come in and get checked out, they can give you the medicine for it and you'll be fine. The only reason people in Mexico are dying is because they don't have a good health care system.

So yes, if you're feeling sick - go to the doctor... which is what a lot of people do anyway. The media just caught this crap and ran with it.
i dunno if im turnin into a conspiracy theorist but im just not buyin it. Doctors are laughing..........

i already dont trust doctors as it is.......i take no medicines.....not even advil, never had a flu shot in my life...........

i dont trust the water we drink, the food we eat, but i can only do but so much.

thanks to the other NT thread. ive already switch deodorants and toothpaste

Toms of Maine
The question is...was this released to spark sales or for other reasons?

Media = Gov btw
Originally Posted by lurkin2long

Originally Posted by Russ tha G

My GF works at a doctor's office that's affiliated with one of the biggest hospitals in the city - known around the country, and the doctors there are laughing about this swine flu stuff. They said it's nothing but another strain of flu and if you come in and get checked out, they can give you the medicine for it and you'll be fine. The only reason people in Mexico are dying is because they don't have a good health care system.

So yes, if you're feeling sick - go to the doctor... which is what a lot of people do anyway. The media just caught this crap and ran with it.
i dunno if im turnin into a conspiracy theorist but im just not buyin it. Doctors are laughing..........

i already dont trust doctors as it is.......i take no medicines.....not even advil, never had a flu shot in my life...........

i dont trust the water we drink, the food we eat, but i can only do but so much.

thanks to the other NT thread. ive already switch deodorants and toothpaste

Toms of Maine

Most regular doctors just aim to cure symptoms with prescription drugs. They hand out drugs left, right center without even considering the root cause....Products of the system.
Originally Posted by Grand 0ld Party

if it was a conspiracy i would argue they would have used a MUCH more virulent virus. swine flu is weaksauce


they dont want to cause total chaos..........this is enough to do the job.

this is real life not a movie.
Originally Posted by lurkin2long

Originally Posted by Grand 0ld Party

if it was a conspiracy i would argue they would have used a MUCH more virulent virus. swine flu is weaksauce


they dont want to cause total chaos..........this is enough to do the job.

this is real life not a movie.
dude, its treatable with tamiflu. youre thinking too hard
Originally Posted by Grand 0ld Party

if it was a conspiracy i would argue they would have used a MUCH more virulent virus. swine flu is weaksauce

the regular flu and mutate into bronchitis/chronic bron./acut bron.

so @#! can swine flu mutate into?
Originally Posted by Grand 0ld Party

if it was a conspiracy i would argue they would have used a MUCH more virulent virus. swine flu is weaksauce
the conspiracy THEORY is that there's something in the vaccine. only if the vaccinations become mandatory (as these theories claim they will)should anyone even begin to worry.
I'm not takin no tamiflu, you missed my earlier post. I don't even take advil, never had a flu shot. I don't trust the gov't or these doctors.Tamiflu lol, yea you'll be the first one with the nanobot, I'm good.
havent bought into this since day 1

A country that is very easy to manipulate has had a little outbreak of the flu and we just found a way to benefit off of that.

Now there have been 50 cases here in the US of the flu but from what I read 36,000 ppl die a year from the flu in the US alone. The media obvioulsy doesnt talkabout it. But now when someone does die from it, itll be known and just add to this "epidemic"
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