SWINE FLU CONSPIRACY..vol* you know what this is.

Originally Posted by seniosoul

they won't legalize MJ, but they send hundreds of thousands to WAR to be killed on the front lines. think about it... for the older independent individuals on NT...How you gonna restrict a grown %*$ man from the freedom thats due.

Originally Posted by lurkin2long

Originally Posted by Russ tha G

My GF works at a doctor's office that's affiliated with one of the biggest hospitals in the city - known around the country, and the doctors there are laughing about this swine flu stuff. They said it's nothing but another strain of flu and if you come in and get checked out, they can give you the medicine for it and you'll be fine. The only reason people in Mexico are dying is because they don't have a good health care system.

So yes, if you're feeling sick - go to the doctor... which is what a lot of people do anyway. The media just caught this crap and ran with it.
i dunno if im turnin into a conspiracy theorist but im just not buyin it. Doctors are laughing..........

i already dont trust doctors as it is.......i take no medicines.....not even advil, never had a flu shot in my life...........

i dont trust the water we drink, the food we eat, but i can only do but so much.

thanks to the other NT thread. ive already switch deodorants and toothpaste

Toms of Maine

Info on this?
Don't buy into the fear, and don't get the vaccine. The government LOVES to create problems and then rush in and give the "solution."
They are testing a woman that is an hour away from me for this.. I'm getting scared - for real.

And I'm from Michigan...
Bush secretly poured billions in gold, originally hidden in the basement of the Twin Towers (that's why he had to take them down) by the International Monetary Fund, into building trillions of nanobots - machines so tiny they crawl between synapses in the brain and block independent signals and send their own signals, controlling you like a zombie puppet.

I'm sorry but...if this happened I couldn't even be mad

Turn off the TV and there's no swine flu pandemonium anymore. Nobody here (Houston, TX) is flipping out over this, and we're right next to Mexico.Parents are calling the doctors' office to be told that there's nothing to worry about because the current flu vaccine won't stop it and it'sjust a flu - come in, get a prescription, move on. People can die of the flu, pneumonia - all that stuff... IF you don't treat it at all and only let itget worse. If you are of sound mind, you should be able to outwit this "epidemic."

How many people in America have died of this? 50 cases out of how many millions of people? Even in Mexico, ~200 of over 16,000 cases = 1% of people with thishave died, and they were all in the country with the poor health care system. If 99% of people in Mexico can beat this, I'm sure those of us in America arefine.

Notice how the recession suddenly disappeared because all anybody is talking about on the news is swine flu.
Wonder who is profiting from this? I heard shares of the makers of Tamiflu went up...
Originally Posted by seniosoul

they won't legalize MJ, but they send hundreds of thousands to WAR to be killed on the front lines. think about it... for the older independent individuals on NT...How you gonna restrict a grown %*$ man from the freedom thats due.

Originally Posted by Nako XL

Originally Posted by seniosoul

they won't legalize MJ, but they send hundreds of thousands to WAR to be killed on the front lines. think about it... for the older independent individuals on NT...How you gonna restrict a grown %*$ man from the freedom thats due.


I was thinking that it was a way to bring negativity towards the immigration controversy .

If the American people believe , you know ...

Last week... what did we see all day in the news and blog spots? TORTURE MEMOS!!

O NOO!! Not the torture memos. People were about to go to jail for a very long time. Important people.

Now, what do we see on the news? SWINE Flu. Just a disruption... happens when those at the top (past administration) are about to face the chamber.

I don't like conspiracies at all because I think they're booty, but this is something to look into.
Originally Posted by Chi ILL

I was thinking that it was a way to bring negativity towards the immigration controversy .

If the American people believe , you know ...
Swine Flu bringing out the racism in people, I checked my Craigslist's rants and raves section and there are people hating on Mexican'sall over the place....
its easy to throw out conspiracy theories.. throw out enough of them and somethings gotta stick right?

no one here knows anything for sure.. and until vaccinations become mandatory.. this is all just talk
Originally Posted by gescobe

Originally Posted by Chi ILL

I was thinking that it was a way to bring negativity towards the immigration controversy .

If the American people believe , you know ...
Swine Flu bringing out the racism in people, I checked my Craigslist's rants and raves section and there are people hating on Mexican's all over the place....
That's what I'm saying ...
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

damn whats wrong with toothpaste and deodorant???? there flouride in my deodorant too?

No its the aluminum in deodorants thats dangerous. The fluoride in your toothpaste and mouthwash is what's dangerous.
Originally Posted by Chi ILL

Originally Posted by gescobe

Originally Posted by Chi ILL

I was thinking that it was a way to bring negativity towards the immigration controversy .

If the American people believe , you know ...
Swine Flu bringing out the racism in people, I checked my Craigslist's rants and raves section and there are people hating on Mexican's all over the place....
That's what I'm saying ...
get the general public to support the mass deportation of illegal aliens by generating ethnic fear.....
In Mexico, people are scared to go into the streets. They are scared to go to mass and school. That is exactly what the Illuminati want.
As everyone starts wearing masks, it will be easier for Illuminati henchmen to sneak about. With everyone wearing a mask, no one can be identified. They can slip into the crowds and no one will notice.

That's how they will undermine society. As the swine flu spreads and more and more people wear masks they can move in larger numbers, take over cities, set up secret death camps and steal every freedom you had but never really had because they've always been in control. You only thought you were free. But now you won't be free. You'll only be dead.


WHAT !?!?

I am literally damn near on the floor laughing right now. That has to be the most insane thing I have ever heard.

The fact is, this flu is not that serious. It will only affect countries with poor health care systems, like Mexico. No one has died from this here yet. It canbe cured with a simple visit to the doctor. Some of the things you guys say are ludicrous. 36,000 people die from flu related symptoms in America each year,but we're worried about something that hasn't killed anyone here yet?

You guys really need to calm down. Afraid to go to the doctor? Don't take Advil? Nanobots? How big is the shack you live in and in what wooded area is itlocated?
These Illuminati rants and raves come around everytime someone twists an ankle these days. Gettin out of hand.

I am not livin my life trying to find connections to a "secret society" that is planning on destroying the world and all things we hold dear. I'mnot wastin my time on that, cause honestly, if the Illuminati come back rollin' deep with Pac, Jigga, JFK, Kanye, *%+$ Cheney, Jesus himself, and TomHanks, I'm %#!+% anyway. Gonna go chill in the woods.... I love camping.

But on the list of "likely things to happen" this is just too low for me to worry about all damn day.... straight makin up connections that may ormay not be there.

Not to mention, as said above, swine flu is weaksauce. Of course people died in Mexico city, its one of the most polluted and poorest cities in the world.EVERYONE there has weakened immune systems, even if they have access to any health care. Check how many people died in Mexico City from respritorycomplications..... YESTERDAY. Bet its more than swine flu total. I'm worryin about what I can control, not a random flu strain and some mumbojumbobout' secret societies.
My GF (works at a pediatrician's office) just texted me saying that a kid from San Antonio who visited family in Monterrey came in yesterday with thesymptoms of swine flu - they sent the results to the CDC and are now waiting. This could be the first confirmed one in Houston - assuming it confirms. Now,I'm getting nervous.

Lock everybody who has been to Mexico recently in a box until this *!!@ blows over. This is like a damned zombie movie.
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