Talk to me simple. What is up w/ the Palestinian & Israeli situation?

could they split Israel snd Palestine like north and south korea with a dmz?
I think NK and SK were one people. Israel and Palestinians may want their own countries, due to religion and ethnicity. Or one side wants full ownership. But yes, now NK and SK are different countries. It's sounds like a possibility to have 2 nations on 1 land. But I see why it may not be possible.
Right now.
It's crazy when you include extremist groups Hamas and Hezbollah being part of the conflict which are both backed by Iran. They're completely extreme and I'm against both groups actions, but at the same time, extreme situations force certain people into extreme measures and that's proven again and again throughout history(the Taliban, Cuban Revolution, French Revolution, etc.). I don't hold them all in the same vein, but when you push a native population enough, there's a strong chance that it'll bite you in the ***. Add that with the fact that the Jews haven't held Jerusalem since 70AD, you would think that would have respectfully brokered some sort of arrangement. Especially based on the fact that they just came out of the Holocaust, they should remember the mistreatment and genocide they dealt with themselves. But, of course, this is all about completely control of that region. Hopefully, sooner rather than later, a more sensible Israeli regime will take power and negotiate a fair compromise rather than land-grab.
I was talking about that the other day, when you’re oppressed as much as the Palestinians are - I don’t see how you can’t become an extremist living in that area. When your children are laying dead in your arms from daily bombardment, people showing up to take over your land - and the world wonders where the mindset comes from.

Its no justification at all, but suppression does things to your psyche and being faced with it as much as this conflict has caused for Palestine, it’s no wonder that part of the world has such a high rate of extremism.

just look at what Israel is doing, maybe it’s because of their suppression from the Nazis?

it seems like an unbreakable cycle.
What is this BS?

In the Bible God says the Palestinians and Israelites will never get along. So there’s that.

that's just not in the bible....

I read it multiple times... multiple translations ... front to back and not just in English...
I did a good portion in Hebrew as well...

no hate - its just that people often confuse what they belive something ive deemed " the mythos" for what the text says.... and it often isn't the case - if you value the truth you have to break out out that...
just look at what Israel is doing, maybe it’s because of their suppression from the Nazis?

I was reading through this thread thinking to myself “wow this is going surprisingly smoothly given how contentious of a topic this is.”

Not saying that you’re taking things off the rails but I think making excuses for one groups behavior like this could derail things quickly, not to mention, that excuse is… let’s just say cringeworthy.
I was reading through this thread thinking to myself “wow this is going surprisingly smoothly given how contentious of a topic this is.”

Not saying that you’re taking things off the rails but I think making excuses for one groups behavior like this could derail things quickly, not to mention, that excuse is… let’s just say cringeworthy.

I'm not sure why you think I'm saying it's an excuse.
I'm not sure why you think I'm saying it's an excuse.

I guess my question is how is this related to Nazi oppression?

Your words were “maybe it’s because of suppression by Nazis”.

I think you meant oppression and not suppression but I’ll let you clarify so as not to put any words in your mouth.

Either way I don’t understand what Nazis have to do with this. Is it because Nazis attempted to exterminate Jewish people, they are now combating Palestinians due to past and unrelated wrongs?

Don’t take my questions as an attack, I really just don’t understand the connection that you attempted to make as there isn’t really a direct correlation.

You said “maybe it’s because”. I read those words as an attempt at explanation for what has taken place. Or alternatively as an excuse for what Israel is doing.

I could be misinterpreting here but take this response as me asking you to clarify what you said.
I am not saying what Israel is doing is an excuse due to what happened to them from the Nazis. What I’m trying to convey is that they are doing the same thing to Palestinians than was done to them. There are different parallels - but the Zionists of Israel are doing the same things to Palestinians rather than learning from their own history.
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