TAY '16: The Saga Continues

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You treat her well and are very open with her? Cuzzo, you just made a decision to go to PR without even telling her your plans to go dolo. Then you justify it by saying well she sleeps over every night and we just came back out of town together, so you need me time? Birds of a feather flock together b, so as LD and Henn were saying she's a bird and you are bird. You for your selfish ways and for her allowing it. And your lucky your best friend is a girl, because if it was a dude you would catch the fade talking about eurostepping around not telling her you are hanging with her ex... Take a bird bath *****
I told her yesterday, as a matter of fact .... 

you ****** either can't read or just choose not to.... I made the decision on my own because she's not my girlfriend ...and I explain why above, but I doubt you even read it... but if you did and still chose to write this stupid **** then I don't know what to tell you... 

again, me and my best friend had this discussion already.... she told me just not to tell her when me and the ex kicked it.... so that's what i'm doing, per her request 

you should process the **** before you go on a rant about it fam.... 
what don't you understand? 

Break down 'your' levels of dating.

Cuz to me, im lookin from the outside in, and it seems like yall are in some sort of a relationship, OR are about to become official.

How yall kick it everyday and go on a trip and you let the broad lay up at your house every night, but shes not YOUR girl? Whos girl is she? If shes halfway moved in, and is alway wit you, maybe lil momma is under the wrong impression.

Maybe just breakdown yalls relationship status for better understanding.
Break down 'your' levels of dating.

Cuz to me, im lookin from the outside in, and it seems like yall are in some sort of a relationship, OR are about to become official.

How yall kick it everyday and go on a trip and you let the broad lay up at your house every night, but shes not YOUR girl? Whos girl is she? If shes halfway moved in, and is alway wit you, maybe lil momma is under the wrong impression.

Maybe just breakdown yalls relationship status for better understanding.
Originally Posted by 011781

she's not my girlfriend because I will not get into a committed relationship until I know I can give her 100% of me. I will not tell her she's my girlfriend then start doing what I see a lot of y'all in here doing --- which is being unsure or flat out just being unfaithful. That is the furthest thing from being selfish... that's being an adult. I'm not out doing my thing. I'm just not at a point where other girls don't interest me in some way. i want to be totally consumed by the next girl im with, to a point where i have no interest in anyone but her on all levels.
if you're not spending a lot of time with someone.... going places together.... having the person stay with you for extended periods of time, etc etc ... how the hell will you even know that a relationship could work with the person? does what i'm saying not make sense? 

seems like y'all want to do it backwards.....

how many times have relationships been ruined once its official and you start really getting to know the person and around them all damn day ... then moving in together.... moving in has been the death of so many relationships 

the whole "bird" **** is so stupid to me because from the jump I said I had no sexual intentions with the people going on the trip....  but yet her allowing me to go hang out with female FRIENDS is her having no respect for herself and me being disrespectful? LOL....wut... the ****? 

im not going to sow my royal oats... I BEEN made that clear 

She is a bird and I couldn't give two sh*t's about her, so needless to say I'm not capping for her... I'm saying what you're doing is treating a h*e like a h*e, nothing more nothing less, no need to try to glaze it like you've been doing.

you make no sense and sound immature as hell fam...

Can you not read English or do you have a tough time comprehending statements when they don't 100% align with yours? Nothing I'm saying is deep but the fact your best friends are females let's me know all I need to know about you.
the fact your best friends are females let's me know all I need to know about you.
exactly my point... you juvenile as **** 

you don't know **** about me *****

and apparently YOU can't read...   how did best friends become plural? I have ONE female best friend 
I feel.you to a certain extent.

Seems like once your in, your IN.

But it seems like you put to much thought into startin a relationship....or it might be security issues, or that you dont want to let someone down by your actions.

But wheres ol girls mind frame at? Cuz if you think shes aware that yall arent committed but yet shes still by your side says somethin else.

We all have our ways of dating, but on the coo, i couldnt do it like you. No way ima be takin a short trip wit a broad and lettin her stay at the crib for weeks amd weeks.

Do what works for you and your relationships tho.
I told her yesterday, as a matter of fact .... 

you ****** either can't read or just choose not to.... I made the decision on my own because she's not my girlfriend ...and I explain why above, but I doubt you even read it... but if you did and still chose to write this stupid **** then I don't know what to tell you... 

again, me and my best friend had this discussion already.... she told me just not to tell her when me and the ex kicked it.... so that's what i'm doing, per her request 

you should process the **** before you go on a rant about it fam.... 

My mans it's obvious you either don't have a father figure or any OG's in your life. You have yet to see the faults in your ways and think you have the answer for everything. So before I have to incite violence on ya little *** I'm going to try again.

At the end of the day you are going to do what you want, but what's troublesome is the lack of respect and courtesy you've shown to both females in your OP. I don't care when you told the female you are dating that you going, you still made the decision without telling her. You didn't know how she would react, but had already justified it by saying she's not my girlfriend and I can still do what I want until that time comes. If you just wanted personal time to by yourself, why not just be open, courteous and respectful to her thoughts and feelings as well.

It really doesn't matter if your best friend said out of mind out of sight, it still doesn't justify. You aren't the only one going on the trip, what if her ex or the other girls mention it to her, or talk to their mutual friends and it gets back to your friend? How are you going to "eurostep" around that explanation, "Well you said not to mention it so I didn't want to hurt your feelings..." Again your friend needs the courtesy and respect from her best friend as well because I don't know if a vacation is worth a damaged friendship. Selfnesses is key to friendships and relationships, and even more of an essential key to happiness and fulliment. I hope you get what you are eventually looking for.
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I feel.you to a certain extent.

Seems like once your in, your IN.

But it seems like you put to much thought into startin a relationship....or it might be security issues, or that you dont want to let someone down by your actions.

But wheres ol girls mind frame at? Cuz if you think shes aware that yall arent committed but yet shes still by your side says somethin else.

We all have our ways of dating, but on the coo, i couldnt do it like you. No way ima be takin a short trip wit a broad and lettin her stay at the crib for weeks amd weeks.

Do what works for you and your relationships tho.
that's the thing, I WANT to be all in.... but until i am, I don't want to tell someone I am..... it's not fair to them and I've been through the **** way too many times 

I have her best interest in mind as well as mind.... if i didn't respect her, I'd just get into the relationship and figure out if that's what I wanted later 

she's by my side because I'm good to her... whether we claiming each other or not 

I'm not "out doing my thing" but like I said, I still find myself somewhat interested in other people from time to time.... 

but i really wanna get to know someone before i'm her boyfriend.... and IMO that takes doing things couples do 

it's not just an excuse to go pipe people... .I can do that regardless of status if I wanted to 
My mans it's obvious you either don't have a father figure or any OG's in your life. You have yet to see the faults in your ways and think you have the answer for everything. So before I have to incite violence on ya little *** I'm going to try again.

At the end of the day you are going to do what you want, but what's troublesome is the lack of respect and courtesy you've shown to both females in your OP. I don't care when you told the female you are dating that you going, you still made the decision without telling her. You didn't know how she would react, but had already justified it by saying she's not my girlfriend and I can still do what I want until that time comes. If you just wanted personal time to by yourself, why not just be open, courteous and respectful to her thoughts and feelings as well.

It really doesn't matter if your best friend said out of mind out of sight, it still doesn't justify. You aren't the only one going on the trip, what if her ex or the other girls mention it to her, or talk to their mutual friends and it gets back to your friend? How are you going to "eurostep" around that explanation, "Well you said not to mention it so I didn't want to hurt your feelings..." Again your friend needs the courtesy and respect from her best friend as well because I don't know if a vacation is worth a damaged friendship. Selfnesses is key to friendships and relationships, and even more of an essential key to happiness and fulliment. I hope you get what you are eventually looking for.
i'm not the one.... 

so i'll end this conversation now 
My mans it's obvious you either don't have a father figure or any OG's in your life. You have yet to see the faults in your ways and think you have the answer for everything. So before I have to incite violence on ya little *** I'm going to try again.

At the end of the day you are going to do what you want, but what's troublesome is the lack of respect and courtesy you've shown to both females in your OP. I don't care when you told the female you are dating that you going, you still made the decision without telling her. You didn't know how she would react, but had already justified it by saying she's not my girlfriend and I can still do what I want until that time comes. If you just wanted personal time to by yourself, why not just be open, courteous and respectful to her thoughts and feelings as well.

It really doesn't matter if your best friend said out of mind out of sight, it still doesn't justify. You aren't the only one going on the trip, what if her ex or the other girls mention it to her, or talk to their mutual friends and it gets back to your friend? How are you going to "eurostep" around that explanation, "Well you said not to mention it so I didn't want to hurt your feelings..." Again your friend needs the courtesy and respect from her best friend as well because I don't know if a vacation is worth a damaged friendship. Selfnesses is key to friendships and relationships, and even more of an essential key to happiness and fulliment. I hope you get what you are eventually looking for.
Men are always gona be interested in other women tho.

I think your withholdin lil momma from bein the best woman she can be for you by not steppin up and takin control of yalls relationship. You cant tip toe on the line of maybe i should maybe I shouldnt forever.

Whats her take on this? All this time yall spend together, ***** you might as well tell her what it is instead of actin like you fittna propose to her.
Men are always gona be interested in other women tho.

I think your withholdin lil momma from bein the best woman she can be for you by not steppin up and takin control of yalls relationship. You cant tip toe on the line of maybe i should maybe I shouldnt forever.

Whats her take on this? All this time yall spend together, ***** you might as well tell her what it is instead of actin like you fittna propose to her.
IMO, the right one makes all those interests go away.... 

i've been with people that made me not interested in anyone else.... and while this one SHOULD, because she's a great girl.... it's not the case and I'm trying to figure out why

and that's one of the main reasons why i've been hesitant to make if official.... 

she knows how I feel... we've had this discussion before... she knows how I feel about being ALL IN ... but while i'm figuring this all out, I'm being a good dude to her so she has no reason to get upset or be upset with me if i decided this isn't what i want.... and let's not forget that this also applies to her... if she feels im not the one or wants to have an interest in someone else that's fine... it's my own fault for not claiming her 

this is why i made the comment about NT earlier.... saying people size up situations only knowing 1% of the situation...  people take a small snippet, a sample size, then run with it 
^Well post pics or give us more than 1% to go off. We are just speaking on the details you provided and then you respond basically saying nothing then calling us juvenile. Like, c'mon bro we all look out for each other and vent in here no one is trying to act high and mighty yet you still take offense to everything. I'll just stop replying to you though since you have all the answers already and don't wanna hear anyone else input. Whatever mane :rofl:
Same need cliffs
- got invited on a trip with by some female friends that im not trying to ****

- dating someone but dont want to take her with me because we already spend a TON of time together just dating 

- im being called selfish because i dont know if i want a gf, even though im not out slanging pipe to anyone else and am treating the girl i date very well 

- the girl i date is bird if she allows me to go on said trip with friends 

- dondadda wants violence and says im not a man because my best friend is a female 

think that about sums it up lol... 
^Well post pics or give us more than 1% to go off. We are just speaking on the details you provided and then you respond basically saying nothing then calling us juvenile. Like, c'mon bro we all look out for each other and vent in here no one is trying to act high and mighty yet you still take offense to everything. I'll just stop replying to you though since you have all the answers already and don't wanna hear anyone else input. Whatever mane
I called you juvenile for making up this whole bird scenario that never existed ... you had the story all kinds of confused and twisted 

you see how me and Wavy are talking? 

voicing our opinions and trying to understand where each other is coming from? 

im not acting high and mighty, but when y'all get the facts confused or try to pass opinions off as facts I try to correct y'all..... 

you're exactly right... i came in here to tell a story ... i talk to y'all because you're strangers and don't know the people im talking about so its a way to vent anonymously 

i just get a little annoyed when y'all act like you DO know the person ..and take a little offense to all the slick talk and unwarranted disrespect... 

how would pics add any value or clarity to the situation? lol 
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give us more than 1% to go off

This was what i was saying earlier. when you share a story in here. and it's like that.. people are going to ask questions.
which makes you have to keep backing up and revisiting what you said (which I know no one wants to do.)

I see where you're coming from though 011781 with the 1 chick should be all you want. i feel most of what you said, just (i Personally, i dont know about other people) didn't understand what you meant from the beginning.

Now i do and agree (slightly)
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^Well post pics or give us more than 1% to go off. We are just speaking on the details you provided and then you respond basically saying nothing then calling us juvenile. Like, c'mon bro we all look out for each other and vent in here no one is trying to act high and mighty yet you still take offense to everything. I'll just stop replying to you though since you have all the answers already and don't wanna hear anyone else input. Whatever mane
I called you juvenile for making up this whole bird scenario that never existed ... you had the story all kinds of confused and twisted 

you see how me and Wavy are talking? 

voicing our opinions and trying to understand where each other is coming from? 

im not acting high and mighty, but when y'all get the facts confused or try to pass opinions off as facts I try to correct y'all..... 

you're exactly right... i came in here to tell a story ... i talk to y'all because you're strangers and don't know the people im talking about so its a way to vent anonymously 

i just get a little annoyed when y'all act like you DO know the person ..and take a little offense to all the slick talk and unwarranted disrespect... 

how would pics add any value or clarity to the situation? lol 
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