TAY '16: The Saga Continues

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So yeah... I'm going to be a dad...

My girl's iud failed... We found out yesterday she's at 30/32 weeks... She litterly showed ZERO symptoms until last week :lol:... We decided tonight we can't be POS people and put it up for adoption... So in 4 to 6 weeks I'm going to be a dad... :lol:

We're scared ******** obviously... But we're committed... It's going to be weird, and we're not sure what to expect... But yeah :lol:...
Wait wait....she was/is 7 1/2 months pregnant. And had no idea?
Is she a drinker? Did yall do drugs at all.. she still drink coffee or eat sushi? No vitamins?

No offense but did you think her weight gain was natural??
Isnt there pregnancy complications whrn the iud fails?

Thats a lot to soak in and get ready for in a months time.

They tell you what it was?

Is she naturally a big girl or was it just not noticeable?
So yeah... I'm going to be a dad...

My girl's iud failed... We found out yesterday she's at 30/32 weeks... She litterly showed ZERO symptoms until last week :lol:... We decided tonight we can't be POS people and put it up for adoption... So in 4 to 6 weeks I'm going to be a dad... :lol:

We're scared ******** obviously... But we're committed... It's going to be weird, and we're not sure what to expect... But yeah :lol:...

Whaaaaaa? That's crazy!!!

And why would it make you POS people for giving the child up for adoption?

Not saying you should but what's the correlation here?
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So yeah... I'm going to be a dad...

My girl's iud failed... We found out yesterday she's at 30/32 weeks... She litterly showed ZERO symptoms until last week
... We decided tonight we can't be POS people and put it up for adoption... So in 4 to 6 weeks I'm going to be a dad...

We're scared ******** obviously... But we're committed... It's going to be weird, and we're not sure what to expect... But yeah
Congrats man. It is scary and you'll never be prepared. Just start learning on what to prepare for, it'll be an experience that you'll forever remember.
Part of me wants to "strike while the iron's hot" and maybe ask her out on an official date, but part of me also wants to just ride it out and keep doing what we've been doing and see what happens.

This would definitely be hustling backwards. You don't get to first base then walk off the field, it's time to steal second. Slide in head first ya fih meeh. Just keep doing what you've been doing or you're gonna confuse her and end up yambless
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So yeah... I'm going to be a dad...

My girl's iud failed... We found out yesterday she's at 30/32 weeks... She litterly showed ZERO symptoms until last week :lol:... We decided tonight we can't be POS people and put it up for adoption... So in 4 to 6 weeks I'm going to be a dad... :lol:

We're scared ******** obviously... But we're committed... It's going to be weird, and we're not sure what to expect... But yeah :lol:...

Please provide more info. [emoji]128064[/emoji] Any time I read about these IUD pregnancies I get super shook. Regular periods and everything? I'm ready to retire from the game after reading this.
So yeah... I'm going to be a dad...

My girl's iud failed... We found out yesterday she's at 30/32 weeks... She litterly showed ZERO symptoms until last week :lol:... We decided tonight we can't be POS people and put it up for adoption... So in 4 to 6 weeks I'm going to be a dad... :lol:

We're scared ******** obviously... But we're committed... It's going to be weird, and we're not sure what to expect... But yeah :lol:...

Bro, watch you end up being the best Pops ever.
Cot damn. From finding out to full baby in a month, mind blown. Good luck papa, hope ya'll stay as loving and share that with the kid, but still remain savage to each other.
So yeah... I'm going to be a dad...

My girl's iud failed... We found out yesterday she's at 30/32 weeks... She litterly showed ZERO symptoms until last week :lol:... We decided tonight we can't be POS people and put it up for adoption... So in 4 to 6 weeks I'm going to be a dad... :lol:

We're scared ******** obviously... But we're committed... It's going to be weird, and we're not sure what to expect... But yeah :lol:...

Jeez. Makes me glad that I never went raw on girls claiming to be on IUD.

But Gratz bro. Wishing yall the best.
Wait wait....she was/is 7 1/2 months pregnant. And had no idea?
Is she a drinker? Did yall do drugs at all.. she still drink coffee or eat sushi? No vitamins?

No offense but did you think her weight gain was natural??
Right ?? I'm so confused
No offense to bruh but from stories posted before, he has said he usually messes with BBW type of women so its totally plausible for ol girl to be pregnant and them both not know it from appearance.

My thing is how did she not experience any sort of early nausea, pains or movement?
Appreciate the condolences :lol:... We both almost *****-slapped a nurse yesterday who said congratulations :lol:...

So here's what happened... Yes she's a big girl... I like girls of all shapes and sizes, but I love my girl :lol:... She's actually lost a little weight during pregnancy, which is apparently fairly normal for big girls...

She showed minor symptoms in retrospect, but thought it was different things... She had breast tenderness, and actually was concerned it was cancer... Her family has history of breast cancer was was working on finding a clinic... But she had her first mood swing last week when she snapped at me for something stupid... It was weird, she hasn't ever done that and completely out if her character... She recognized the same thing and got a couple at home tests... Both came back blue :lol:... She's had no morning sickness, and really the symptoms all came at one time upon realization :lol:...

She has the Mirina IUD... It causes 75% of women to stop having regular periods... It's also still in her, the doctor saw it on the ultrasound... There can be complications from IUD failing, mainly pregnancy in the tubes... But the doctors said the baby looks normal and healthy and that everything is going as well as could be expected... The IUD will be removed at child birth and doesn't cause complications during actually delivery...

We did do molly and acid once during pregnancy, in retrospect... We were/are obviously worried about that... Doctor said while obviously not good, it's extended drug use that does real damage... We're not drinkers, so she's had maybe 5 drinks total the entire time... She also stopped smoking weed Monday night after we found out she was past abortion length... We've been paranoid about our use, but in reality, many mom's have done much worse and had perfect fine babies...

We never planned or wanted kids... We're dog people :lol:... I can't honestly say we're excited, yet... But we know what type of people we are... We are people, who with the right help, can be great parents... I had a horrible mother and a non existent dad, both of whom I haven't talked to in 5+ years... I can't be the type of person who gives up a kid because they are selfish... I know I would horribly regret the decision in years to come... I truly know my girl will be a great mom too, I just see it...

Just typing this out helps a lot... Thanks guys...
Oh now we becoming Fathers now? :lol: Congrats but I'll meet y'all later.

Still got to much savaging to do.
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