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Since the topic has been brought up. What about dating a woman who is in an open marriage?

their called swingers, and usually the dude knows about you, so that's something worth being careful about al in all in case he doesn't want to do it anymore, or she's tring to bring you in a threesome with dude also
Swingers are different

There are open marriages where one or both of the spouses have a bf/gf they not only sleep with but go on dates and stuff with
My dudes stop worrying about rejection, it's apart of life. Even if you ask the girl out and she curves you, still be cordial to her and act like it doesn't phase you. Even though hearing "No" does suck, the only way it can be awkard is if you play into it like that. Stand tall and firm and show her that you are about that life that it was her lost she is missing out on a catch. The more you show that it didn't phase you, the more she will question her decision. I've had times were girls said "No", I was like cool, even though inside I was like "FDB", proceeded like that ish didnt happen, cool as a cucumber. Stayed polite when I saw her, if she was with friends I made it delibrate to speak to all of them with a nice salutation and kept moving. She saw me walking with a girl on campus(Berkley Campus and city is small so you are bound to run into people). Next Day she comes up and "magically" wants a coffee date. The rest was history.
Learn how to play your position and keep moving. In this life you will be met with more rejection that has way more effect on your life then a woman. Use that rejection as energy to become great. Always take the high road, not because it makes you self righteous or better than but it's a testimony to your code as a person. I mean sometimes you have to get in people's *** but walk with a since of pride and humbleness. A girls rejection is a very small fraction to a giant.
My dudes stop worrying about rejection, it's apart of life. Even if you ask the girl out and she curves you, still be cordial to her and act like it doesn't phase you. Even though hearing "No" does suck, the only way it can be awkard is if you play into it like that. Stand tall and firm and show her that you are about that life that it was her lost she is missing out on a catch. The more you show that it didn't phase you, the more she will question her decision. I've had times were girls said "No", I was like cool, even though inside I was like "FDB", proceeded like that ish didnt happen, cool as a cucumber. Stayed polite when I saw her, if she was with friends I made it delibrate to speak to all of them with a nice salutation and kept moving. She saw me walking with a girl on campus(Berkley Campus and city is small so you are bound to run into people). Next Day she comes up and "magically" wants a coffee date. The rest was history.
Learn how to play your position and keep moving. In this life you will be met with more rejection that has way more effect on your life then a woman. Use that rejection as energy to become great. Always take the high road, not because it makes you self righteous or better than but it's a testimony to your code as a person. I mean sometimes you have to get in people's *** but walk with a since of pride and humbleness. A girls rejection is a very small fraction to a giant.
Son! Such true talk!

I used to be so afraid of rejection, until it just kind of clicked with me: who are you that I care about being rejected by you? I've been rejected so many times, man, but I've changed a whole lot as a person in the past year. I currently have two in my rotation, and I'm trying to go for more.

Gonna hit up this hipster dive by myself tomorrow night. Will be my first solo outing, which I'm kinda nervous about because the place is a bit of a ways away, but I'm still gonna do it, get to know the bartenders, get a feel for the regulars, etc.

I got this bread in my pocket, I'm educated, I look and smell like Jesus, I'm outchea mang
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Hmm did I miss my opportunity? This was like a month after my 6 year relationship ended so I'm clueless. Met a girl awhile back at a BBQ and she seemed cool. She came with one of my friends but I don't think that was his girl, Maybe they mess around idk. Anyways she pointed out my attire I had on and I was low key  shocked she new about the brand. From there we had very very small talk. Add her on the gram and she Dm's me asking how I found her,  I was creeping.  Later on she post a Pic of her wearing a hat  made by the brand that sparked our first convo. She said she did it to make me "mad?"  Couple weeks past and I jokingly tell her when are we going to chill and she replies when ever I invite her. We dont talk now tho lol. Just writting this shows how rusty my **** is. 
Just have to say thanks myself to mugen81 mugen81 . Reps aren't enough.

Been going through a pivotal point in my life where I'm starting to live by myself and facing my demons whether it was insecurity/jealousy or no self esteem and I really connected with a lot of what you said. To "see what I'm made of" and grow as a person. All i think about most of the time now is just trying to better myself. More ambitious, dedicated, hungry. So seriously thank you for supplementing me that night. I knew i had to go through it but reading your advice helped propel myself faster. When it's all said and done, I will say that Mugen and Niketalk played a role in my life. :lol:
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[COLOR=#red]I'm getting to the point where if I have to wear a condom I don't eem want to smash. When you get accustomed to raw, condoms feel like you're not even getting the P. [/COLOR]
EWD, you wild'n bro.  

Only the wife should get the raw treatment.  These broads out here are like ******. I don't trust them.

Curious question?

How old are most of you guys in here? A lot of you guys are in college right?
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28 and I'm a teacher. Taught University ESL for a year. Haha does that count as being in College?

I honestly think im the only one in here who doesn't mind condoms, maybe because my main stays hydrated. so even with a condom its still good.
[COLOR=#red]I'm getting to the point where if I have to wear a condom I don't eem want to smash. When you get accustomed to raw, condoms feel like you're not even getting the P. [/COLOR]

Went to the Doctor yesterday for a routine physical and a yearly checkup. My Dr was this sexy brown skin dread head who was new to the office. She was checking me and told me I was very healthy and why did I want an STD check if she knew I was smart enough to be protecting myself everytime. :lol: I told her I wasn't that smart and that I only use condoms if I don't know the girl like that

...of course she scared me straight into using condoms. She told me I was too handsome and too ambitious to be getting caught up with an STD or an unplanned pregnancy out here because ATL is ruthless. Left the doctors office and made a vow to start using condoms until marriage

.....my girl came over later that night I'm digging in her over the bathroom sink raw :smh:

Most of you guys haven't even jumped off the porch yet. (laughing)

Good stuff.

Some of these stories keep me out the strip clubs.. 

I'm 34. Been married, Been Divorced. Been through it all with these broads...

Trust me, don't rush it. (laughing)
24...but feel like I'm 34 as fast as time flies now :lol: :smh: tryna enjoy it && take it a day at a time tho.
[COLOR=#red]I'm getting to the point where if I have to wear a condom I don't eem want to smash. When you get accustomed to raw, condoms feel like you're not even getting the P. [/COLOR]

Once you go raw for so long it's definitely true. I'm just glad I found wifey so I don't keep taking stupid risks. At some point or another I rawed every chick I've smashed in the last 2 years except this stripper in the DR :lol: :smh:

28 and I'm a teacher. Taught University ESL for a year. Haha does that count as being in College?

I honestly think im the only one in here who doesn't mind condoms, maybe because my main stays hydrated. so even with a condom its still good.

If the chick is really wet it can make up for it. That stripper was so wet I kept thinking the condom fell off :lol:
My dudes stop worrying about rejection, it's apart of life. Even if you ask the girl out and she curves you, still be cordial to her and act like it doesn't phase you. Even though hearing "No" does suck, the only way it can be awkard is if you play into it like that. Stand tall and firm and show her that you are about that life that it was her lost she is missing out on a catch. The more you show that it didn't phase you, the more she will question her decision. I've had times were girls said "No", I was like cool, even though inside I was like "FDB", proceeded like that ish didnt happen, cool as a cucumber. Stayed polite when I saw her, if she was with friends I made it delibrate to speak to all of them with a nice salutation and kept moving. She saw me walking with a girl on campus(Berkley Campus and city is small so you are bound to run into people). Next Day she comes up and "magically" wants a coffee date. The rest was history.
Learn how to play your position and keep moving. In this life you will be met with more rejection that has way more effect on your life then a woman. Use that rejection as energy to become great. Always take the high road, not because it makes you self righteous or better than but it's a testimony to your code as a person. I mean sometimes you have to get in people's *** but walk with a since of pride and humbleness. A girls rejection is a very small fraction to a giant.

This. Strange how if it's someone you see often (work, school), accept the no graciously, and keep your yamb game moving how they come around.

[COLOR=#red]I'm getting to the point where if I have to wear a condom I don't eem want to smash. When you get accustomed to raw, condoms feel like you're not even getting the P. [/COLOR]

[COLOR=#red]Bros don't get me wrong...I'm not saying it's smart to go raw, I'm just saying that if I have to wrap up, I'll probably be passing more than smashing. Don't care how wet she is NOTHING compares to being unwrapped. Not even close. It's such a lackluster experience that I'd rather just not do it. My last experience was horrible, and she was as wet and tight as a chick could be.[/COLOR]

I can't tell my girl that I love her so I will continue to tell y'all t relieve the tension when I'm with her...

I love her, famb...

OK. Back to business
Fellas self confidence goes a long way with females. Sure a good job, nice car and money helps but what really matters is inside of you and how much heart you have. Rejection is just part of the game. No man alive is so smooth to the point he hasn't been rejected at least once. Best thing to do word to mugen is pick yourself up. Dust yourself off and go harder then ever before. Whether it be at work. In the gym. Picking up females etc. yambs is a pleasure unequalled but at the same time it isn't everything. Better yourself and yambs will flock.

Why not Fontaine
Cant stand condoms. I was at the corner store the otherday and saw a strapped condom. Dont know what possesed me to buy one to try it out. Me and my girl dont use condoms.

Man i yanked that **** off so dam quick. Never again. Havent used condoms in a while.
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