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Man, please don't ever give up on yourself.
That's what growth is . I know nobody likes pain. I have only been truly hurt two times in my life(my ex and my father). But I always say to myself:
"If I gave up, the life I'm living would have never came to fruition".
Man for a year,I truly was on some Kanye West, nappy hair and beard 808 & the heartbreak steeze. I tried to holla at this sub-par Vietnamese chick. Got curved with a Nolan Ryan pitch something serious, got home and was heated. I wasn't mad at her rejecting me, I was mad that I let myself fall that hard after my ex. That moment I picked myself up and got back to living. I recently saw the same chick while out with my wife and we had a good laugh about it. I actually wanted to thank her because I got back on track with my life and slowly but surely got my swag back. All this world is about perspective. People are going to hate or dislike what they don't understand. But the one thing that you have to consider is your own happiness. Family, friends will try to persuade you to do what they "perceive " as happiness but if you feel in your heart and gut that you are meant for greatness, sometimes you have to charge them to the game and live your life. Once again, women are truly the most beautiful thing on this planet and the ecstasy of yambs is a rival unmatched but playing basketball, art, music, anime, culture, helping children are my passions. If my wife left tomorrow, I would be hurt but a ***** would survive because I have other things that I live for, especially for my little king or queen coming, my whole purpose is to see them grow and wouldn't care about another yamb for the rest of my life.
Perspective over Everything...
My dog. I NEEDED to hear that as well. I'm going through the same ****. Shorty stays on my mind 24/7. Literally. But we work together (I'm talking same department and evrytging) so if I can somehow find my balls and make a move, if I get rejected, that's going to be the most awkward thing ever cause I can't just walk away. I won't see shorty until Thursday. I'm about to make that move, bruhs. **** it. Cause I'm tired of got damn Power Trip being stuck in my head and walking around like a sad puppy because I'm afraid of rejection. Repped.
Man, please don't ever give up on yourself.
That's what growth is . I know nobody likes pain. I have only been truly hurt two times in my life(my ex and my father). But I always say to myself:
"If I gave up, the life I'm living would have never came to fruition".
Man for a year,I truly was on some Kanye West, nappy hair and beard 808 & the heartbreak steeze. I tried to holla at this sub-par Vietnamese chick. Got curved with a Nolan Ryan pitch something serious, got home and was heated. I wasn't mad at her rejecting me, I was mad that I let myself fall that hard after my ex. That moment I picked myself up and got back to living. I recently saw the same chick while out with my wife and we had a good laugh about it. I actually wanted to thank her because I got back on track with my life and slowly but surely got my swag back. All this world is about perspective. People are going to hate or dislike what they don't understand. But the one thing that you have to consider is your own happiness. Family, friends will try to persuade you to do what they "perceive " as happiness but if you feel in your heart and gut that you are meant for greatness, sometimes you have to charge them to the game and live your life. Once again, women are truly the most beautiful thing on this planet and the ecstasy of yambs is a rival unmatched but playing basketball, art, music, anime, culture, helping children are my passions. If my wife left tomorrow, I would be hurt but a ***** would survive because I have other things that I live for, especially for my little king or queen coming, my whole purpose is to see them grow and wouldn't care about another yamb for the rest of my life.
Perspective over Everything...

lmao imagine thanking someone because you hit bottom when even THEY rejected you. I would re-evaluate my life immediately if someone thanked me for rejecting them. But I completely agree with everything you said.

Props to Mugen though. A lot of people think you need to be disrespectful or a jerk or act like something you're not to be confident and pick up ladies. Mugen is constantly preaching the opposite. Constantly putting things in perspective. Preaching self-worth and respect. Always helping people out in this thread and staying positive. Truly refreshing.:smokin :smokin Salute.
shorty wants to still be fwbs and go out and what not in terms of parties and gatherings,  but she wants pursue other for legit relationships. she pulled what I used to pull on girls, on me. not gonna lie, I feel kinda used. not pissed but deff a little depressed about the situation.

I should've known better tho. she's 19, dtf, pretty chill and pretty much did what ever I wanted and was also into a little bit of freaky stuff. deff a bad combo all around. she also comes from a conservative middle easter family which makes her wild side even worse.

boutta say f*** it and go into full robot mode when it comes to school and training like I was supposed to be doing instead of messing around with her for the past month and a half smh
Alright my dudes I was having trouble with my girl earlier and y'all told me treat that like a fwb and prosper. For the first time in the history of the internet, i listened.

Collected 3 numbers this weekend: 1. easy smash that sat next to me in bio a decade ago :lol: 2. A friend of a friend that I've seen n spoken to at parties has a good attitude but was lookin queasy at the latest shindig 3. Asian chick whose bf is in Italy at the moment but is amped to get coffee

Most intersted in the 2nd. Gonna hit the 3rd up ASAP because her mans out of town and the 1st is just ripe pickings . Gonna keep it simple with the text game; salutations - lets get tea/coffee
Okay my dude weren't you mad about your "girl" getting sex down a couple of weeks ago and told her not to go to Austin but instead go on vacation with you?? Now you want to diddy bop with a chick whose man just so happens to be in Italy..
I'm confused as hell right now.
You are grown, so do you but you can't play both sides of the game like that.
How are you going to be mad at your ex,girl,whatever she is for wanting to get the D by other dudes but want to turn around and be "Mr. Steal Your Girl" to the next man...
Every time you sleep with someone, you exchange energy and a piece of them becomes apart of you.
Yeah I know that sounds like "tin foil" hat talk. But like energy always attracts, so you can't get mad or claim girls are un-loyal when you are out here doing dirt.
Where they do that at???
I mean the chose is yours and just know it my not come directly back to you but that **** will catch up. Through family, children, career, whatever the case maybe, when you outchea in these streets doing dirt be prepared for the consequences..
"Drive Slow Homie"
Leave #3 alone.
We gotta stop doing that or atleast being hype about it.
Its essentially the same as getting a good grade on the test. But only because there was a curve because everyone did terrible.
A.k.a you didnt truly earn that good grade. (it was by default) just like them attention seeking thirst trapping women.
Dont take this as disrespect towards you or discrediting getting the number. Just be careful or dont be that dude. Whatever she is doing to dude she is surely capable to do to you.

To ronald:
You knew that was the situation when you first told us about her. Honestly you may of created a monster but you were the adament one on maki g her a fwb and getting the good yambs
Okay my dude weren't you mad about your "girl" getting sex down a couple of weeks ago and told her not to go to Austin but instead go on vacation with you?? Now you want to diddy bop with a chick whose man just so happens to be in Italy..
I'm confused as hell right now.
You are grown, so do you but you can't play both sides of the game like that.
How are you going to be mad at your ex,girl,whatever she is for wanting to get the D by other dudes but want to turn around and be "Mr. Steal Your Girl" to the next man...
Every time you sleep with someone, you exchange energy and a piece of them becomes apart of you.
Yeah I know that sounds like "tin foil" hat talk. But like energy always attracts, so you can't get mad or claim girls are un-loyal when you are out here doing dirt.
Where they do that at???
I mean the chose is yours and just know it my not come directly back to you but that **** will catch up. Through family, children, career, whatever the case maybe, when you outchea in these streets doing dirt be prepared for the consequences..
"Drive Slow Homie"

Damn mugen throwing flags out...

My ex/girl did what she did and has made it clear how much I mean to her so that is what it is. As far as I'm concerned, two can play that I "love" you bs when it's clear she don't wanna make no steps towards the future. When I try to elevate our relationship, I become the chick in it and that's not what she wants either. She just wants someone for right now because she hasn't found anyone better and she gives me so much room that I feel obliged to step out on the rship. I feel the same.

As far as stealing on another man...I've got no rebuttal.

But I'm sure I'm not the only one that found their match with someone they're not gonna
Marry and the level of effort/commitment on both sides make that clear but nobody in the "relationship" wants to call it what it is
Damn mugen throwing flags out...

My ex/girl did what she did and has made it clear how much I mean to her so that is what it is. As far as I'm concerned, two can play that I "love" you bs when it's clear she don't wanna make no steps towards the future. When I try to elevate our relationship, I become the chick in it and that's not what she wants either. She just wants someone for right now because she hasn't found anyone better and she gives me so much room that I feel obliged to step out on the rship. I feel the same.

As far as stealing on another man...I've got no rebuttal.

But I'm sure I'm not the only one that found their match with someone they're not gonna
Marry and the level of effort/commitment on both sides make that clear but nobody in the "relationship" wants to call it what it is
Like I said playboy, you are grown so whatever I type or say shouldn't persuade you from doing something else, all I ask is for you to question the move before you make it. It's your life and you have to deal with the decisions you make and deal with those demons.
It's true people meet other people in relationships everyday but that's where your moral code should kick in . That's where being a man of your convictions should triumph sex. This is why I can't understand dudes singing "These **** Ain't Loyal" but you out here doing dirt yourself(saying this just in general). You possibly can't expect a woman to show you respect or acknowledge your strength as a man when you don't even live by your own code. A woman( just like a man) will treat you the way you let them.
I don't know, I'm just old fashion and have played side ***** before and that was not the business for me, personally. Once again not going to pass judgement because we all have dirty hands in this world but I just don't understand wanting to talk to a chick that clearly states she has a man. Why set yourself up for either:
Being just teased and her using you for some type of emotional affair..
Actually smashing and dude comes through on some War Machine-Christy Mack type ish when he comes home.
But seriously I wish you the best on all three. Once again don't take it as a attack but more of constructive criticism because it just too much unattached ***** in this world to TKO outchea..
Be safe my dude..
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Knowingly pursuing another man's chick is weak

Now if she's throwing at you (I mean like super easy) I can understand how temptation can be hard to resist but putting effort in? Naw
Some ****** find self satisfaction and what not just by the fact they can pull a chick from her dude.

But either way it aint coo. It can get ugly real quick.

If your mouthpeice is on point then why not pursue a diffrent chick.
Pics of shorty #3. Pics will determine whether to grab coffee with her or not. You obviously don't know her guy so it wouldn't be all that wrong to smash. 

Although... you know how that feels to be on the other side of those situations, so...
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Some ****** find self satisfaction and what not just by the fact they can pull a chick from her dude.

But either way it aint coo. It can get ugly real quick.

If your mouthpeice is on point then why not pursue a diffrent chick.

Pulling a chick from her dude usually has more to do with what kind of chick she is rather than having actual game. I don't get the point unless you personally know the dude and he did you wrong and you're on some petty revenge tip
Dog... Pics and backstory. 
I haven't done it myself, but have a lady friend who is in a open marriage. It has crossed my mind on pursuing it.
 Have fun with. I can assure you if you smash homies wife, he'll be expecting to smash your chick too, so if you don't have one you're willing to share, stay away. 
First off my dude, you got to stop putting so much emphasis on others lives and what they have.
Second, you are never in competition with other dudes. If a girl really likes you, trust the only way you can mess it up is through low self esteem. You have to learn to let go.
If a girl is choosy or un-loyal, with time and experience you will learn the signs to know when to leave or stay.
This is why I feel this generation is doomed because we have been taught as men that everything we should be about is yambs..
Wrong..Your legacy, dreams,goals, should always be your primary concern.
It only gets better when you change your outlook on life and evaluate what makes you happy. I could give you all the gory details of my life and all my insecurities, even though I have the most amazing woman in my life I battle with my demons every so often. The thing is I put things in perspective.
Beautiful wife, decent career, finishing my MBA, live in a nice apartment but after looking at houses today, about to be a first time homeowner, my mother is healthy and funny as ever. I am truly blessed but I have been in despair. I've seen struggle, contemplated suicide, the whole damn gambit but what keeps me going is that I love life. Until you enjoy life it will never get better. If you have three pretty girls, just relax and have a good time. You are too young to be stressed out over yambs. **** you really should never be stressed over yambs, enjoy what makes you. Enjoy being a nerd, outcast or whatever label you place on yourself. I can't show you through words but all I can do is encourage you to be great. What if Malcolm X, MLK, Muhammad Ali, Confucious, Nelson Mandela just laid down and gave up. If you are able to read this on any platform, then you are blessed and winning at life. People are getting shot down in the streets, bombings of innocent children, child abuse, disease, etc..
Not trying to be self righteous or even preaching but your life could be so much worst then what you perceive. I used to be in my head all the time, worrying about females but you know what I charged it to the game and started having fun. Finding myself, walking around like my **** don't stank. FDB if she rejects me, it's cool I'll just pipe her friend(Real ****,lol). But you got to start recognizing what you have instead of what you don't. Until you face yourself then yambs should not be of any concern to you. Love yourself, fail, dust yourself off, get up and live. Don't sit here with regrets, I have a ton of those but you know what, all that made me wiser and stronger and life is truly good.
To get to the light you have to endure the darkness. That is what makes you a man to me. I don't care about your body count or how you can make panties drop. What I care about are your stories,adventures, how you failed and overcame. What you stand for, your convictions. What you are proud of that you accomplished. Yambs will always be here but who you are as a person, lives forever..
Sorry for the extremely long post..
Damn son this **** hit home.

I was in a long relationship for awhile so my skills are so weak. I met this girl in a class through a mutual friendand we have two classes together this semester. I feel like we are just on the same page and vibing. We always have good conversations and every monday I stay in the library talking to her for like 4 to 5 hours. I have a good feeling that  she likes me but i'm just scared to make that move due to low confidence. I don't want to make a move and be rejected and make everything all awkward  this semester but I guess it's time to do something. 
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FIrst post in TAY.. I'm guessing it means Talk about yourself? 

Read the last few posts, can def relate. will post after i finish my paper 

gotta get that school locked down 
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