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I have kind of an interesting situation... A little lengthy and relationship based so I'll put it in a spoiler for you smash-and-dash cats who don't wanna read this.
Things are going great with my girl. Been together 8 months now and she even exchanged Christmas gifts with my parents.

One of her best friends, her mom and her grandma recently told her "she can do better." With her best friend, it's because of my education/job. They go to an Ivy school and already have job offers for more than what I make a few years out of undergrad. With her mom and grandma, it's partially because she didn't meet me at the Ivy school, they think she still has a way to go before she settles/commits to somebody and that there will be a couple more after me. Remember I'm 5 years older than her and she's got a year of college left. She told me not to get offended. It's more of concern they had for her instead of knocking me, they meant well and she obviously doesn't think she needs to do better, and that's what's important.

I told her that I do agree with her mom and grandma that there may be a few more after me. And that I'm sort of a hypocrite because I don't think anyone should have a serious relationship in college but she's different and I am selfish :lol: Then told her that I know I may not be up to the academic standards of some of her friends but I like that because since I've been with her it has motivated me to improve myself. My past gf's have lacked the confidence she has and I've always had to push them to be better. She's the first person who has made me want to push myself to be like her in some ways, not the other way around. One of the things I like about her most is she's not afraid to go out and take what she wants. I was like that for a while but then I settled and waws just content where I was at a for a couple years. I never feel content/safe with her because I know how much she wants in life and that to have things work with her I'm going to have to step up as much as she has and be my best. I told her that's why I'm not afraid of committing to being in the relationship with her. Because even if it doesn't work out I know I'll be in a better position with my education and/or career after.

She was extremely happy with that response. She told me that she doesn't see a point of a relationship if she doesn't see a future with the person at this point. With her ex it was more for fun, but now, she doesn't plan to continue the path of pointless relationships. I told her that her age and inexperience with guys does scare me at times. Like she might just have that phase where she wants to just date a lot of other guys with no commitment to find out what she likes/doesn't like. I'm a little uneasy because I don't know if she's really had that stage yet, but nothing I can do except what I'm already doing and hope the relationship continues to work.

She said she might have that phase, and doesn't know what thoughts she'll have or what she'll be like in a couple of years. But once we are together for like two years she'll know whether or not she wants to continue with me because she wouldn't waste 4-5 years in a relationship with someone she'd break up with or doesn't see a future with. If she knows she doesn't to marry the person after 3 years or so she'd end it and she has pretty strong feelings on this front.

It was very thought provoking conversation and really made me think about the future. But I can't get caught up in that and I'm just enjoying the relationship a day at a time again because that's been working. It's good to know I got a good chick though. Pretty happy sticking with her in 2015.
Man, it's tough enough beating the homegirls skewed opinions (all single or in bad relationships, i'm guessing), but mom's and grandma? protect your heart Henstacks.
I'm trying not to take it too personally since I haven't met them...but, it's not an easy thing to hear. I told her she must've portrayed me as inadequate for them to feel that way and she said she didn't, just told them the basics. So basically, I'm not up to their standards education/career wise because that's all they can judge me on at this point. Just gotta keep making her happy and improve myself though.

On the other hand, my parents absolutely love her and think she's great for me.
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hennessy hennessy nothing wrong with her mom wanting the best for her but it is still you two lives to live. I feel you will revisit this story on NYE 2015 saying almost 2 years in and our future couldn't look better. Keep us posted on Hennessy's adventure of 2015.
Me and my girl are gona make a year tomorrow. Longest relationship ive had. Akways broke it iff wit chicks after 4
Months max. Loved playin the field.

Shoutout to my gangsta chick for holdin it down. I love that girl. Yeah.
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I so wanna be out the game (thought I was for a bit there) but I guess i'll keep moving. It ain't all bad, it's like playing GTA V on a last gen console or sex with a condom, **** still cool.
Shout out to my brother @mugen81 His advice and guidance has been just priceless to me personally, Mad love for you man .
Truth. Going to be an active contributor in here in 2015...hopefully for the right reasons, been working on my mental game the last month or so and am looking way to forward to 2015
I've been in that situation with my ex. Her moms used to be all up in her ear telling her I was cheating on her and that I didn't love her. And that caused so much drama and so many arguments. BUT it sounds like your situation is more productive, especially since I don't hear any personal qualms being brought up with their concerns.

Like they said, you got the mind part locked but you can't get distracted by what others (including her fam) say. Not everybody is gonna be in your corner
I wish more women where on NT[emoji]128516[/emoji]
That's why I miss Gator...
Got a couple ideas, thanks for input..

I'm down for thread about relationships/women.... cuz let's face seems like er'body wifed up now anyway

I kinda fell back from the thread cuz it was starting to get outta hand :lol: :lol:

**edit; I was under the impression TAY would still stand but there'd be another thread for more serious discussions etc.
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I Won't have time tonight but I want to wish everyone a Happy New Year. I think this thread has grown a lot. Dating/Sex/Relationships encompass so many aspects that one really can't make it just about one, monolithic subject. I want this thread to be a canvas of experience, stories, whatever is on your mind. If you feel the thread is "soft"[emoji]128516[/emoji], then get your *** out there and live and share your experiences but when you do please make them PG-PG 13 as much as possible. To the OG'S i wish you guys the best in your situations no matter if it's monogamy or sister wives, live everyday like its your last. My hope for this year is just to see people's growth through triumph and failure. I'll still be around when I can but my daughter will be here in two months, ***** crazy. But I hope everybody flourishes...
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In closing of 2014...

A goal of mine was to be with 100 girls. That all changed when I met a girl I thought had the potential/ would be the one. Now obviously going from being a dude would had a nice rotation/ constantly new girls was rough... But I think she's worth it.

We may not end up together, but I learned so much about myself and may have had my funnest year to date.

I wish all the ogs wealth, health, and success in everything they do. We still need to do a Vegas trip in 2015.

For the newer guys please carry on the tradition of stories (both good and bad) for us in relationships. This thread has guys willing to help with literally anything.

Happy new year my dudes.

-The Don
Year went by really fast felt like it was last year it was the O.G thread about Yambs , Growth & Prosperity for all ... Flourish in 2015 !
Maaaaaaaaaan. When she grinding them hips on you... Her mama gave it all to her dog. Got a young G ready to fall in love :smh:
All I can say is when you move in with your girl that clock officially starts to tick. What clock am I talking bout? I'm talking bout the marriage clock, she's gonna start putting on the pressure. It will start with small talk, then eventually she'll be talking about what kinda rings she likes and wanna go ring shopping. Big step forward in your relationship. Hope you ready.


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never in life have I dealt with a dumb ***** like tonight...ima chalk this L up but 2015 will not be a year of L's for me with yambs or anything in general...ima act like tonight didn't happen......I cant believe I turned down a party for this chick which I thought was guranteed act :smh:
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