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She wants to get married and have kids sooner rather than later and I'm almost ready mentally but not close financially. Living paycheck to paycheck still during residency

Damn bro, I swear you was just talking about marriage.

I mean she can't wait? Ain't like you gonna be hurting for $$$ after your residency.

All the relationships dropping like flies just in time for summer.

Tell me about it bro :lol: Me and my girl was close to calling it quits recently.
First date was in her small hoemtown which has nothing really to offer so we walked along the blvd and talked for a couple hours then got some pizza. But it was her idea for me to come there..She told me it was really boring but I as a person wasnt boring, she told me she wants to do something fun now and i wanna choose sumtin right as not eff up my chance
Also im in LA

Gun range...

Batting cage

Putt putt golf

Kid ****

Don't go for the yambs just yet. Let it marinate
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Yeah she definitely could settle and find someone quickly. She's a catch so I'm sure she could find someone quickly.

The timing just sucks for us.

Welcome to my life lmao.

Relationships are literally all about timing.
yep and it takes 2 to tango. If you guys can't compromise, then its really no point of yall being together. Focus on your mission in life. Don't let anyone deter you from accomplishing your goals

getting married isn't the end-all be-all
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Gun range sounds like an awesome date. Good looks on that Fontaine.

Bout to meet up with a new tinder yamb shortly :pimp: Just started talking her today. Love when you can make a connection, get the number and they're down to chill right away. Cute Skinny Asian chick. She looks tall for an Asian. Got some nice legs.
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First date was in her small hoemtown which has nothing really to offer so we walked along the blvd and talked for a couple hours then got some pizza. But it was her idea for me to come there..She told me it was really boring but I as a person wasnt boring, she told me she wants to do something fun now and i wanna choose sumtin right as not eff up my chance
Also im in LA

Gun range...

Batting cage

Putt putt golf

Kid ****

Don't go for the yambs just yet. Let it marinate

Good looks man, ima ask her to one of these places we got that has go karts and putting and putt putt all in one

No gun range tho, as a muslim im too paranoid to go to places like that man, aint gunna be a good look

Also yeah im not gunna try to force it, i lowkey know she want it so ima just let it play out

Good looks fontaine thats why i love u papi
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Tell me about it bro :lol: Me and my girl was close to calling it quits recently.
naaaah bro. Fareal?

What happened?

You know the saying "you're not marrying her/him, you're marrying her/his family"

Well it was getting hard to be stuck in the middle. Family issues, family getting involved, taking sides....ect.

On some Romeo & Juliet type situation. Except we are both very close to our family.

Families not getting along, talking bad about each other, no gathered family functions...

It was causing a lot of fights, and basically that's ALL we would only fight about, not finances, not jealousy, not material... Family!

It was a consistent subject. So we kind of almost decided to give up and separate because we felt there was nothing we can do to stop it, it was just gonna keep going and going. Then we though about how much worse it would be when we have kids... Ect.
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Family sucks sometimes, I feel for you g. From your posts it seems like you and your girl are deep in the game relationship wise, that type of issue never goes away.

My girl's family treats my like a king, especially her mom and stepdad.

Surprising because they're a conservative white Christian family from the south and they love my black ***. :lol:
Guys, what's your viewpoint on the whole opening doors for women thing?

I always open the doors for women (and people in general), with the exception of opening the car door. I've done it maybe once or twice in the past, but I don't make it a habit - most of the time they beat me to the car and end up opening it themselves. Girl made a comment about me not opening her door and then I saw some post on FB about it from one of my friends so it just made me think. 

Like what do women get out of that? I understand it's a gesture but why do they get so bent out of shape about it? 
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Family sucks sometimes, I feel for you g. From your posts it seems like you and your girl are deep in the game relationship wise, that type of issue never goes away.

My girl's family treats my like a king, especially her mom and stepdad.

Surprising because they're a conservative white Christian family from the south and they love my black ***. :lol:

The thing is, it wasn't always like this before... We used to all get along.

Then what I think happened, we all got to close! Like best friends type close, forgetting the boundaries of family in laws.

Getting to close where you feel like you can say whatever you wanna say and get away with it because big brother and little brother suppose to fight and cause trouble.

Then people take offenses and put their ego and pride up so high, nobody wants to apologize.

Interracial relationship FTL! :lol: Just kidding!
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Guys, what's your viewpoint on the whole opening doors for women thing?

I always open the doors for women (and people in general), with the exception of opening the car door. I've done it maybe once or twice in the past, but I don't make it a habit - most of the time they beat me to the car and end up opening it themselves. Girl made a comment about me not opening her door and then I saw some post on FB about it from one of my friends so it just made me think. 

Like what do women get out of that? I understand it's a gesture but why do they get so bent out of shape about it? 
If she not wifey then my hands only opening my side

also I dont know what chicks are thinking but probably this picture of what a gentleman should do
Since we're on the topic of eating box and groceries, what are yall fave methods?

I like lifting me up and putting em in the tombstone pikedriver position while I go to work.
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Youngdoc I think you and your girl will make it thru this

Naw we ain't

She doesn't want to wait and you don't rush into something like marriage.

She wants us both to take time to think about everything but nothing is going to change
Guys, what's your viewpoint on the whole opening doors for women thing?

I always open the doors for women (and people in general), with the exception of opening the car door. I've done it maybe once or twice in the past, but I don't make it a habit - most of the time they beat me to the car and end up opening it themselves. Girl made a comment about me not opening her door and then I saw some post on FB about it from one of my friends so it just made me think. 

Like what do women get out of that? I understand it's a gesture but why do they get so bent out of shape about it? 

I always open doors including the car door. My car has the touch "keyless" entry so I always keep my car keys in my pocket. So when with I'm her I open her door and unlock the car simultaneously
Guys, what's your viewpoint on the whole opening doors for women thing?

I always open the doors for women (and people in general), with the exception of opening the car door. I've done it maybe once or twice in the past, but I don't make it a habit - most of the time they beat me to the car and end up opening it themselves. Girl made a comment about me not opening her door and then I saw some post on FB about it from one of my friends so it just made me think. 

Like what do women get out of that? I understand it's a gesture but why do they get so bent out of shape about it? 

Lol I caught so much **** for this one chick for not opening her door. I never did it before. Couple that with splitting the bill on the first date, and I never heard the end of it :lol:
Smh talk me out of breaking my own rules. Still, when I get consumed by a great new chick, feeling ready to build, that high drops instantly and thoughts of ol girl rush back and I wanna reach out. This love **** is insane.
If she's not reaching out, why do that to yourself?

I know the feel. Best thing to do is make it impossible to contact her. Forget her # and all that jazz, so when your moral breaks down and that urge arises, there's nothing you can actually do but keep it pushing
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