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@Stork condo but when that's happened we were staying in a townhouse.

I'll tell y'all one thing reading this thread makes me miss the chase. Falling in love> being in love. I miss meeting a chick u feeling, planning dates to impress her, trynna get that first smash etc. Sint did that in 5 years.
Haven't heard from that one chick since she left my place Saturday after she cooked dinner and we hung out together. Texted her once Sunday morning and once Monday during the day and she hasn't even read the texts yet. Wonder what's up with her since our first few dates have been great and she a good communicator, not the type to blow someone off. She told me she's into me and "your kisses are so passionate. It's thrilling," then cooked for me, we make out a lot, she calls me pet names (babe, sunshine, sweetie), left some stuff at my apartment, etc... All the signs are good and I'm not concerned at all, I just want to see her again without blowing her up first. She must be busy or maybe having phone issues but I'm gonna call her today and hopefully she picks up.
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Anybody here going to the wine fest on Maryland? first time going with group of friends and i don'k know if we should all bring girls or recruit once we get there.
Haven't heard from that one chick since she left my place Saturday after she cooked dinner and we hung out together. Texted her once Sunday morning and once Monday during the day and she hasn't even read the texts yet. Wonder what's up with her since our first few dates have been great and she a good communicator, not the type to blow someone off. She told me she's into me and "your kisses are so passionate. It's thrilling," then cooked for me, we make out a lot, she calls me pet names (babe, sunshine, sweetie), left some stuff at my apartment, etc... All the signs are good and I'm not concerned at all, I just want to see her again without blowing her up first. She must be busy or maybe having phone issues but I'm gonna call her today and hopefully she picks up.
If you know when she is supposed to get off of work, call her. If she picks up is a good sign, if she doesn't, leave a voice mail basically saying that you hope she had a great day at work and everything is ok, and to get back at you whenever possible.
^That is good advice. I just like her a lot. Every time I get a text I hope I see her name but it's just the other girl lol.

My text on Sunday was, "I passed out immediately after you left. Food coma." Monday was just, "go karts this week." She didn't read either. Just checked tinder says she hasn't been active in a week.

Just seems weird but ya never know with girls.
^That is good advice. I just like her a lot. Every time I get a text I hope I see her name but it's just the other girl lol.

My text on Sunday was, "I passed out immediately after you left. Food coma." Monday was just, "go karts this week." She didn't read either. Just checked tinder says she hasn't been active in a week.

Just seems weird but ya never know with girls.

No worries man I'd assume something went wrong with her phone or shes on phone hiatus.. it happens.
Like he said give her call see if she picks up. if not leave a nice message. (no pet names in the message)
Should have called after the first time she didn't text back. Don't wanna seem too thirsty and leave a trail of messages.
Alright fam, I need some advice. 

Some chick I had chilled with about 2 years back added me on Facebook around a few months ago. I tried going out with her a few times & she was down but was too busy at times according to her. She hit me up last week to chill, so we end up going Downtown, Chicago at like 1 AM. We were just walking around the beach talking, and getting to know each other a bit more. On the way home, she kept touching me & everything so I knew I had the green light. 

Right before I drop her off we ended up making out (nothing to crazy). She says she wants to see me more, but hasn't hit me up. Should I let her do her own thing or should I make a move? I ended up messaging her the night of & she said she wanted to see me on Saturday & didn't know if she could wait till then. 
Anybody here going to the wine fest on Maryland? first time going with group of friends and i don'k know if we should all bring girls or recruit once we get there.
Ahhhhh did someone say drinks

Chill b. It's not even 5 yet.
Its my birthday today. Lucky I had stuff to do or I would have been got something to drink.

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